//------------------------------// // 6: Interpreted Fortune // Story: Equestria: The Vast Infinity // by Teru9133 //------------------------------// Aster left me to go about his other businesses that called for his time and attention. I didn't mind it, considering all things that had happened, and that I wasn't far from the shuttle I would be taking to head down to Equestria. I didn't care to begin with. At this time, most of the promenade was bustling with ponies either departuring, such as myself, or arriving, such as the pink mare that was running at a rather lightning pace, right at me. Right before it thought she was going to crash into me, she stopped within a foot of my face. It was then I had realized my eyes were shut tight. I opened them slowly, and the first thing to see was the pink mare with her very pink mane. The next thing I noticed was that she beaming, if I didn't know better, or didn't look as closely, I could've mistaken her as Navi. She fired off questions so fast, I was concerned that she'd break the sound barrier. Not the mention the possible space quake that could be generated by her rapid jumping up and down. "How are you? I don't know where I'm going! Are you lost? If so, let's try to find a kiosk or something and--!" I had enough at that point, her voice going so fast like that could've been compared to a chainsaw, and I was not in the mood for beaming innocence. I put my hoof on top of her head to keep her from jumping and replied coldly, "I'm leaving, so leave me alone." I walked around her, feeling slightly unsettled. What I did... I thought to myself, was it really okay? "But Star..." I froze, everything except my heart stopped. That voice did not belong to the mare, but another completely different one. I slowly turned around, feeling my heart in my throat, pounding, and trembling, when did I start trembling? The lighting had diminished, as has all the ponies that had once been bustling around me. It was just myself, and Nightsky, my mother. "You'll be safer here..." The ghost of the past said with a solemn tone to me, with real concern in my eyes. But before I could speak, the black back drop dissolved away, like water hitting paint on a wall, into a shuttle that had a gaping hole to the left, and most everything gone, exception to a few rows of seats near me, and some more on the other side. This is my shuttle, the one where I witnessed my parents..... This isn't a shuttle. This is a nightmare. "Not this, please, no!" I wanted to move my arms, legs, maybe my head, anything, maybe even close my eyes, but to no avail. I was stuck, watching the remaining ponies on the shuttle get sucked out if the shuttle one by one, screaming, helplessly, hopelessly. Then came the worst part, my parents..... I observed the faint smile, deeply imprinted on my memory like it was branded there, that my mother gave to me, somehow knowing I was fine, that I was safe. The blue mare looked up from I to the stallion next to her, Solsky, the brown stallion that was my father, and closed her eyes, with a streak of tears glistening in the sterile white light. After some seconds that could be eternity then and there, with the air rushing, and constant wax and wane of screaming, my mother turned her gaze back to me. "We love you, never forget that..." As soon as they lost their grip on their seats, the landscape pulled away as fast as a gunshot. I had the impression of falling, but once the scene I had been a part of disappeared, it was pitch black all around me. Then in front of me was another scene coming towards me like a light at the end of a tunnel. It was the scene with the pink mare. I saw her jumping up and down, and then I saw me, a different me, put my hoof down on top of head, and walked around. I'm such a bastard... I thought as I reflected in despair. I then went back to reality through that different me. Once the landscape had ceased moving, I could feel my entire body shuddering and shaking, while I was heaving and gasping. I turned around to see the mare still where she was standing, still figuring out what I had just said. I observed quickly and silently the ponies walking by me as if nothing happened. Nothing did happen, it was just a hallucination, one that was a matter of seconds, one that was unnoticed, I told myself. I blinked several time to get the tears out, and then coughed. I looked up to see the mare still there yet, and cleared my throat. "What's your name?" I asked as firmly as possible, though failing horribly. She turned around hurriedly, startled at first, but then a little calmer when she recognized me. She replied quietly, "Party Pie. That's my name." Her surname, Pie, struck nostalgia from deep within, paving over the grief that had surfaced. I smiled warmly, "There's a kiosk not far from here, just keep going straight, and watch the right side for it." Pie's eyes lit up with gratitude, her suppressed smile solidifying that she has joy building up. "Thank you, thank you , thank you!" After a minute of her saying thank you , she finally stopped. After a moment of silence between us, despite the chatter of the dock, she said, "See you around I guess!" She stood there beaming, waiting, no, expecting a reply. I sighed, closing my eyes while doing so, wondering how innocence can such a blessing as such. I looked up, and met her expectations, "Who knows what'll happen, but yea, see you around." Party turned around with a huge smile and began jumping up and down as she went on her quest to find the kiosk. Her joyful response to my giving directions to her echoed in my mind, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I chuckled as I looked at her one last time, "No, thank you..." With that, I walked off, entering the shuttle shortly thereafter. ------------------ The shuttle ride was relatively short, about an hour, so I finally got out of my seat, briefly stretching within the space I had, and proceeded to walk towards the shuttles' door. Considering that the shuttle was a luxury one to an degree, there was only myself, and 15 other ponies or so. The