Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Bronies VS the undead

You all decided on a long chapter, and on the universe that will be used in this chapter.

It may seem rushed in the beginning, but it was because I was up late during this part.

Also, sorry for the longer delay.

Let's get the 100th chapter rolling!

One last thing: I was playing the game and acting all this out to get a better feel of it XD Now you know why it took so long lol

Chapter 100

[And that's how I shake it!]
<Break! It's to early for your shit!>
{Yeah! I just got to sleep... what, an hour ago? And you just have to start singing!}
[Gotta love me.]

I sighed and rolled over in bed to look at the clock. Oh good, I had five hours of sleep... still not good enough! I need a minimum of twelve to function correctly!

I forced myself to jump out of bed, and picked up my pile of clothes... really? Who keeps cleaning them? Is it Twilight or Dali? I'm so confused right now.

I chuckled to myself and walked out of the room and towards the shower. Did I forget to mention that the showers here are only made for a pony? I have to take showers while sitting on my ass! Think about that for a minute will ya!

[... Who are you raging at?]
{... I don't even know...}

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I pulled my shirt off and looked in the mirror.

"What's up hot stuff?" I said with a smirk, looking at my reflection.

<You are so weird sometimes Lance.>
[Whoa! We're sexy and we know it!]
{Look at that body!}
[Lance, you just ruined the song!]

I chuckled and pulled down my boxers. I tossed them to the side and leaned into the shower to turn it on.

I twisted the nob and crawled into the shower... this is so degrading.

I leaned back and just relaxed, letting the warm water run down my body.

*Knock Knock*

"Occupied." I said with my eyes still closed and head tilted back.

After a few seconds, I heard the door open.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DAD?! I didn't know you were in here! OH WHY?! Now I've seen both my parents naked!" Spark yelled as he tripped over himself trying to get out of the bathroom.

"I said occupied." I yelled back, a smirk on my face.

<Awww, we're scarring the young boy for life.>
[Yeah... But we're doing it like a boss!]

I laughed to myself as I finished up the shower and pulled on my fresh clothes... note to self, need fresh boxers.

After I had my clothes on, I went down stairs and ate a quick breakfast with Fawn and Dali.

Now, where has Twilight run off to?

Before I could ask Dali where Twilight was, I heard a knock at the door.

Fawn smiled and jumped off her chair, "I got it!"

I chuckled and pushed a biscuit into my mouth.

"Grandma!" I heard Fawn yell from the door.

Oh shit.

[Oh fuck.]
<Oh whore.>
[That's a new one.]

I sighed and quickly began to stuff my food into my mouth.

"Lance Greenfield! Chew for Christ sake!" My mom said when she walked into the kitchen, being led by a happy Fawn.

I picked up my orange juice and washed the food down, "Sorry about that."

She sighed and smiled, "Lance, I need you to do a big favor for me."

No... NOOOOO! Last time I did a 'favor' for her, I ended up playing a baby at a parenting class... why did she have to do the diaper change and everything?!

I shuddered at the memory, "Wh-what do you want me to do?"

She put on her best begging face, "Since Barehoof and I are about to get married, I want you and your brother to be there for it."

I raised an eyebrow, "But mom, we already found out he isn't even in this world. Remember? Right after Omnius left the first time, you asked the Princess and she told you he was in a world based off a video game."

She began to tap her hoof... not a good sign, "I don't care Lance. I know your friend Omnius can travel between dimensions. I want you to go and get your brother."

"But mom!" I whined.

She glared, "No buts! You're going to go and get your brother, or I'm going to move in with you."

That threat... Is she serious?

[Play it safe Lance, I don't want to live in the same house as her anymore!]

"Alright... I'll do it mom." I said reluctantly.

She smiled and clapped her hooves, "Thank you Lance! You don't know how much this means to me."

I forced a smile, "Yep..." I turned back and looked at my remaining food.

"Now." She said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Now?" I questioned.

She glared, "Yes now!"

[Get a move on it Lance! She's going to go into rage mode!]
<Pissed off mom mode... that's worst than Breaking Dawn! RUN YOU FOOL!>

I jumped up and gave Fawn a quick pat on the head, "Stay fruity!"

<Lance... you just said the wrong thing... You meant to say, 'Love you, see you in a few days'.>
[HAHAHA! I made him say that!]

I ran towards the front door and saw Spark rocking back and forth on the chair, "Spark, you're the stallion of the house till I get back!"

He nodded in response.

I burst through the front door and began running for the palace.

Thirty two minutes later. Frederic's and Luna's room.

Omnius looked around, "Nice place.. but why am I here again?"

I looked up from the map, "You're the only person who can actually get us to my brother's world."

Omnius raised an eyebrow, "Brother?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, brother."

He walked over and looked the map over, "Never knew you had a bro."

I shrugged, "Yeah, I've just barely mentioned him."

Frederic walked back into the room with a second map, "Here's a smaller one, we'll use it once we're there."

I nodded and went back to studying the map.

"So, what world is he in?" Omnius asked, rubbing his goatee.

I bit my bottom lip, "Well... He's in the world of Dead Rising 2."

Omnius facehoofed, "Of course! It just has to be that place!"

Frederic frowned, "This is a bad idea Lance. You sure we have to go?"

I nodded sadly, "We have no choice... my mom gets what ever she wants... and if she doesn't... you better run like a little bitch."

Omnius chuckled, "I won't run, I'll take it like a man!"

