So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

by Camlio

Chapter 8: Let battle be joined. Or, Tidings of the Future, a warning remembered.

Outside of Ponyville Town Limits, Empty Field. 3rd Person PoV

The sound of weapons clanging against each other could be heard easily, though with each swing of the Demon Lord's axe the air seemed to hum with the sound of a guitar riff, allowing Nocturne's musical magic to flow freely without having to stop and actually play a song.

They had been fighting for the better part of thirty minutes, ever since the Phantom had appeared and tried to cause havoc, only to be kicked in the face by the overlord when he had tried to attack a young filly. The cry of "DYNAMIC ENTRY!" ringing in the ears of the ponies as the stunned phantom was justly booted out of town before the overlord gave chase.

Phantoms were oddities in that they could have come from anywhere, other worlds, video games, or even come through holes in the void that allowed game character avatars through. The third type were especially destructive as they usually acted accordingly to game logic, if it's not a known ally attack and kill it for loot as the player at the helm might have thought they'd downloaded a mod or rom hack without realizing it.

This brought us to the current situation. Where Nocturne was currently in a weapon lock with the Avatar before him, it wore black the armor of the Black Knights of Anor Londo yet didn't weild their sword or shield, instead having the Quelag's Furysword and The grass crest shield. Cheap weapons to be sure but, they were effective.

"You need to leave... you are not welcome here!" Nocturne called out as he trusted forwards spinning his axe for a combo strike which caused the Armor Break status effect causing the chest piece of the Avatar to shatter to which he was answered with a seven strike combo setting him ablaze. Much to the concern of the ponies who had started to watch the battle.

Their presence seemed to stir something in the Overlord as energy sparked off him in glowing motes. "Oh... it's on. Chaotic Concerto!" With a spin of his weapon Nocturne dashed backwards several paces before rushing at the Phantom for a brief flash... a song seeming to flow into the air as he did so. Though as the Phantom seemed to think the Demon had fled he quickly reappeared in several brief moments only to strike at him from every angle and position with various weapons. All of them appearing to be half weapon half instrument.

A sword and shield shaped like a cello and it's bow, a Bow that folded to and from a harp, the axe mixed with a guitar, a pistol that was also an ocarina, and finally an absolutely massive samurai sword that had a keyboard in it's reverse. Each strike causing the music to grow louder and louder as the Phantom reeled in what appeared to be agony. The weapons staying buried in it's body before suddenly erupting in light, causing the music to end as suddenly as it appeared and the phantom to fall to the ground and begin to fade though as he did so he seemed to laugh, a long and ringing laugh like he knew he wasn't going to be gone forever.

"And that's that." The demon said with a sigh as he spun the axe in his hand as the dust flowed into his body as shades of each of the various weapons flowed into his body.

That same field. Nocturne's Perspective

Phantom: Toxic_To_Touch has been Vanquished.

Those words always made me happy to see scrawl across the bottom of my vision. Though I was slightly worried about what the hell just happened. "D-Did... I just do a limit break?" Was the most prevalent question on my mind. Usually I got weird moments like that when I gained enough power that my body just, well it went and pulled references to video games out of nowhere.

These usually happened right before a large fight as some kind of ominous warning. Like, hey here's some new power that you're gonna need to fight this next guy, have fun with that. I hated these, because whenever I got them I nearly die. Though usually I got a clue as to what was going to happen bef-

Thunk. Ow... Okay, maybe next time it would be better without the large glowing mcguffen smacking me in the face.

The glowing orb seemed to radiate malice, madness and just an all around unnerving feeling as I picked it up. "Well, this must belong to someone... but, who?" Was the question, the answer came from what my most recent acquaintance said. There were three beings who were basically madness personified. Though the question of the hour came as... which one?

The smirk that spread across my face would scare anyone as I waved to Sandy who just shrugged knowingly as I gave a push of my energy into the orb.

"Only one way to find out... Prepare yourself from a visit from an Overlord!!" I cried out with a psychotic laugh as I felt a Phantom rip from my form and flow through the orb before my world faded to black.