So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

by Camlio

Chapter 9: Crossover Madness: Power through Nothingness, the Prince of Power summons the Demon King!


I could feel myself return to my Equestria before any of my other senses registered. Slowly the returned with my sight being last, in time to see the last traces of white light fade away.

Taking in a comforting breath of air, enjoying the familiar, unique ‘taste’ of my Equestria and its magic, I teleported back to my home not too far from the Cullis Gate.

I quickly made my way through to my personal quarters, located in one of the rooms with a door that responded to Will, rather than conventional magic.

Almost as soon as I reached it, I felt the Void... ‘shift’.
I knew another was soon to come to my Equestria, and within an instant, I used my connection to the void to find where.

Hurrying back through the corridors to the Cullis Gate, I sent myself though to the one outside the Border-Town ruins and waited, keeping an eye out for my ‘visitor’.

Skies Above Equestria, Nocturne’s Perspective

The Void, the Rift, the Space between, these words all speak of a place that is home for Demons as much as any netherworld. A universal constant demons exist across all worlds and as such can use that knowledge to travel the Rift as if it was just an afternoon stroll. Though this also meant that for token wielders a demon would appear where it chose unless convenience said otherwise.

“Hmm… the mana here is thick with raw power. Definitely a sign that whoever left that orb’s got gas to spare.” I said from my perch upon a wayward cloud high above the town of Ponyville, chosen simply for its central location in relevance to all the potential areas the orb’s creator could possibly be.

Nocturne’s ears twitch twice as he looks towards the everfree. “Hmm, well that’s odd. Foreign magic near the old prude’s castle? Bet that’s a clue if I’ve ever seen one.” He said as he pulled the weapon from his back and allowed his wings to unfurl from their hidden space in his cape. Soon taking flight for the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters.

As he flew though he felt a tug from the energy that brought him here and simply let himself go, to answer the tug and allowed himself to travel to it’s creator as he vanished in specks of crimson light via teleportation, he was being a rude guest after all.


I could feel the shift in the air around me.
My guest had arrived, but I ‘couldn't recognise this one’s energy.
Moving from my position near the Cullis Gate I walked slowly towards the centre of the ruins,keeping a hand on the hilt of my sword.

Despite having a clear awareness of the presence of the other, I couldn’t see him, or her around, and they most definitely weren’t underground, the town had been built almost directly over a field of bed-rock.
That left me with one solution: up.

Closing my eyes, I entered the mindscape and found him, apparently, on a cloud almost directly above me.

“I consider it discourteous to not know the face of a being I’m playing host to. If you would be so kind?” I said, gesturing to the ground in front of me.

“Yeah, be right down.” The figure replied as he slipped off the cloud and landed in a position that put him on one knee in a symbol of respect. He looked young, very young. His long red hair was the color of blood and framed his face well, he wore a suit and cape that fit well with his role as a high class demon Overlord, based on the medal on his suit’s vest.

Shifting into a straighter position, I tightened my grip on the Sword of Aeons and asked, “Tell me, since you are quite clearly an entity of a less-than-holy disposition, exactly what you are doing here?”

“Answering your summons, sir.” He said with little hesitation or without breaking eye contact, his blood red eyes staring deeply into the amber-eyed mask. “You called me with that orb of yours.”

Still maintaining my straightened posture, I lowered my arm.

“I see. You seem to have found one of MANY Orbs in the multiverse. But that does not interest me. What does is what YOUR world is like. I would rather not find myself in other-worldly conflicts, yet again, for some time as of now.”

“The world I come from is peaceful, it’s inhabitants kind. Mainly due to my species being their guard-dogs in a way. Unlike most demons you would have heard of, my kind does not murder and kill without reason, and as we rely on magic’s base component for sustenance we have become protectors for the Ponykind. Even if they shun us for our… less than idyllic methods of doing so,” he explained without hesitation.

Fully relaxing my posture, I asked two last questions. “Can you contact your home, and how many of you are there?”