"Yeah... till she takes your manhood away. Dude, I'm serious about that. She will rip it off!" Okay, maybe not, but you never know.

Omnius winched, "Ouch..."

I smirked and looked back at the map of the area Mark's in.

Omnius raised an eyebrow at the map, "Okay, where did you guys get that map?"

Frederic chuckled, "Uhh, magic dude. I just had Luna summon it from Lance's memory."

I smiled proudly.

Omnius nodded, "Legit." He then suddenly turned into his human self, "When do we move out?"

I shrugged, "The moment we're all ready."

"Ready!" Omnius yelled out.

"Been ready for the past half hour." Frederic said with a smile.

I popped my back, "I'm ready to kick some ass!"


"So... what do we do now?" I asked as we all just stood around the small table.

Omnius smiled sheepishly, "I have no idea."

Frederic shrugged, "No clue."

I sighed, "Of fuck it, lets just go!"

Omnius smiled and struck a pose, "And the Traveler will get you there."

"What?" Frederic said with a smirk.

Omnius sighed, "Never mind." He popped his fingers, "And we go!"

We all suddenly surged forward and into a void like tunnel.

As we flew through it, I raised an eyebrow, "Cool?"

Omnius nodded and smiled, "Very cool."

A few moments later, we burst through what seemed like a blanket and landed on a concrete floor.

"Oh fuck! My elbow!" I yelled out, holding my hurt elbow.

Omnius rushed over to me and clamped a hand over my mouth, "Shut up! We're in enemy territory now!"

Oh... I forgot.

[You would forget.]

Frederic crawled over to us and peered over the small wall we were behind, "I don't see anything."

"Nothing at all?" Omnius asked.

Frederic frowned, "Well, if you don't count piles and piles of dead bodies, then no."

Piles of bodies?

I looked over the wall and gasped. There were very large piles of bodies all over the room. You couldn't even see the floor!

This is to much for me... and we've only been here a minute!

Omnius sighed, "They're humans, not zombies."

"What?!" Me and Frederic said in surprise.

He nodded with a sad expression, "I guess this is where they keep the dead."

I gulped and looked out over all the bodies, "Oh my..."

[Toughen up Lance!]

Omnius stood up and pulled out a small device.

I stood up and looked at it, "Uhh, what's that?"

He chuckled, "This? Oh, it's just my handy dandy PDA. I'm checking where we are right now."

Frederic walked over and looked at it, "So where are we?"

Omnius tapped in a few commands and raised an eyebrow, "Strange. It say's we're in the safe house..."

Frederic looked around, "Really? I would have never guessed it."

Omnius began walking forward, "Come on guys, I want to see if anyone's here."

Frederic and I nodded and followed behind him.

We walked through the whole area, but there was no one here. It was empty, only bodies occupied the area.

We all stopped at the stairs that lead downward and sighed, "This place is abandoned."

"Wouldn't they stay here?" Frederic asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know... I hope they just moved to a new area."

Omnius smiled, "Moved to a new area huh? That means it's time to kill some zeds!"

I smiled weakly. I don't think I can do it...

Omnius and Frederic walked down the stairs towards the vents that lead into the main part of Fortune City. I hesitated, actually scared of facing the undead.

Frederic looked up and smiled, "Come on Lance, I'll watch over you."

I forced a weak smile and walked down the stairs and watched as Omnius climbed into the vents, followed by Frederic.

[Get in there Lance!]
<You can do it Lance!>

I gulped and climbed into the vents.

Two minutes later

"Clear." Omnius called back to us as he pulled himself out of the vents and into the Machine Room.

Once we were all out of the vents and in the large room filled with machines, I had a sudden feeling of deja vu, weird... wait, that's right, I've played the game.

Omnius chuckled, "Nice, follow me you two, me and my blade will keep you safe."

"Blade?" Frederic questioned.

Omnius nodded and pulled a strange sword out of nowhere, "My Travelers Blade, goes with me where ever I go."

I nodded in approval, I'll just let him take care of the zombies.

Omnius began to walk forward, "Lets find your brother and get the hell out of here."

We followed after him.

As we climbed the stairs, I had a thought. "Hey guys, if its been about eleven months since the rapture, shouldn't all the zombies be dead?"

Frederic looked at me as we passed the double doors, "What do you mean?"

I shrugged and looked at the open maintenance room, which was empty of all supplies, "Well, think about it. The people who came here should have killed off all the zombies. They've had enough time, right?"

Omnius shrugged, "I don't know. There was a lot of dead bodies back there. But, they may have..."

We all went silent as we turned the corner and saw that the double doors at the end were open. But that's not what made us stop, it was the semi-large crowd of zombies that stopped us.

"... Forget my theory." I said quietly.

I began to breath heavily. I always thought I could do something like this... I thought wrong.

[Lance, be strong! For your friends!]
{I can't! I just can't!}

Omnius stepped forward, "I got this. You two, find something to defend yourselves with."

Frederic nodded and ran back the way we came. I just stood there, having an internal fight with myself.

What do I do?! I can't fight them, but I have to! If I don't, my friends could die! Think Lance!

Frederic doubled back and began to pull me after him, "Come on Lance!"

I nodded and allowed him to pull me towards the small supplies closet.

Inside was nothing of use, unless you counted a mop as a weapon.

None the less, Frederic picked it up and broken the bottom part off, leaving only the broom stick.

