Third Times the Charm

by Alpine~Dragon~Queen

Day 1.5

A/N: This is a collab story with my sister Wlyteth. She wrote this chapter.

Day 1.5

Halfway across Equestria Time Shifter was wishing he had brought his jacket with him. He wrapped his wings around himself tighter and shivered. "Are you almost done?" He yelled over the howling wind to a figure huddled over a small electronic console.

"If you aren't going to help you might as well wait inside the TARDIS." The figure replied.

"I wouldn't mind helping! I would love to help! I would do anything to get us out of this freezing wasteland!"

"Alright come and hold this part, if we can just reverse the energy core calibration then maybe we can learn a little more than we know now."

"We know nothing about it now, we couldn't learn any less!"

"Patience. Just press that and..."
Suddenly the console flew over their heads and glowed a soft pink. The light continued to spread in an arc making a bubble around them. Snowflakes whirled through the air outside of the bubble and stuck to the sides but were unable to get past the bubble's surface. "Haha! Brilliant! Its a snow shield." Time clapped his hands in delight. The bubble was fairly small, just a little more than what was needed to cover the two men. "Ditzy would love this... where is she anyways?"

"I don't know. Well lets pack it up. Now that we know how to activate the snow shield we can use it for further expeditions in these mountains. It’s a sort of portable all-weather tent."

"And it’s solid." Time said softly.

"What’s that?" His brother asked.

"The bubble. It’s completely solid, there is no way out."

"Of course there is a way out, we just reverse the energy output of the console and the bubble will dissipate."

"Alright, you do it then." Time replied crossing his arms and leaning against the wall of the bubble.
Doctor Whooves lifted his arm to grab the still floating console but was stopped by the 'roof' of the bubble. "Ah. So we are trapped inside."


"And you already knew that?"


"And it didn't dawn on you to share this information?"

"I was to busy basking in the fact that I figured something out before you for once." Time smirked.

"Well there must be some way out..." Doctor Whooves took out his Sonic Screwdriver and flashed it across various parts of the bubble. "Hmm it appears to made of pure light particles, but it also is completely solid."
While the two men were discussing various ways to break the bubble a knocking sound interrupted them. A gray pegasus with light blonde hair was tapping on the bubble.

"Is she... giggling?"
Doctor Whooves ignored his brother and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Ditzy! We can't get out! We need you to break the bubble!"
The blonde nodded and extended a finger. Pressing it against the bubble's surface softly she caused the bubble to burst. The control console stopped floating and fell into the snow.

"How did she...? Did she just..? What?" Time stared in amazement at Ditzy while his brother stooped to pick up the fallen console.

"Well her talent does have something to do with bubbles. That’s the only explanation I can think of. Now, back to Ponyville!"

"Finally!" The brown pegasus sighed with relief. "Vinyl must be wondering where I went."

"Why don't you invite her along next time?" His brother elbowed him. "Can't have a doctor without his faithful companion after all." Ditzy nodded her agreement and gave Doctor Whooves a big hug.

"See? Dizty agrees. You simply must bring Vinyl with us next time."
Knowing better than to argue with his brother Time Shifter just shook his head and followed the other two to the TARDIS. Vinyl could never come with them on an adventure, it was too dangerous. He knew that she had created a combination of spells and devices to help her 'see' but he still worried.