Nocturne's Perspective

I blinked twice at that, he wanted to know that? Of all things? Well, it couldn’t hurt. “I can, as long as I have a reflective surface the size of a full bodied mirror, and to answer your second question, we are ever growing in population in response to Demonkind being born and fed on magic. Until that energy fades completely, we shall continue to expand and seek it.”

After a few tense seconds he said, “If you would be so kind as to follow me, I may have use of you for the moment,” and started walking away.

I couldn’t help thinking how creepy this guy was. Then again I remembered that Auric said that a few of the people that were brought here weren’t exactly… sane anymore.
“Alright, after you sir,” I said as I stood and followed him, my boots leaving little to no evidence I had even walked behind him.

He led me to what appeared to be a cluster of small stone columns, some crumbling, in a semi-circle around a slightly convex gold plate.
With the smallest of motions, he gestured for me to step on the plate, roughly two feet in diameter.

I was a bit nervous about what he wanted but, as I was summoned to do what he required by the orb’s pull I moved onto the plate with light and careful steps.

“I’ll be right behind you,” he said as his hands started to glow, soon followed by a glowing mist rising from the plate.

I felt nervous, this was definitely some kind of teleportation, or… gate like construct but, it felt… wrong. Like there wasn’t magic fueling it, or anything there at all. Like a nothingness permeated the air as the device began to come to life.

The feeling of nothingness soon became physical and started spreading up my body following the mist, which was rising at an alarming rate.

My eyes widened as I felt the sensation nearing my waist, the mist starting to obscure my vision as I was practically bathed in it, “H-Hey what’re you doing?!” I couldn’t help but, call out in panic.

He never answered, but as soon as my vision was completely obscured, I felt the comfortable familiarity of solid ground beneath my feet and was soon followed by the pressure on them from their adjoining limbs.

To say I was confused as to what had occurred would have been an understatement, moments ago I felt as if my body was being pulled from existence and now I’m just here… wherever here is.

As the rest of my body became ‘whole’ again and the mist cleared, I saw I was in an average sized room standing on another of those gold plates, which I quickly stepped off of, not wanting to experience the feeling of becoming nothing again anytime soon.

Not long after doing so, my host appeared in a flash of light on the very same plate, and casually stepped off, like it was as common as going into your own kitchen.

“What was that?” were the first words out of my mouth, though honestly I doubt many wouldn’t be tempted to say the same had they just experienced that for the first time.

With barely a glance at me, he said, “That was a Cullis Gate, as was used in the Old Kingdom of Albion,” and continued straight past to a set of double-doors.

Pushing them open he announced, “And THIS is my home.”

I quickly fell in step behind him and gawked at the sight before me, I’d never seen a place like this before, and doubted I ever would again unless dealing with this figure once more..

His ‘home’ was practically a temple. A temple devoted to him, I might add. There was an omnipresent buzzing noise that my large ears picked up, perhaps belonging to whoever worshipped this masked man beside me. As the statues and idols appeared to be reverently maintained, and showed no sign of wearing through the ages.

My eyes caught several shapes flittering too and fro as I watched someone or something maintain a statue. “Okay… I really have to ask this and forgive me for not doing so earlier. But, I believe I need to know your name before we proceed any further.”

There was a slight pause as he stopped a few paces ahead and turned to face me.

“I am Jack of Blades. Wielder of the Sword of Aeons, also known as the blade of Power to those who know of the four Weapons of Madness. And now I believe I am at a loss, Lord...”


“Nocturne, Overlord of the Netherworld Tartarus. It is an honor to meet you Jack of Blades.”

Overlord? I would have expected someone taller,’ I thought to myself as I gestured for him to follow again.

I struggled to accept that someone who was at least five inches shorter than me was the all-damned Overlord.

I led him through the main hall towards the weapons room and down into it, before gesturing to the flat, polished metal that broke the curve of the rotunda.