Frederic tossed it to me and sighed, "Well, at least we have one weapon..."

I looked at the wooden pole in my hand and shook my head, "Here, you can have it."

He smiled, "No Lance, you need it more."

I gulped, "No, I insist... just take it."

He furrowed his brow and took the broom handle, "Are you okay Lance?"

I gave a small nod, "Yeah, just fine. Why do you ask?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Let's get back to Omnius."

I let him walk past me before running my sleeve across my forehead, am I this scared? Wow...

I followed Frederic out of the supplies closet and back to the double doors. Once there, we saw Omnius slashing through the body of a female zombie with his Travelers Blade.

He twisted around and slashed his sword across another's neck, taking the head off.

"Wow... he's good." Frederic said in awe as we watched him take out the entire crowd. Frederic looked at the broom stick and frowned, "And I was proud of this..."

After a few seconds, the last one fell, leaving a smirking Omnius, "To easy."

I clapped my hands quietly, "Good job... now, what about the rest?"

Omnius looked around to see many more small crowds of zombies walking around. "Well... that sucks."

<... Lance, you played the game. Do what you do when you can't fight.>
[Run like a bitch!]

Frederic beat me to giving the obvious answer, "Couldn't we just run past them, they are walkers after all."

Omnius snapped his fingers, "Of course!"

I smiled, "I'm down with that." At least this way I don't have to kill anything.

I was the first to take off running. Frederic and Omnius followed my lead.

I sprinted past the first crowd easily, but the next one was larger and more compact. I began to weave my way through the crowd, knocking the ones that got in my way to the side.

Behind me, I could hear Omnius breathing heavily as he swung his sword at the ones that blocked his path. I could hear the thuds of Frederic's broom stick as he slammed it into the undead.

Finally, after many close calls, I burst through the crowd and onto the other side, which had less zombies.

As I sprinted towards the stationary escalators, I caught a glimpse of a mirror or something reflecting the light on the second floor. Oh shit...

I stopped and raised my hands, "Wait!"


The zombie in front of me fell to the floor, missing the side of its head.

I looked up to the second floor and saw a young man standing up, a rifle held in front of him, "Run you idiot!"

I snapped out of my trance and sprinted forward, the others close behind me.

As we ran, I could hear the man firing, taking out a few zombies before they could get in our path.

We reached the escalators and began to run up them. At the top stood another man, a pump action shotgun held in his hands.

He stepped to the side and allowed us to run past him. He then stepped back in place and began to fire downward at the zeds that tried to follow us up.

I stopped running when I reached the wall and I leaned against it, trying to catch my breath.

A third young man, this one holding an assault rifle, walked up to us, "What are you retards doing?! You know it's not safe to be walking around on the first floor!"

Frederic took in a breath of air, "Yeah, we know... now."

The man looked us over, "Wait... I've never seen you three. You all look... clean."

Oh come on! Give us a break!

Omnius stood and put his blade on his back, "Yeah, we've been stuck in a locker room this whole time."

The man shifted the rifle and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? Well, I don't believe you."

"We're actually looking for someone." I said, trying to lure the conversation away from us.

The mane shifted his gaze to me, "That so? Who are you looking for then?"

"Mark Greenfield." I said, standing up straight.

The man chuckled, "I see."

"Do you know where he is?" I asked hopefully.

The man smirked, "Now, why would I tell you that?"

I sighed, "I'm his brother."

The man did a double take, "Brother?! You mean you're the little brother he's been talking about?!"

I smiled brightly, they do know where he is! "Yes! That's me!"

The man smiled, "Lance Greenfield?"

I nodded and held out my hand, trying to be friendly, "And you?"

"Jason Whit." He said while shaking my hand.

He then pointed behind himself, at the guy with the scoped rifle, "That's my little brother, Jed Whit."

Omnius pointed to the other man, "And what about him?"

Jason chuckled, "Him? He's never given us a name, he just told us to call him Doc."

"Why?" Frederic asked.

Jason shrugged, "Beats me. He's pretty silent."

I held up a hand, "Wait, so do you know where Mark is?"

Jason nodded with a slight frown, "Yeah... but it's on the other side of the City. At the Yucatan Casino."

I sighed, "Well shit, nothings ever easy for us."

Jason chuckled, "Hey, it's a good thing he's over there doing what he's doing."

I raised an eyebrow, "And what is he doing?"

Jason smiled, "Well, you see, we think we've figured out why the zombies keep coming. Because, every time we clear an area, they always move back into it after we leave. But, thanks to our tech guy, we think we've got it pinned. All we have to do is get into the underground tunnels and locate that lab. Once we're there, we can look into all the data."

Omnius stroked his goatee, "Hmmm, then why aren't you helping him?"

Jason held up a hand, "Whoa, there's a reason. We're split up into three teams. My team, Trey's team, and Mark's team. My team is guarding the safe house, and Trey's team is keeping watch over the strip, keeping as many zombies away from Mark's team as they can."

I looked around, "Well, could you take us two Mark?"

He sighed, "No can do buddy. That would require my team abandoning the post."

Frederic rubbed his chin, "Couldn't you just send someone with us to guide us?"

Jason looked around nervously, "Well... *Sigh* I guess." He turned and yelled to his brother, "Jed, go tell the others to post more guards out here, we're going to lead those three to Mark's team."

Jed stood and saluted before running into a barricaded store.