shuttle opened its doors outwards, with a blinding light that one would find repulsive, but I found it to be heartwarming. My eyes finally adjusted after a few blinks and squints, and before me was the land which I've always held admirable. Despite years of advancements in science and technology, the land of Equestria was still natural and beautiful as ever. I glanced near the shuttle port, and observed the long green grass flowing in the wind, glistening when the sun had hit it just right, and in a wave-like pattern that ran perpendicular of the shuttle. Out in the distance, one could see the Everfree Forest with its shrouded, mysterious, atmosphere that could still be seen as beautiful with the sun sending rays through the thick tree canopy being slightly diluted by the mist within. The freshness of the air that which I inhaled was filled with the aroma of roses most likely hidden within the sea of grass, blended in with it was the texture and fullness of the air, filling my body with relaxation. In harmony with all of this, I could hear a cicada chirping its buzz on this warm summer day, and the chaotic chirps of birds emanated from various flocks in the sky. Canterlot could be seen on its perch on the mountain, though miles away, with its misty fog ringing the base of its perch formed by the cascading waterfalls which fell from the magnificent and colorful city. And not too far from the beautiful city was the town which I was headed for, the calm yet energetic Ponyville. The architecture was a reminiscent design for the times when ponies had meek technology and elements of mathematics and science. The wooden sense of the town as whole was one that felt like a "no place like home" feel. I was knocked out of my tranquil state when I felt a pushing nudge on my back, and when I turned around to see who it was, it was much to my surprise a silver mare that had a sandy white mane, with green, clear eyes. I also felt I had seen her from somewhere previously. "Move," she stated quietly but firmly, "we need not to waste time." I linked several times, each periodically long, then quickly trotted down from the shuttle and into the port. As the crowd began to gather within, I awaited for the mare to arrive here. To my right, I heard her voice, "You caught on quickly." It was all I could do to not flinch or act startled, "'Where there are many, secrets are traded by few.'" I turned my head around to be able to see the mare, and much to my surprise, she held an eyebrow above her eye, "I'm impressed, you already know the LIA's motto." I nodded, trying to avoid a smirk. I did hold my gaze on her however. After a few moments had passed, she noticed I had been staring at her studiously, "What?" I absently shook my head, "Pardon me, but where have I met you before?" The mare expressed a face of confusion, with which I recognized from the hospital, and like dominoes falling, everything fell into place, like a light switch turned on. "You were the nurse," I stated before I even let the mare try to explain. Shortly thereafter, both me and her realized that the chatter within the port had died down, she nodded her head towards the door, "Let's leave." I nodded and followed apace. We passed by multiple groups of earth ponies conversing about the coming traditional harvest and its festival, as well as some pegasi groups debating on who they liked most on the wonder bolts. Surprisingly, only one pair of unicorns was present outside of me and the silver mare; unsurprisingly, however, they were discussing the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala. The mare that was slightly ahead of me continually scanned everything around her, much of a contrast to what we were supposedly doing, casually walking out. Nevertheless, to minimize its suspiciousness, my eyes began to aimlessly wander around the port, studying with no purpose the restaurants around. I recalled a story of one of the Cakes from Ponyville moved out here because the Space Program had begun to more or less take off, and the Cake felt that there would be success out here. Ever since, the Pumpkin Restaurant had been open for business, bearing the name of its own founder. Another pioneer out from Ponyville, a filly then, who was of the Apple Family, came out here with her two friends to find out if she could find herself in this frontier 80 years ago. She opened a successful restaurant that served Sweet Apple Acre's famous apple dishes, primarily pies. A more unique aspect was... Is, the Cutie Mark Crusader Academy which, needless to say, helps fillies find their cutie marks. Speaking of Apple Acres.... I remember a wild tale of a problematic expansion of the farm, involving lack of horsepower, but distaste of external employees. And while we're at it, there's also one that is of a famous fashionista who hit it big with her business some 90 or so years ago. Maybe the creation of Ponyville's unique Rainbow Bolts would spark an interesting story? Possibly even the story of how the Ponyville Quintet sponsored the Natural Preservation Act. If I remember correctly, there was something about a company that was solely for the creation and management of parties? But why am I thinking of stories to possibly tell? Alas, that was getting carried away about another lifetime; in this one currently, we had gone through the doors of the port and into the realm of nature, where we were alone, walking in between the tall green grass on a paved dirt road. Although we hadn't ceased walking, I asked, "So what's your name? I'm tired of thinking of you as 'the silver mare'." She chuckled softly, and shortly after, I heard her response, "My name's Io. I'm going to assume and hope that you realizing I was the nurse will be enough to get you going, yes?" I nodded as the gears in my head shifted back and the pages flipped back to that train of thought, "Yes, and Luna not having been acknowledged was the first thing to click." For a second of what I swear was silence by her out of jealousy, for whatever reason, she responded after the brief silence, "Go on, I'm