//------------------------------// // The Suave Security Guard And The Mayor // Story: From Ponyville With Love // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// Murray strutted through Ponyville, keeping his eyes peeled for mares. He spotted two heading his way. Putting on his best smile, he walked over to them. "Hey..." He said suavely. "Hey, yourself." One giggled. "Either of you lovely ladies doing anything this weekend?" Murray asked. "I'll be attending a wedding. How would one of you like to be my plus one?" "Sorry, handsome." The other mare shook her head. "We've got plans." "Thanks for the invite, though." The first mare added. "Some other time, maybe?" Murray frowned as they walked away. "Okay, this is fine. Not everypony gets it right on the first try." He shrugged. Unfortunately, this became somewhat of a pattern, as the second eldest brother found himself being shot down, no matter how much of the charms he put on. After failing on the tenth mare, Murray leant against a lamp post, wiping his brow. "Oy, this is a lot harder than I thought." He admitted. Suddenly, there was a commotion at the other end of the street. A mare with a tan coat and gray mane was attempting to flee from some paparazzi. "Madam Mayor, a moment please!" One reporter asked. "Is it true you're currently in a topiary war with a Changeling?" Another called. "What's your real reason for returning to office?" Another inquired. Murray gave a scowl. He was never very fond of the press. More than once, a member of the Bitalian paparazzi had threatened to expose the family's activities and bring down their enterprise, all for the sake of fame and glory. And there they were, accosting an innocent mare. It made his blood boil. As the mare moved past him, he decided to act, as he stepped between her and the reporters, going from 'suave mode' to 'security mode'. "Okay, that's enough, you vultures." He glared. "The lady won't be taking any more questions." "Excuse me, but who do you think you are?" One reporter was bold enough to ask. Murray pulled out his trusty crossbow. Being the sharpshooter of the family, and the fact that rival mafias and criminals alike were often out to get him and his brothers, he always kept the bow on hoof. "I'm the stallion with a crossbow." He said simply. "Wanna make something of it?" The reporters slowly backed away, not wanting to incur Murray's wrath. "That's right, go back to your grouchy, irritable J. Jonah Jamaresons!" Murray taunted, before huffing, "I hate reporters." The mare walked over to him. "Thank you." She said gratefully. "For the timely, if excessive, save." "No problem." Murray smiled. "Why were they following you, anyway?" "You must not be from around here." The mare chuckled. "I'm Mayor Mare, the... well, mayor of this town." "Murray Napoleon, at your service." Murray nodded. "Actually, I think I heard of you once. But weren't you mayor like, twenty years ago? How can you still be in office?" "I had my first term back then." The Mayor recalled. "After it was over, I took some time to myself. But recently, I decided to take another crack at it. Relive the glory days, as it were." "Ah, a woman who seeks her days of sheer greatness." Murray nodded sagely. "I can admire that in a mare." "Well... thank you." The Mayor blushed. "I was on my way to my office when the paparazzi jumped me. If it's not too much to ask... would you mind keeping me company the rest of the way? I'm not really up to another ambush." "No problem." Murray nodded. "I'd bat away parasites like that for free." They walked on, the Mayor leading the way. Murray kept glancing from side to side, keeping an eye out for trouble. Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound. "Ah, the typical rustling bush gimmick. Oldest and most mundane trick in the book of reporters." Murray grimly chuckled. He turned and fired a warning shot with his crossbow. The bolt landed at the feet of a small white rabbit, who promptly squeaked and fainted. "Oh." Murray went mute. "Do bunnies usually make so much noise in bushes nowadays?" "Angel IV!" A yellow-coated, pink-maned Pegasus yelped, rushing over. "Whoops." Murray cringed. "How dare you?!" The Pegasus rounded on Murray, glaring at him with fierce intensity. "Who do you think you are, picking on a poor, defenseless bunny?" "I, uh..." Murray quailed. "Why would you even carry such an awful thing with you?! What, were you born in the wild like a wild savage or something?!" Fluttershy pushed forward. "Gah-uh…" Murray stammered. "Holy crud, this chick is mental!" "Now, now, Fluttershy." The Mayor stepped forward. "I apologize if my... bodyguard scared your rabbit. He was just trying to protect me." Finding his words, Murray stepped in. "She is correct. I did not mean harm upon your little bunny friend. I was just doing my job…" "Well, I suppose that's okay." Fluttershy sniffed. "But it better not happen again, clear?!" "Yes, ma'am!" Murray gulped. "Okay then." Fluttershy said sweetly. She picked up the prone rabbit and left. "And I'm supposed to be the one protecting