//------------------------------// // A desperate battle, the ally from within // Story: Equestrian Throwdown // by Hex Mark //------------------------------// "Looks like Skylark has picked up a new friend, but too little too late! Rajah has just finished dealing with The Raging Bull! Cobalt Horn has been eliminated from the competition!" The announcer called as some spectators winced, while others cheered. Taurus stood there, trembling slightly before coughing up blood, the red-hot hand being yanked out from his chest. The minotaur fell onto his knees before falling flat on his face. "Damn it!" Cobalt Horn cursed, slamming his hoof against the railing. The blue unicorn looked up to watch Lyra, who was watching intently as Twilight Sparkle and her friends rejoined her. His focus shifted to Skylark, who shared his anger. You better not let him pass this round! he thought with a hint of spite. Gritting his teeth, Skylark watched as the tiger knelt down to collect the key. His right hand tightened into a fist as a fierce heat rose in his heart. Damn it...if I hadn't messed around... he thought, flinching slightly as he brought his palm to his forehead. If you didn't hold back before... That wouldn't have changed a thing...I'd have made things worse.. The fear...that's what makes you weak... Shut up, shut up! "How did you survive that fall?" The tiger asked before kicking the minotaur off the bridge they were standing on. "It doesn't matter; I'm going to have to kill you as-well. Nothing personal, I just can't let my perfect record be stained by letting you walk." Rajah bared his fangs with a smirk. Hasn't he everheard of respecting a bested opponent!? Skylark's rage and his reason agreeing on something. "Caressa...Take your key and get into the door." the human instructed the snake, who backed away a bit. I already know the blind spot when it comes to his vision... he thought back to their earlier fight. Two moments came to play, when the human threw the ball of mana right at his face, and when he hit him point blank with a surge of mana. If I am correct...he is unable to see mana.....that means I just need to get one good shot at him. he thought, bringing a finger to his mouth, biting down firmly with his teeth. Wincing at the feeling of piercing skin, the human blinked when he tasted the sweet-bitterness from the dream, not the metal-taste of blood. What? I'm not bleeding? he wondered, looking at the finger he bit down on. There was a faint, pink fluid that sunk back into the self-inflicted wound, his skin patching itself back together faster than before. Damn...I can't use the nacht jäger...That's just great. he cursed before rubbing his right wrist with his left hand. "Are we done standing around or are we going to settle this?" Rajah asked, stretching before getting into a fighting stance. This isn't good...This is the time I should cut my losses and- he prepared to turn and run to the door, only for Rajah to appear right infront of him as he turned, delivering a swift roundhouse kick to his face, followed by a strong punch to the gut. He jumped back before his opponent could follow up with another hard strike, shuddering and catching his breath. For the love of Celena! he glanced ahead at Rajah, who charged in to maintain his offensive. "Poor Skylark doesn't even stand a chance! Rajah's treating the kid like his own personal punching bag!" the announcer chimed in. "Come on, you gonna take that?!" Rainbow Dash jeered as the human brought his arms up to defend himself. This was all in vain, as Rajah simply plowed right through his guard and sent him tumbling away. Crumpled on the floor, the human began coughing as he tried to recover. Rajah chuckled and stomped on his head. Damn it....damn it... he thought, a groan of pain escaping his mouth. "What's wrong? You were doing so much better earlier!" the tiger grabbed the human by the hair, pulling him up. With one eye closed, the other just barely open, Skylark's shaky breathing complimented his rather pathetic condition. Rajah stared but then smirked. "I know that look all too well...no matter how much you wanna live through this, you're holding back." the tiger punched him in the stomach. "Come on! Why do you keep yourself on a leash even now?!" he roared with anger. "I don't get it..." Balrog unfolded his arms as he leaned forward to look a bit closer. Trixie glanced at him, noting his surprise. "This is the first time Trixie has ever seen you show a bit of surprise, Balrog." the unicorn told her familiar who rubbed his head. "If The Great and Powerful Trixie didn't know any better, she'd say you were afraid of that overgrown cat." "That isn't what I was talking about, Mistress." Balrog corrected Trixie, then pointing at Skylark. "Even though Miles is able to heal himself over time, a human body can't take that kind of punishment." the monster stated, then glanced over at the crowd to watch Lyra, who had fear painted all over her face, then to Twilight Sparkle, who had just arrived to see the scene. "She knows that getting too directly involved would allow my magic to corrode her...that's why she and her friends stayed out of the competition for so long....If she isn't using her magic to help, then how is Miles surviving this?" he asked, but did not receive an answer from the blue unicorn. Miles....if you keep holding back like this...you will die just like your sister did. "I wonder...How far do I have to push you to get you to fight with your all?" Rajah questioned Skylark, kneeing him in the gut before tossing him down onto the floor. Writhing in pain, the human trembled as his arms tried to prop him off his back. "It's a shame I won't be able to see it, isn't it?!" Rajah roared, thrusting his clawed hand at Skylark's chest. The moment the sharp claws punctured his skin, a sudden jet of translucent pink fluid clashed with the tiger's face, gouging into his right cheek. Blood spurted onto the human's face as Rajah recoiled in pain, roaring as his hands covered his bleeding face. W-W-What the hell?! Skylark wondered, looking at the opening. The fluid receded into his body, the wound closing. Hi! a bubbly voice echoed within the human's head, and Skylark wondered for a moment, a mix of horror and confusion on his face.Sorry 'bout popping out like that, but you were in quite a bit of trouble there. Huh?! Wait....Jerky, Taurus and the dog were eliminated from the round...Erubetie?! How the heck di-Skylark went to ask, only then to remember the visit from Princess Luna. You snuck in while I was asleep...That explains that sweet taste... he sighed, pushing himself onto his feet. I didn't go in your mouth, silly~ I didn't wanna wake you, so I used one of those small cuts instead. she giggled a little. Mind explaining why you decided to set up camp inside of me? You were the most eager to help me, after all. You stopped me from killing myself by mistake.I thought maybe I could help you out. What are you going on abou-? he almost asked, but then it hit him. The question he had asked before the challenge even began. "Hold on, question....What would happen if one of us were to try to bypass the lock without a key?" "Take all the fun out of it why dontcha...Simple, they die. And for that matter, if anybody tries to bring a fourth contestant with them through the door, both contestants will be disqualified." Skylark shook his head in surprise, then noticed the pain from the earlier beating was fading away fast. The least I can do is stopping ya from being a piñata. You think we can win against the fire-cat? I don't think so...truth be told, don't want to kill him, even after what he did to Taurus. It's not how I want to do things...but... he looked as the tiger recovered from the sucker-strike, his right paw glowing from cauterizing the wound But he can see our attacks coming...It'll take nothing short of going for a kill to even stand a chance... Skylark brought his right index and middle fingers to wipe Rajah's blood off of his face, looking at the crimson fluid for a moment. "Alright, Rajah!" he called to the tiger, who glared at him. "You want me to cut loose? Well, you're about to get your wish!" he declared, bringing his fingers to his mouth. After a brief moment to hesitate, Skylark closed his eyes as he licked the blood off his finger tips. (To be continued)