Nocturne walked quickly towards the polished metal and pressed his right hand flat to it’s surface, the reflection of his body seeming to waver and distort like when a rock was tossed into a completely still pond. He then spoke a few imperceptible words to the reflective surface and was rewarded with a feminine voice that seemed to fill the entire room.
“At once my lord, Master Jack of Blades has now been recognised as a summoner and shall have access to our ranks whenever he chooses.”

As Nocturne spoke his affirmative and turned back, I said, “I have a favor to ask of you and your… underlings.”

Nocturne shook his head. “No sir, they aren’t my underlings. Every Demon is a member of my family, even if they are not by blood. That is why they follow me unconditionally. Because I treat them well and keep them healthy,” he smiled as he said those words.

With a short wave of my hand to dismiss the tangent, I said, “My apologies for the misunderstanding, but nonetheless, I require some help.”

The female voice spoke from behind the metal wall once more, “Of course, simply name your request and we shall dispatch the demons you require with all haste.”

Looking between both the metal and Nocturne, I explained, “Over a thousand years ago, when Princess Celestia imprisoned me between the planes of Life, Death and the Void, I lost my weapons. Each one contains a small portion of my power, and I know she had them scattered. I need help finding them.”

Nocturne looked at me for a moment before nodding. “Well that’s not that bad, I think we could handle that easy given enough time. Though we will need a sample of your power to work our tracking magics on, can’t find something without knowing where to go right?” his voice was filled with confidence that he and his kin could succeed.

“Before I do, you must know, the weapons I seek are a small curved dagger, and three, wire thin bladed hooks.”

The female voice spoke up once again. “I’ve added the description of our objective to our records and we shall begin searching as soon as we have our tracking magics running.”

Releasing a small sigh, I said, “Very well then. If you are confident in their abilities,” and held an armoured hand out, palm up and channeled a bit of will to form another Orb.

“More than confident, it may take a while but, we’ve never failed an objective given to us.” Nocturne said with a smile as he moved over to gently grasp the Orb, seeming to absorb it as he did so. “And that’s the sample we needed.” He spoke once more with that same grin etched on his face.

Bringing my hands closer together, I said, “I’m sure the Changelings will find the help invaluable,” and created another Orb.

Nocturne blinked twice. “Um, what’s this one for?” he asked confused before adopting a slightly shock expression as I crushed it between my hands, only to reveal a tiny, metallic object that re-shaped itself into a key.

“While there are many ways to reach me here, there are very few valid for me to reach others,” I explained and offered him the key.

“So, this is your summon token then I take it?” He asked as he gently grasped the key and placed it in his coat pocket before reaching into his chest and pulling free a bloody medallion which he offered in exchange.

Extending my hand to closer examine the medallion, I answered, “Indeed. One of the only two way I might be called to other worlds.”

The medallion had a symbol of a trio of musical notes in the shape of bats dancing about in front of the moon for the face, while the reverse had the symbol for a Hel the currency of the netherworld which showed that every dealing with demons usually resulted in a deal being made.

“That’s pretty cool, thank you Jack. I’ll be sure to call you only if it’s extremely important, you sound like quite the busy man,” Nocturne said with his seemingly trademark grin.

Reaching in under my cloak, I dropped the medallion into the pouch I had hidden.
“If you do summon me, I would prefer there be a fight. I find it interesting to see how the varying versions have their ponies and such taught different styles of combat.”

“That’s definitely a request I plan to honor. Seeing as summoning you for anything less seems like a disservice.” He said with a smile as he spread his wings and started to float backwards into the reflective metal of the wall, seeming to sink into it as if slowly submerging himself in water.

“May your blades find their sheaths in your enemies, Overlord Nocturne,” I said, bowing my head slightly.

Nocturne smiled and bowed. “And may the grip of the Netherworld never find you, Jack of Blades.” And with that he vanished into the reflective metal, it’s rippling calming to show no trace he had ever been there to begin with.