Jason looked back at us, "Now, tell me the truth. We're have you three been this whole time?"

Frederic spoke up, "Fine, we've been hiding in a back room."

Jason chuckled, "Couldn't handle the zombies, huh?"

"Guess not." I said sheepishly.

Jason smirked and turned, "Well, I guess we'll have to keep a watch over you three. Wouldn't want you all to die, now would we?"

I raised an eyebrow, but followed.

He lead us to the door that lead into the barricaded store. He held up his hand and walked in.

A few minutes later, he came out with his brother and a bag, "Here, you'll need better weapons. Sadly, all we have is crappy pistols for you to use."

Frederic stepped forward and pulled out a cheap looking pistol and shrugged, "A weapons a weapon."

Omnius shook his head, "Nah, I'll stick to my blade."

I gulped and reached in and pulled out one. It felt heavy in my sweaty hands.

[Hell yeah! We got a gun!]
<Oh yeah, a noise maker...>
[Shut up! I'm going to enjoy killing those undead freaks!]
{I'm not killing any of them... It's like killing people.}
[Lance, you're a pussy.]

I shrugged off Break's comment and looked around, "So, who's going to take us there?"

Jason dropped the bag and smiled, "Me and Jed will be taking you. And maybe Doc, if he chooses too."

Doc looked over at us from his position, "Can I kill some bastards?"

Jason chuckled, "You know you can."

Doc smiled and fired off another shot downward.

Jason adjusted the strap on his assault rifle and smiled, "You noobs ready?"

Noobs? Yep... he's a gamer. "Yeah, I guess we're ready."

He made his way to the escalators and talked silently to Doc. Jed was slowly making his way that way.

Omnius turned to us and furrowed his brow, "Does this seem... to easy to you guys?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah... It does seem to easy... Should we be worried?"

Frederic rubbed his chin, "I don't know. I think we should keep an eye on them, just in case."

"You guys coming? Or are you just going to stand around?" Jed yelled as they all began to descend the escalators.

Omnius nodded to us and began walking after them, Frederic and I followed after him.

Jason's group lead us down to the first floor and through the large crowd. Luckily, the crowd wasn't to close together, so it was easy to get past them all without getting to close.

When we reached the doors that lead outside, Jason turned and looked at us, "Okay, when we get out there, stay close. Trey's team is positioned on top of the Yucatan Casino, and will shot anything that moves. We'll.." He raised his rifle and fired off a short burst at a single zombie stumbling over to us, "We'll, wave the red cloth, which is the signal not to shoot. Got that?"

We all nodded in response.

"Okay, let's do this." Jason said, pushing open the door.


Frederic ducked behind the over turned trash bin, already halfway to the Yucatan Casino.

Lance and Omnius was next to him, both waiting for Jason to give the signal.

There were a few zombies stumbling around, all the others lay in heaps on the ground. Trey's team must be great shots to take all of them out.

Jason pulled a red shirt out of his pocket and stood up from his cover. He then began to wave it back and forth.

Seconds later, he smiled, "Okay, I think they saw it."

Lance exhaled, "Good, can we move forward now? I kinda want to get to my brother before something happens... again."

Jason stashed the shirt back into his pocket and stepped out of cover, "Yeah, feel free to move forward."

Lance stood, "Finally, come on guys."

Wow, Lance is getting jumpy...

Frederic stood and faced Lance as he walked around the trash bin, "Wait up Lance, I don't want you to get bitten."

Lance stopped and turned to face Frederic, "Don't worry dude, I'm going to be fine. I'm more worried about you and..."


Lance's head snapped to the side as blood splattered across the trash bin and Frederic.

Frederic stood there shocked as Lance fell to the ground, blood seeping from a bullet hole in his head.

Jason began yelling, trying to get the sniper teams attention.

Omnius yelped in shock at seeing Lance's body.

Frederic fell to his knees, kneeling beside Lance. Tears streaking down his face. His closest friend... was dead.

Doc walked over and kneeled down next to Lance's body.

Frederic lashed out, "Stay back! Just... stay back."

Doc kept a blank expression as he put two fingers to Lance's neck.

Frederic tried to push him away, "Stop! Don't you touc..."

"He's alive." Doc said simply.

"He's alive... but how?" Frederic asked, very confused.

Doc reached down and slowly tilted Lance's head to the side, "The bullet only hit right eye."

"What?" Omnius asked as he kneeled down next to them.

"The bullet went in at a angle, a centimeter to the left. It then came out of his eye..."

"How do you know that?" Frederic asked.

Doc smiled, for the first time, "I'm a military doctor. This is my field of expertise."

"Can you help him?" Frederic asked hopefully.

Doc's smiled changed to a frown, "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. We don't have that kind of medical supplies left."

Frederic put his face in his hands, hopeless.

"I can though." Omnius said.

Frederic looked up, "How?"

Omnius took a deep breath, "Watch."

He took a deep breath and raised his hands. He began to rub them together, causing a small glow to form on them.

"Whoa." Jed said behind them.

Omnius slowly lowered his hands onto Lance's face, letting the glow spread over his head. Omnius began to breath heavily as he forced more and more of his energy into the very special spell he had learned long ago.

Seconds later, he fell back, breathing heavily.

Lance, however, began to stir. He opened his left eye and blinked, "What the..." His hand suddenly shot up to his face, feeling the empty spot where his eye use to be.