curious to see what you might've pieced together." I nodded and took in a deep breath and looked straight out onto the dirt road amongst the trees of green grass, "I was wondering as to why nopony in the hospital had even the slightest hint of excitement or anxiety of having the princess come to visit me, let alone seem to know she was there. But it wasn't that they weren't excited, it's because they didn't even know to begin with. And that was because you leaked the security and allowed Luna to bypass the patrols and even the front room." I knew I was right, despite the silence thereafter. During the long silence, the landscape evolved and morphed from green grass and a dirt road, down to a larger, paved out road, which went through the edge of a large and thick forest about a mile or so from Ponyville. The road had been paved in such a way that trees still arched over it and formed a canopy of green and brown that shielded the path from the sun. To the left of us stretched the rest of the mystical forest, as far as the eye could see into the thickness of the trees, until the trees were so tightly wounded together that not even light could infiltrate. To the right of the road was a tranquil meadow that seemed almost untouched by animals or ponies alike. Between us and the meadow was a small, yet deep, stream that stretched from the field we left and all the way around the bend towards Ponyville. Birds could be heard chirping in call and response, much less chaotic than the screeches of the flocks earlier. It would normally be hard to not be relaxed, however, today was an exception, although I'm not sure why. Io spoke softly, "I'm sure you already know you're right." I was about to smile, but then she elevated the roughness and volume of her voice, "But don't give me a smirk about it." I couldn't help it, I laughed hard, deciding that that was most likely the kind of smile my mouth was going to form. She raised her eyebrow and asked curiously, "Well?" It wasn't hard to figure she was wanting me to continue. I motioned my head towards her, "You're a unicorn correct?" She then snapped back, "I have a horn no? Or did it appear right now?" I ignored her reply and progressed, "That's some rather interesting magic you possess, is it not?" Now she had a smirk, "One of the reasons the princess recruited me into the Agency." It all made sense when I realized she was with Luna, and that she was an unicorn as well. Those thoughts appeared out of nowhere when I was talking to Aster. "How far can you push it?" She looked at me quizzically, "What do you mean?" I sighed, "I mean how far can you push the magic?" Her expression eroded into one of understanding, with her eyebrows raised, "Ah, well, the farthest I've pushed it was to insert thoughts into someone's mind or to receive them." I slouched my shoulders. I hadn't noticed they were so tense. "I see... That does sound useful for something like an Intelligence Agency." I shifted my head to face her while still walking, but she caught me off guard by looking right back at me, with furrowed brows and a frown. "That's as far as I can push it, as well as would like to... And the target can know fully well that the thought isn't theirs or that I tapped into theirs." I recalled how, though abruptly entered my mind, the thought of trusting no one when talking to Aster felt like something I could've told myself. That may be why I didn't notice it at first. "No mind control?" I asked as I swung my head back forward, the previous thought dispelled She shook her head in the corner of my eye, "First of all, you and I both know that it's physically impossible, even by Starswirl himself. Secondly, assuming we could do it, it'd be mentally impossible to stay an individual as their mind molds into mind..." I cleared my throat, "Metaphorically speaking." I didn't need an image of two brains splattering into themselves. Of course, she refuted in a high pitch, "Well......." I stared ice daggers into her, and spoke each work periodically, and with emphasis, "Metaphorically speaking." "For Celestia's sake, I'm messing with you!" With that she laughed for the first time, with a nice sound that flowed like milk, fluid yet full. The first impression of it to me was like a mother gently laughing, though her laugh was in no way soft. "You have a great laugh," I said without really thinking. Io turned her face from my view, hurriedly replying, "Thanks! Though I've been complimented of that before!" She straightened herself out, and I simply smiled tenderly. I closed my eyes when we reached a straight bend in the road, and let thoughts flow through my mind. I hadn't thought much of Io's appearance. Her mane swept with the wind with ease and harmony of each other as well as each strand and current of the wind. The eyes she possessed held crystal gems of green that seemed to hold a thousand different versions of themselves whenever she shifted even slightly. And of course, she was a little shorter than me, but barely, I only assume so because I feel tension in my neck when I slightly bend it to see her in the eyes. I shook my head after realizing where this could be leading to, and took a breath, albeit shaky. She didn't notice however, then focused on the road ahead, it hadn't occurred to me but the road had straightened out, the forest and meadow gone, and only Ponyville slightly growing in size in the surroundings of us. I sighed, then muttered, "Another time, another world, another life." Io turned her head slightly out of the corner of my eye, and asked, "What was that?" I cursed mildly in my head, then replied, "It was nothing worth of discussion." After a frustrated, or was it disappointed, grunt from her, we continued on in silence towards Ponyville, us nearly there. I recalled the brief shuttle ride, and the file that was given to me by one of the flight attendants: "In Ponyville, you will meet your new crew mates of the LS Nebula, you will pilot the ship and be under the captain: Nebulae." Now, after all that's happened between then and now, I felt much better to meet them.