Final Lesson

by Strife

[Author's Notes]

Greetings reader.

If you have not yet read the letter, please do, as this contains some spoilers. If you have read it, I cannot thank you enough.

This idea came to me quite randomly. It was first intended to be a short and simple two paragraph letter so that I could use visual effects. The text would be in a blood font and it would be written on burned and torn parchment. As it became so long, this method is not quite reasonable (that's a lot on pony blood).

Instead, my next idea would be to have the text written on the same burned and torn parchment. However, the text would be written messily with ink. The bottom right corner would be blood stained and the ending "Twilight Sparkle" signature would trail off incomplete. As an added effect, tear stains would be scattered on the parchment.

I've considered expanding this letter and instead doing a full story on it. There are a LOT of details not mentioned in the letter, and that intentional. The emphasis was to be the mane cast and their sacrifices. If I were to do a story, it would contain all the left out details such as why war? Who are the Raiders? What happened to Spike? Why is Twilight bleeding? And so forth.

But I digress ... thank you for taking the time to read the letter and even this note!

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