His eye widened, but before he could scream, Frederic put a hand over his mouth, "Omnius! What did you do?!"

Omnius sat up slowly and rubbed his head, "I cleaned the wound and stopped the bleeding... I couldn't close it though..."

Frederic gulped and looked down at Lance, looking like he was in shock, "Lance, I'm going to remove my hand. Please don't scream."

Lance looked at him and slowed his breathing.

Frederic removed his hand and exhaled when Lance remained silent, "Okay, good. Come on Omnius, help me carry him."

Omnius nodded and bent down to pick up Lance.


<Remain calm Lance. Keep your breathing steady, don't freak out because you no longer have your right eye.>
<So much for keeping calm...>

Frederic and Omnius was carrying me towards the Casino while the others provide cover.

How did this happen? Why my eye?! And my right eye! FUCK!

I actually felt like crying. I might when I get back home.

There was a bandage wrapped around my head, covering my right eye.

As we passed a store, I looked at the glass to see my reflection. I let out a small chuckle at how I looked with the bandage wrapped around my head.

[That's it, just laugh it off Lance!]

I let my head roll back lazily. I closed my eye and tried to relax.

Very soon, I heard the sounds of doors opening.

Huh, guess we're here.

"Stop right there!" Said a very familiar voice.

"Whoa! Lower your weapon!" Jason said as he walked in.

"What?! Jason, why are you here?"

"We were escorting someone here to meet you." Jason said.

"Who? There's no one left to.... Lance.... Oh my God! What happened to him?! How did he get here?!"

I opened my eyes to see Mark standing next to me. Frederic and Omnius must have laid me down... how did I miss that?

"Hey Mark." I said, trying to stay calm against the pain.

Mark was frantically looking me over, "Was he bit?"

"No, shoot." Jed said sadly.

"Shoot... oh no, it was Trey's team, wasn't it?" Mark said, looking sadden and worried.

"Yes." Jason said lowering his head. "I don't think they saw the signal..."

"Damn it..." Mark said, tightening his grip on his assault rifle.

Omnius cleared his throat, "There is no need to worry. I was able to stop the bleeding and clean the wound."

Mark looked at him and forced a small smile, "Thanks for that... Who are you?"

Omnius smiled, "Nathan, but you can call me Omnius, the Traveler of Good."

Mark chuckled, "Alright then, good to meet you Omnius."

Omnius did a small bow, "And it's a pleasure to meet you, brother of Lance."

I chuckled lightly.

Frederic held out his hand, "It's nice to meet you Mark, I'm Frederic."

Mark smiled and shook his hand, "Good to meet ya too."

Jason cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "So Mark, how goes the mission?"

Mark became serious, "We're still cutting through the entrance to the underground passages. Someone's wielded them all shut."

Jason cursed, "How long?"

"Ten more minutes, and we'll be through." Mark said, adjusting the strap on his weapon.

Jason nodded, "Good." He then turned to Doc and Jed, "Alright, we're going to join up with them, I don't think it's safe to be out there anymore..."

I lifted my head and looked out the door to see a large crowd forming... but how?

"What the hell! I thought Trey's team was keeping them thinned out!" Mark said as he lifted a walkie talkie to his mouth, "Trey, why have you stopped firing?!"

There was a sound of static before a answer came through, "We just shot a friendly human... We're pulling back."

"No!" Mark yelled into the mic, "Stay up there, he's alive, don't worry about him!"

"Fine..." Then static.

Mark looked down at me and held out his hand, "Can you stand Lance?"

I reached up and allowed him help me stand, "Yeah, I think I can." Oh man, I feel so off balanced with out my right eye.

[It's your own damn fault!]
{I know...}

Mark put his hand on my shoulder, "Come here Lance, I want you to meet someone."

"Who?" I questioned as he lead me through the Casino to the back room where the cashiers use to hand out the chips.

When we walked in, I could see a nice computer set up with a few people at the computers.

Mark walked over to one computers where a girl his age sat, "Lance, this is Jordan, my fiancee."

Wait... what? She's his... Way to go Mark!

She looked up at me and smiled, "Hey. I haven't seen you around here."

I chuckled, "Oh, we've kinda been in hiding."

Mark gestured to me, "Jordan, this is Lance, my little brother."

She smiled and stood up, "It's nice to finally meet you Lance. Your brother here has been talking about you a lot."

Mark chuckled and put a arm over her.

"So, you two are engaged?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yep, for about a month now. We've been planning on getting married, but it's kinda hard when with all the killing and stuff."

Mark shrugged, "Yeah, plus, we've been working on setting up this mission for a while, and right now, that's more important."

Behind me, I could hear the others coming into the large room.

"Those zombies are starting to pile up against that door Mark, I don't know how much longer they'll hold." Jed said.

Mark waved his hand, "Aw, don't worry about that. They've held for a long time, they're not going to break now."

"Yeah, but there's a lot more of them out there this time..." Jason stated.

Mark sighed, "Well, it doesn't really matter, we should be..."

"Mark! We got it!" A teenager yelled as he ran into the room.

Mark twisted around, "You did?"

The teenager smiled, "Sure did. We're ready to move out when you are."

Mark smiled, "Good." He then turned to Jordan, "You know what to do, right?"

She nodded and sat down, "Monitor the tunnels and keep up constant communications with your team."

Mark chuckled, "Exactly." He turned to me and the others, "You six want to tag along?"

