Star of Canterlot

by FrozenInk


Previously on Star of Canterlot

"Well, according to that doctor's research, you are a brand new species. And according to Celestia, while you were comatose, you changed your shape to different ponies. At one point, you were a mirror image of Celestia." Sombra narrowed his eyes, a smirk creeping onto his face. "You're no longer a pony. You are a changeling."

"A WHAT?!" Estella shrieked, galloping over to the giant mirror in her hospital room. Sure enough, she looked nothing like her sisters. There were holes torn in her hooves, mane and horn. Her wings were also torn, and were sharp at the edges. Protruding out of her mouth was two long fangs and even her eyes had transformed to a snake's with back slits.
"Don't you look charming?" Sombra sneered, admiring his own reflection, with his perfectly groomed black hair and red eyes.
"I know you well enough to know you wouldn't be here unless it was for your own good. What do you want from me?" Estella tried to be as calm as possible, her head swirling with worries. Sombra took his time to reply.
"Your siblings and you are the future of Equestria. The prophecy said Celestia and Luna would be the ones to save Equestria from Discord, while you'd be the one who reformed Equestria afterwards. I want in." Sombra smiled, looking almost nice.
Estella was infuriated. All Sombra wanted was a part of Equestria? This was why he had bugged her all day? And now here he was, pretending to be almost sincere. Yet, some part of Estella couldn't bear to feel completely angry at Sombra. If their places were swapped, she was sure she'd also pester him nonstop.
"Why target me? Why not Celestia, who supposedly has the loyalty of all ponies? Or Luna who has the love and adoration of everypony? Why me, the one who has no connection? You could easily be overthrown." Estella asked, slowly inching towards Sombra, making the situation all the more uncomfortable.
And of course, it was at that moment Luna chose to barge in.
"HEY SIS! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Luna shrieked, wrapping her arms around her sister. "You look awful."
"How do you think I feel?!" Estella snapped. Spending the afternoon with Sombra put a real damper on her attitude.
"What are you doing here?" Luna hissed, finally noticing Sombra who was casually shooting lasers towards flowers in the room. Sombra gave Luna a shrug, focusing completely on zapping a pot of daisies.
Estella suddenly felt a weird sensation tingling up her spine, something that never happened before her transformation. It seemed like she could sense love, even the slightest crush. Not only that, right before her eyes, her hooves slowly melted to look exactly like Luna's, and soon enough she was the mirror image of her sister.
"Estella?" Luna squeaked, noticing how different her sister looked. Sombra also turned around, also noticing the flash. His eyes widened as big as the plates in the castle.
"Oh my Equestria! Why are there two of you?!" Sombra yelled, banging his hoof on the ground.
"Oh! I think I know the counterspell!" Estella said, feeling the odd, tingly sensation again. ZAP! A few seconds later, she looked exactly like Celestia. And then her mother. And then Sombra.
Sombra facehooved, watching Estella fail was a lot more exhausting than he thought.
"I got it!" And finally, Estella was herself again.

"Estella, you're no longer one of us. You're different."