Diamond Shield's Life


Maybe I Should Not Do This

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It was a nice beautiful day in ponyville until Diamond Shield woke up. (A/N: Dun dun dun dun!) She saw her "Master" and she was getting tired of this, day by day. "My slave, are you tired of this?" He asked. "Yes..no...yes..no..Yes! It's just the same thing. Why do we keep doing THE SAME THING? Everyday?!" "I understand. Come on, let's do something else." He grabbed her hoof and pulled her out the door. "Today,you shall help me sell more slaves!" "Again?! Later!!" She stomped into her room with a slam followed by a lock.
"I got the mane six anyways," said the "master."

Diamond Shield kept thinking about what she would do. Would she stop what she's doing? Should she continue? Should she ask the main six? Should she report this crime to the Princesses? Should she ask her family? That's it! She'll tell her family. A knock was heard on the door. Diamond Shield opened the door. It was her "master"s brother. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Oh, i just wanted to know what you were doing." "I'm thinking about what should i do. Master is making me bored of what he's doing! I'm thinking about telling my family." she said, with her head looking down. "Good idea." "Please don't tell this to Master." "I wont." He smiled.

She packed her stuff as her family lived in Canterlot. "Master and your brother and your sister, i'm leaving for a while, i may be back, but it might take a while." she announced in the train station. "Okay, be back soon, slave~!" "I promise." "Be back." Her "Master"s sister said rolling her eyes. Diamond Shield took a glare as they both hated each other. The train was there. "Well, bye! See you soon!" She waved goodbye while in the seat. The three other ponies waved too.

As she got to Canterlot, she got to her home's address and her family was there. She atleast hugged her mother and not the rest, because the rest of her family was rude. "Where's dad?" she asked. "Playing poker, as always." said her mother while preparing breakfast. "I hate you!" said Cloudia. "I hate you too!" Said Bloomia. "I hate you more!" "More!" "More!" "More!" Her mother sighs. "They never stop fighting." While the argument of the two fillies is heard in the background.

After a while, their father slammed the door with lots of bits which caused a billion in his saddlebag. "I GOT RICHESSSSSSSS!" He said, and he noticed Diamond Shield. "Oh my missed daughter, what brings you here?" he said while putting his hoof on her shoulder. "Uhm, i have an announcement to do, that's why i'm here?" Diamond said, avoiding eye contact with her cruel father. "Well why didn't you say so?" said her mother, brightening up her mood and they all sat in the sofa. "More!" "More!" The two fillies are still fighting. "You can stop now.." said her mother, making the two fillies stop their argument, but still glaring at each other.

"So i'm a slave.." Said Diamond Shield. Her mother spited her tea, while her father was clapping in awe, while the two fillies are still fighting. "Daughter?! Y-you didn't tell me you were a s-slave!!!?!?!" Said her mother, while the broken tea cup was on the floor. "I am so proud of my daughter!" said her father, hugging her daughter hard. "But i am planning to stop this, cause it's getting kinda boring.." "You should!" said her mother. "You shouldn't!" said her father. "More!" "More!" The parents were fighting like the two fillies in the background.

Diamond Shield rolls her eyes. "I'm gonna go get some popcorn." The parents nor the fillies noticed her, and after a while Diamond Shield got back with 3D glasses eating her popcorn. "Nom nom." she said. After finishing her popcorn, she was happy of the movie. And she wanted to stop it. "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPP!" She screamed, loud as a lion's roar, high pitched like a bird's screech. "Alright alright we'll stop!" said both of the fillies and parents.

"So, about it, Should i stop?"

Meanwhile in Ponyville

"Okay Shine Cloud, i don't want this to happen, Black Cloud told me about all this." said Diamond Shield's master to his siblings. "I don't want anything to stop. So Shine Cloud, you need to spy on them. "No." said Shine Cloud. "I want to support her to stop." Black Cloud had an idea. He whispered it to the "Master". After the whispered finished, the Master flashed an instant smirk on his face. "Oh Shine Cloud, I'll stop my bad doings for a week if you spy them!" he said, putting his hoof on his own's siblings chin. "Alright alright, i'll do it." Shine Cloud has gone to Canterlot.


Shine Cloud is spying carefully, recording the audio to get all of the details of the conversation and recording to know who her family members are. After the talk, she quickly hid in the roof which was gray, camouflaging herself. "Goodbye, family!" She at least waved goodbye to her family while walking to the train station. Shine Cloud flied back to Ponyville before Diamond Shield did, giving the media to his older brother and he hid it.

"Hello, i'm back!" said Diamond Shield cheerfully. "Hello." said Shine Cloud. "So what was the result?" "Positive." She smiled.