Jason laughed slightly, "What, go down into the most dangerous place here? Meh, sure. I've been itching to mow down a few hundred zombies for a while."

Omnius also nodded, "Yeah, we're in also, right Lance?"

I looked around, I still didn't want to have to kill anything... but I'll have to get over that, "Yes, we're gonna help them."

Mark gave me a brotherly hug and looked me over, "Do you have a weapon?"

I reached down to my waist band and... felt nothing. Damn it! It must have fallen out! "Uhhh, I did, but I think I lost it."

He sighed and reached behind him and pulled a pistol from his belt, "Here, you can have mine. Just don't lose it, okay?"

I chuckled, "I won't, promise."

He gave a nod and began walking for the door, "If you're coming, you may want to hurry, or we'll leave you."

Jason and his two teammates began to follow him, I also began, but Frederic stopped me, "Lance, I thought we were only here to bring him back! Not help them with a suicidal mission!"

I sighed, "I know Frederic, but I can already tell he's not going to leave until this mission is over... and we're also going to have to take Jordan with us. Because I know he won't leave her behind."

Frederic rubbed his face, "This day just keeps getting better, huh?"

I gave a shrug and followed after everyone else.

Mark lead all of us down out of the room with the vault and computers and to the right. We walked past a few columns and into a area with two elevators. But, Mark kept walking and down towards the restrooms.

"Huh, elevators?" Frederic said as we pasted them.

"Don't work, already tried." Mark said as he rounded the corner, heading for the men's bathroom. But instead of walking into it, he kept going, heading for a grey door. Beside the door was another man, also armed with an assault rifle.

He and Mark exchanged a few words before they both walked through the door. I was the first one of my group and Jason's group to walk in.

When I passed the first door, I saw 'AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY' written on the wall with 'NO SMOKING' under it.

I turned to the left to see another room, this one had what looked to a hole with a ladder in the floor. There were four people in the room, Mark and the guy from the door, plus to others.

Mark nodded to one of them and turned to face me, "It's a good thing you guys came when you did, I don't know if my small team would have made it down there."

I smiled weakly, scared to death of going down that hole, "Yeah, I guess we're all lucky."

[Let's kick some ass!]
<Let's hide...>

Everyone else behind me walked into the room and began to talk tactics. Only Frederic and Omnius stayed beside me.

"Is this really a good idea Lance?" Frederic asked.

I looked at him, "No, but I think we'll be fine."

Omnius put a hand on my shoulder, "We're more worried about you than ourselves. You lost your right eye, and that's the worst one to lose sometimes."

I gulped, I just realized that I used my right eye to aim... oh shit. Well, it's to late to correct that mistake, gotta move on.

Mark turned to us and waved us over, "Hurry up you three, we're going down."

The men in the room began to climb down the ladder, each slinging their weapon onto their back.

Once everyone in the room was through the hole, Omnius jumped in after them, followed by Frederic. I was left to stand there alone.

<Come on Lance, you can do it! Do it for them!>

I gulped and walked over and climbed down the ladder.

Once at the bottom, I could see we were in a tunnel of sorts, a train tunnel. On the tracks was a large cart with a blue tarp over it. To my right was another maintenance room, but everyone else was going left, towards a golf cart of sorts.

They were looking it over and talking about who rides in it. As I neared, Mark pointed at me, "Lance should rid in the back with his two friends. Jason and Jed can drive, the rest of us will be on foot."

Oh great, am I getting spacial treatment since he's my brother?

Omnius climbed in the back and held up his sword, "Come on every one!"

Frederic jumped in and held his pistol in front of him. I sighed and followed their lead and jumped in.

Jason and his brother climbed up front while everyone else circled around the vehicle.

Mark gave the signal to move forward and the vehicle surged forward and down the ramp.

I looked around at all the zombies and.... HOLY SHIT! It's like a fucking pool! I can't even see the ground in some parts!

Jed leaned out of the cart's passenger side and began firing his assault rifle on single shot, scoring head shots, only missing a few times.

The others soon followed his lead and began firing at the crowd of flesh. The vehicle was moving slowly, trying to keep pace with the others.

Frederic was looking down the sights of his pistol, taking a shot from time to time. Omnius was standing up holding his sword at the ready. Me, I was sitting there in shock.

"SHIT!" Jason yelled from the front when we hit a fat zombie.

The cart stopped suddenly, the fat zombie jammed under it, keeping it from moving.

"Everyone out, now!" Mark yelled as he pulled me from the cart, still firing his rifle.

I stood up and looked around me. Everyone was in a semi circle around the immobile cart, firing at the large crowd of zombies that was forming around us.

[This is just our luck!]
{I know... we're all going to die.}
[Fine! I'll do it for you!]
{Break! No!}

Suddenly, my arm shot up, pointed the pistol at the crowd that was slowly closing in around us.

(My sound effects need some work XD )

Two zombies fell to the ground with a bullet hole in each of their heads.

[See?! Nothing to it!]

I sighed, fine, I'll do this... but only because they're already dead and I want to help my friends!

I brought the pistol back up and began to fire.


Four more fell, the other two just staggered after getting hit in the chest or shoulder. Shit, need to work on my aim.

Suddenly, the sounds of a machine gun on automatic filled the air, it was soon followed by more.

I turned to see everyone else firing into a certain part of the crowd, clearing a path for us.

As soon as there was a gap in the crowd, Mark yelled out, "Run!"

