Diamond Shield's Life


The Plan And The Time It Succeeded


12:00 am. Night. Nopony is awake. Not a single sound heard except the crickets. Storm Cloud lits the lamp. "Okay, the coast is clear, everypony." he whispered. Shine and Black Cloud yawned. "So why are we here again?" whispered Shine Cloud. "I have a plan. I just invited you Shine Cloud to make you feel tired. Go back to bed." whispered Storm Cloud with a smug on his face. "Ugh." she trotted away silently.

"So Black Cloud, this is the plan. We both fly to Canterlot, and you cut the roof silently. We put the roof on the floor and we go in. Then, we get a knife from the kitchen and we stab her mother as she is the only one who approves of stopping this. After that, we put the knife in Bloomia's hooves. We will add a little more blood on her hooves, so it will look like she did it. If this fails, we go to plan B where we disguise and not tell it to anyone. Plan C is where we get the hitponies and kill all the police." Said Storm Cloud, smiling.

"You are a great planner, my brother." said Black Cloud, giving a silent brohoof to his brother. "I know." he said with a smug smile on his face.


2:00am. Night. Police ponies are awake. Sounds of silent trotting and crickets are heard. "Okay, be quiet." They are both gray-colored, they are at least camouflaged unless a flashlight is flashed at them. The two brothers fly to Canterlot. "Go." Storm Cloud whispered. His brother nods, and carefully and silently cuts a medium sized circular hole in the roof, putting it down slowly.They both go in as quietly as they can, but stomps of hooves and soft breathing are heard. They get flash lights and open the Kitchen Door. Storm Cloud gets the knife. They creep in the bedroom door. Storm Cloud stabs her mother 5 times. He checks breathing and pulse. He stabs one more time and it succeeded. They killed her mother. They put the knife in Bloomia's hooves and add spilling blood on her hooves. They fly away as fast as they can.