//------------------------------// // Trouble at a Pinkie Party // Story: Cursed Book // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Pinkie led the group to the hotel, thanks to being an element of harmony and being friends with Twilight; Pinkie was able to convince the hotel owner to let the group stay free for one night. Pinkie led the group up to the second floor. “Ok everypony, room eighteen is for the stallions.” Pinkie used the key card and opened up the door to let the guys in. “Ok girls, let’s get you all set up in your room, the guys can handle themselves.” Pinkie bounced along down the hallway until she reached room twenty four. “This is your room girls.” Pinkie opened up the room and let the girls’ in. “By the way, come to Sugarcube Corner at seven.” Pinkie hoofed over some directions to Maggie and then made her way back to the boys’ room. She knocked on the door and Rick answered. “Here you go, be at Sugarcube corner at seven.” Pinkie said and then took off down the hall. Rick stood there for a moment and then turned around with the invite in his mouth. He went over to the bedside table and set the invite down. Rick stood there thinking when Daryl asked what was wrong. Rick turned around and scratched his head with his hoof. “She just used her hoof to give me the invite and I don’t mean that she put it on the ground and scooted it toward me. Oh no, she was actually holding it in her hoof when she handed or should I say hoofed it over to me. Is she supposed to be able to do that?” “Rick, we’re in a world of talking ponies not to mention we ourselves are ponies, I can’t say that I’m surprised by this.” Glenn said as he walked over to Rick. “We should probably go just to be nice. The girls will probably go to this” Glenn paused and looked over at the invite. “Party she is throwing as a thank you for helping.” “You’re right; there is no need to worry about anything anymore. The girls will probably go before we do; it’s been a long time since we have had any reason to celebrate. So how long do we have anyway?” Rick looked around the room for a clock, something they haven’t used in quite some time. “Maggie, what have you got there?” Beth asked as Maggie set the invite down. “It’s an invite, I think?” Maggie stared at it for a second and then nodded. “It’s definitely an invite and to a party no less. I say we go and enjoy ourselves, we deserve it.” “I was beginning to think that parties didn’t exist.” Carol said as Pinkie popped into the room and startled the group. “Of course parties exist silly.” With that said, Pinkie disappeared. “How in the world?” The girls asked in unison. Pinkie had just finished setting up the party when the girls came into the building. “Welcome to the party ponies.” Streamers cover the ceiling and banisters and all kinds of sweets littered the tables. There was also a piñata hanging from a support beam. The men came in shortly after the girls. “Welcome to your first Pinkie Party, whoohoo.” Pinkie jumped into the air as Twilight and the others walked in. “Hey girls, you made it.” “There is no way we would miss a Pinkie Party.” Applejack ran over and gave her friend a noogie. “So they are the new ponies that Twilight told us about?” Rarity pointed to the group in front of them. “That’s them girls and for a little while at least, they will need a place to stay other than in a hotel. So Applejack, would you mind?” Twilight asked. “All of em Twi? Don’t get me wrong, the apple family is more then happy to help others but that’s a lot of ponies.” AJ said staring at the ten ponies in front of her. “Oh no, I’ll take in some of the girls while Rainbow Dash takes in our Pegasus friends. I just need you to take in the men, maybe make the barn comfortable. I’ll be happy to give you some beds for them even.” Twilight smiled and AJ nodded. “Thank you, now Pinkie, why don’t you introduce them to some of your games and” Pinkie left before Twilight finished her sentence. Twilight chuckled and then turned to the others. “Girls, keep an eye on them. I trust Rick enough but I don’t want them to hurt anypony. If there is anything suspicious about them at all, you let me know.” Her friends nodded as Pinkie came over. “Not everypony is here yet, I wonder what happened to Zecora and her new roommate.” Pinkie started toward the window but Twilight stopped her. “What’s up Twilight?” “Since when did Zecora get a roommate and why didn’t you tell me?” Twilight asked a little frustrated. “I don’t know and I thought I just did.” Pinkie gave the typical Pinkie Pie answer when the doors to Sugarcube Corner opened up to reveal Zecora and Michonne. “There they are.” Rick and the group heard this and turned around to see a black pony with a katana hanging off her side. “Michonne, how did you get here?” Rick and the group marched toward her. “Good to see you too Rick. I don’t know about you but I’m not exactly thrilled to be here.” Rick didn’t get to respond before Twilight stepped in. “I will ask you nicely, please hand over the Katana.” Rarity and the others just raised their eyebrows in confusion. They had no idea what a Katana was or how Twilight knew what it was. “This Katana doesn’t leave my side, not anymore.” Michonne stared at Rick and then noticed her weapon being lifted off of her and so she grabbed it in her mouth. However it didn’t last long in there once Twilight pulled harder. “Give it back!” Michonne snorted. Twilight disappeared and reappeared shortly after. “Your weapons are not needed and will not be accessible to anypony unless I say otherwise or I can find a way to send you back to your own world in which I will gladly give you your weapons back.” Michonne wasn’t too happy about this and charged Twilight who lifted her into the air and took her outside. “You will do as I say while you are here.” Twilight brought Michonne closer to her face. “Have I made myself clear?” Michonne spit in Twilights face. “I don’t take orders; now give me my Katana back.” “You leave me no choice then.” Twilight teleported away with Michonne and ended up in the libraries basement. The basement now went further down into a prison. Twilight threw Michonne into a cell and closed it. “You are now officially a threat and once I find a way to send you back home, I will.” Twilight locked the cell door and teleported away.