you." Murray quipped. "Don't mind Fluttershy." The Mayor smirked. "She's quite protective of her animal friends." "Yeah, no kidding." Murray snorted, "Geez, do I feel sorry for the guy who comes home to that gal." They soon arrived at Mayor's office. "Not bad." Murray whistled, "You ponies do it up right here." "Thanks again for all your help." Mayor smiled. "I hope it didn't put you out too much." "It's okay, Miss Mayor." Murray smiled. "Fact is, I run a security firm back home in Bitaly. Keeping ponies safe is kinda my lot in life." "Among other things." Murray chuckled to himself. "That explains a lot." The mayor smiled. "Not least your impressive skills." "Well, thanks." Murray blushed. "And I have to say, I'm impressed by that dignified air of yours. It's really becoming of you." "My word." The Mayor blushed back. "I haven't had a compliment like that before." "Now that's a shame." Murray smiled. "A refined mare like you should be hearing it more often." "Hearing it once is still quite lovely, though." Mayor admitted. "How about I heat us up a cup of green tea?" Murray suggested, as he somehow pulled out a teapot from his jacket. "I keep a kettle on me for occasions like this." "Oh, I love green tea." Mayor smiled. After Murray brewed the tea, they sat down at the Mayor's desk, and enjoyed their beverage. They talked about all sorts of things; work, home, etc. Finally, Murray noticed it was starting to get dark outside. "Well, I'd best be off." Murray declared. "My brothers are expecting me back soon. It was lovely meeting you, Miss Mayor." "The feeling's mutual, Mr. Napoleon." The mayor chuckled. "We certainly must do this again sometime." "Yeah..." Murray was just about to turn and leave... before he turned back. "Say, could I possibly ask you something?" "Sure, anything." Mayor added. "Well, you see, this upcoming weekend, my little brother is getting married back in Bitaly, and I was wondering if maybe...you could accompany me to the ceremony?" Murray asked. "Why, Mr. Napoleon, are you asking me on a date?" The mayor smiled. "What do you think I'm asking?" Murray gave her a smirk. "Well, I would have to push some things around... but I would love to go." The Mayor beamed. "Excellent." Murray turned to leave once more... before stopping. "Say... since the wedding isn't till this weekend... would you maybe like to... you know, hang out, tomorrow?" "Hmm, I think I can manage that." Mayor agreed. "I would like to get to know you more." "Good." Murray pulled a rose out of nowhere and gave it to her. "Till then, Miss Mayor..." He kissed her hoof and left. The mayor was left blushing, as she then went to her secretary. "Miss Staplehoof, cancel all my appointments for tomorrow, and replace it with one with a Mr. Murray Napoleon." Mayor smiled. Meanwhile, back in Bitaly… Caboose was in the midst of going over security detail for the wedding. It was rather impossible for mafia ponies to get married nowadays without some crazy nutjob shooting up the place. That said, he was talking with Murray's employees from his security firm, them being a group of rugged, strong ponies by the name of Bucky Ross, Lee Hearth's Warming , Yin Yang, Gelder Jenson, Tow Rope, Hay Ceasar, and Tool Box. Unbeknownst to Caboose, these ponies were actually hired mercenaries, rather than your usual security guards. "Okay, we need to make sure this wedding is safe and secure." Caboose declared, "The last thing I want is a drive by shooting… unless it's Train singing 'Drive By'." "You can count on us." Bucky nodded. "A brother of Murray's is a friend of ours. Right, boys?" "Right." Lee agreed. "So, here's my idea: Anypony that steps out of line, I throw knives at 'em." "Knives?!" Caboose gasped. "Or, if that's not to your liking, I could seed the grounds with land mines." Tow suggested. "That'd keep them on their fetlocks!" "Well..." Caboose gulped. "I'll work the door." Yin Yang suggested. "Anypony who doesn't belong tries to get in, I'll give them a good beatdown." "I don't know if that would be…" Caboose began. "How about I set up position on the roof, and snipe any troublemakers?" Gelder asked. "Um..." Caboose quivered. "Sniping?" Hay snorted pleased. "What we need is the heavy artillery. A couple of catapults will put the fear of Celestia inta them!" "Guys, I know from Murray that you guys are the best there is... but seriously, this is a WEDDING, NOT A FORTRESS OF DOOM!" Caboose yelled. "No weapons or explosives of any kind will be required. Got that?" "Sure, whatever you say, boss." Tool nodded. "Good." Caboose nodded. "Now, I'm going to get some water. Be right back." Caboose left the room. As soon as he was certain they couldn't hear him, Caboose let out a shudder. "Man, these guys are hardcore." Caboose shudders. "Good thing these guys follow orders, or I would be scared out of my mind right now." He let out a nervous chuckle. Back in the room, Bucky turned to Tool. "Whattaya say?" He asked. "Let's keep a few hoof-fulls of equipment on stand-by." Tool smiled. "Just in case." The security agents all smiled deviously.