We all ran down the very small gap of the crowd as it began to converge on us again.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Some one screamed from behind, but I didn't turn to see who. I was to scared!

"WAIT WAIT WAIT NOO-AHHHHhh!" Another screamed

When I came out on the other side of the crowd, I kept running. Up ahead, I could see a platform. Thank God!

"Lark! Noooo!" Someone screamed. A second later, I could hear him screaming out in pain.

Once I reached the platform, I slammed into it at top speed and pulled myself up, ignoring the pain in my chest from the impact.

I looked back the way I cam to see everyone running, the crowd very close behind. Beyond the main crowd was three smaller ones, each bent down and surrounding something... oh no.

Please, please don't be my friends!

For once, luck was on my side, because Frederic and Omnius were the first ones to climb onto the platform, followed by Mark and the two brothers. Doc was the last one to pull himself up.

But the other three, the ones names I do not know, were not among them.

[This is like a fucking video game! I mean come on! Those three guys meant nothing to us, and we didn't even know their names! It's like in a game when they kill off the unimportant people, so the main characters can move along!]

Jason hung his head, "We already lost three... three of my friends."

Mark sighed and rubbed his face. He pulled out his walkie talkie and pressed the bottom, "Jordan, how many are between us and the lab?"

A burst of static, "Not many. A few large groups, but you can easily pass them with out getting close."

"Thanks babe." Mark said as he put the walkie talkie back on his belt.

Jason straightened up, looking determined, "You guys ready?"

Jed whipped his sleeve across his face, "Yeah, I'm ready."

Mark pulled the clip out of his gun and sighed, "Anyone have a spare? I'm almost out."

Doc opened his satchel and tossed one to him, he then tossed one to Jason and Jed.

Once they were all done reloading, Mark pointed down the tunnel, "You guys ready for this?"

We all responded yes and followed him off the platform and onto the tracks.

The undead quickly turned towards us and began to stumble our way.

Mark began to sprint ahead, followed by everyone else.

I was starting to have trouble keeping up, but Frederic and Omnius were beside me, keeping pace with me.

We were able to easily pass all the zombies, but they were now following us. Not good if we get cornered.

Up ahead, I could see a red light flashing.

"Finally!" Omnius said as he slashed his sword across a zombie who had stumbled a bit to close.

"Hurry up!" Mark yelled as he reached the large metal doors. He pulled out his walkie talkie and began to talk into it.

When I was closer, I could hear him saying, "... Password?"

He removed his finger from the button and seconds later came a response, "Forty two, thirty nine, fourteen, seventy five, sixty nine."

"Got it." He yelled into it as he put it in his pocket.

I ran up beside him and watched him put it in wrong, "Damn it!"

Doc and Jason were firing their weapons into the oncoming crowd, trying to buy us more time. Jed was at the door, his back to it.

Mark tried again, and failed. He cursed and punched the code in again. This time, it beeped in approval.

He smirked and looked at me as the doors began to open, "See Lance, gotta have steady..."

"AHHHHHH!" Jed screamed out.

We all looked his way to see two zombies latched onto him, ripping at his flesh.

"NOOO!" Jason yelled as he spun around and fired off a short burst into one of them.

He charged forward and slammed the butt of the rifle into the others head, knocking it to the side.

He then bent down to his bloodied brother and reached out.

"You should do him a favor and kill him now, instead of letting the infection take over." Doc said as he walked towards him.

Jason choked back tears and pulled out his pistol, "Remember when we use to play on the farm? You and me, riding horses and running through the fields. Those were the days, huh?" He put the pistol under Jed's chin, "Remember how mom would always bake the same thing every morning? And how we would always complain? Life was good... and your life is about to get even better... I promise."

I turned away.

Seconds later, a single gunshot was heard.



I fired off another shot towards the entrance to the lab.

We were on top of a catwalk like platform and were firing down at the on coming zombies. Luckily, we were holding out. But it was taking Jason and Doc a long time to get that information.

Mark stood up after reloading and fired off a few shots, "They better hurry up!"

Frederic stood and fired Jed's assault rifle, "I know! It shouldn't take this long!"

While they were firing, I could hear the static of Mark's walkie talkie, and someone screaming Mark.

"Mark! I think someone's trying to contact you!" I yelled as I fired off another shot, hitting a zombie in the shoulder.

Mark pulled it off his belt and held it to his mouth, "What?"

Static for a few seconds, "Mark?! We have a problem!"

Mark's facial expression changed to one of worry, "A problem? What kind of problem?"

"The walkers! They've broken through the front doors... I don't know how much longer our door will hold out."

"Stay where you are! I'm coming back to you." Mark said taking a step towards the stairs.

"NO! Mark, it's already to late. There's to many of them..."

Mark's fist clenched shut tightly, "Jordan, don't say that. Tell the others to get the vault door open and..."

"We can't remember? We've tried... Mark, I love you."

Mark choked back his sobs, "I love you too. You can make it out of this, just tell Loraine to work on the vault!"

"We both know that's..." *Bang*

We all looked at the walkie talkie as screams could be heard... then nothing.

Mark fell to his knees, helpless, "Jordan..."

I put my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry."

He spun around and stood to his feet, "Sorry? You're sorry! You don't have a fucking clue what kind of pain I'm going through right now!"

I held back tears, "No..."

"I got it!" Jason yelled as he ran back to us, followed by Doc.

Mark forced himself to calm down and looked at him, "Good."

Jason came to a stop, "What's his problem?"

I looked at him, "Jordan and the rest of his team is dead."

Jason looked shocked, "What? But... how?" He then hung his head, "I knew we should have done something about those doors!"

Omnius walked up to him, "There was no way you could have known."

Jason sighed, "I don't care, I still should have done something."

"GUYS!" Frederic yelled as he shot off his last bullet.

Down below us, the a small group of zombies were already at the stairs, moving up towards us.

"Well fuck." I said as I fired off another bullet, this time hitting one in the gut.

Mark stood there, staring at the zombies. He lifted his rifle and began to unload the entire magazine into the small oncoming crowd. I grabbed him and pulled him back, "Mark! Stop!"

He knocked me off of him and charged the last two remaining zombies that had survived his onslaught of bullets.

He slammed into one, knocking it to the ground, he then tossed his rifle into the air and caught it by the barrel. He then slammed it into the second zombies head, causing it to fall to the floor.

He stood over it and began to slam the butt of the rifle into its head, over and over again. Behind him, the first zombie was pulling it's self back up.

My eyes widened in surprise, "Mark!" I raised my pistol.


The two bullets missed completely, but the third slammed into it's knee, forcing it to the ground.

SHIT! How can I be out of ammo?!

Mark twisted around and slammed the rifle into its head, caving it in.

Frederic walked past me, his head hung, "Today just keeps getting better and better."


I trudged up the escalators, carrying Jason. Damn it! Why did he have to jump off that damn platform?!

<*Sigh* At least he wasn't bitten, right?>
[Yeah, at least...]

We were all almost back to their base, or safe house. We had meet up with Trey's team leaving the Casino, luckily, no one else was hurt while coming back. Mark had remained silent the whole time.

Mark and the others were already ahead of me, most already entering the building.

When I neared, Frederic told Mark to wait. Doc walked over to me and took Jason off my back and walked off for the building.

Mark looked at us, "What?"

I walked up and sighed, "Mark, the real reason you've never seen us is because we've been in another world."

He raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Another dimension." Omnius answered.

Mark looked at us like we were crazy, "There's no way."

I rubbed my hands together, "Mom wants you to come with us so you can be at her wedding."

He looked at me dumbfounded, "Mom's getting married... No, wait, there's no way she's here also... and getting married!"

I sighed again, "Look, Mark, we're from another world! We only came here to get you!"

He crossed his arms, "Alright then, show me."

I nodded, "Alright, but I think you should tell them you're leaving."

He rolled his eyes, "Fine, but this will only make me a laughing stock."

As he walked into the building, Omnius snickered slightly, "Boy, is he in for a surprise."

I nodded with a chuckle.

A few moments later, he walked out and yawned, "Let's get this little thing over with. I'm ready to try and sleep."

I looked at Omnius and nodded.

He smirked and clapped his hands together for effect.

We were all suddenly swept up into that same void like tunnel.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Mark yelled as he looked around himself.

I laughed, Mark almost never cussed, and when he did, it means he's either pissed, or confused.

"Told ya!" I yelled back.


We all flew out of it and slammed into the ground. Hard.

I sat up and held a hoof to my head.... HOOF! Fucking awesome! I'm a fucking pony again!

[FUCK YEAH! We're back bitches!]
<How are we a pony again?>
[Who cares? We're a fucking pony again!]

I looked around and saw Frederic, he was also a pony again... well, Alicorn. Omnius was also a pony again, even though he can change his form.

But then I saw Mark. He was a grey Earth pony with a neon blue mane and tail. His mane was long and straight, and his tail had a rusty red streak going through it. His eyes were light blue, and he had a rusty read coloring around his mouth.

Mark sat up and rubbed his head, "Could have warned me about the hard impact!"

I chuckled, waiting for him to open his eyes and see his body.

"Lance, where did you get the eye patch?" Frederic asked as he stood up.

"Eye patch? What do you..." I lifted a hoof to my face, "I'll be damned, where did that come from?"

"OH MY GOD!" Mark yelled out as he looked at his forelegs, "I'm a fucking horse!"

I laughed, "Well duh, this is Equestria after all."

He looked at me, "Lance?"

I struck a pose, "The one and only!"

He sighed, "I should have known you would have chosen this place to live... wow, just wow. And now I'm here? Damn."

Omnius was relaxing on his back, a smile on his face, "This gonna be good."

Mark looked at him, "What is?"

"When you see Lance's wife and kids." Omnius said before chuckling.

Mark looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Wife and kids? You had sex with a pony?"

I smiled sheepishly, "Yeah... But I'm a pony too, so no harm done."

He facehoofed, "I'm going to regret coming here, aren't I?"

I shook my head, "Oh no, you'll love it here, after a while."

He sighed, "Where is your house... I just have to see your kids. I beat they turned out just like you."

I smiled, "Thanks."

"That wasn't a complement bro." He said with a smirk.

I chuckled happily, looks like he still has his sense of humor.

[Let's get a move on! I want to see Twi!]
<That's a first. Break, the badass, misses Twilight.>
[... Fuck you Dawn.]

And done! Hell yeah, that was a lot of work!

Also, here's what Lance looks like now:

Now, for all you 'I want to be shipped with Mark' people (Mostly females XD ) Just remember this, he lost his lover, so he's not going to be looking for a relationship, especially with a pony XD