//------------------------------// // New Job, Same Problems // Story: Free from the Chains that Bind // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Silver Spoon looked around the library but didn't really pay attention to anything. She was far too depressed and scared over the thing with Diamond Tiara and asking the princess for a job which she had yet to do. It wasn't a secret that Silver Spoon was involved with bullying the CMC when they were fillies. Twilight knew it and so did the other Elements of Harmony. This was only a percent of why Silver Spoon couldn't look at Twilight. Another small reason was because Silver Spoon knew that the princess was giving her a hard stare if not a glare. “What do you need Silver Spoon?” Twilight didn't sound like she was in the mood to deal with anything or she really didn't like Silver Spoon. “Princess Twilight, please…I need a job.” Silver Spoon never made eye contact with Twilight too frightened of the look she would be given. She was positive that the princess would turn her away but the look she would receive wasn't something that she wanted to look at. “If you can’t even look at me Silver Spoon, how do you ever expect to get a job?” Twilight waited for a few moments for Silver Spoon to answer but she never did receive one, at least not one in words. Silver Spoon looked up at Twilight with frightened eyes and began to shake. “That is better I suppose but why are you so scared?” Twilight’s voice lowered and her tone was much softer. “I realize that because of your past with bullying you may be apprehensive about talking with me or coming to me at all. Still, if you’re going to get a job, you need to show no fear at all despite your past.” Twilight wrapped a hoof around the nervous mare and smiled. “You’re past doesn't define you Silver Spoon.” For the first time in a long time, Silver Spoon smiled. “Good now about the job thing, I can’t say that I can hire you for anything. What skills do you have anyway?” Silver Spoon could think of some but they would only get her arrested again. “I suppose if you don’t have any skills in anything, then I really can’t help you.” “No please, I will do chores around the house, help organize your books, anything just please.” Silver Spoon fell to her knees and begged. “Please, I’ll do anything.” “Why not go somewhere else, why come to me, was the library the last place to go?” Twilight asked and lifted up Silver Spoons head to look her in the eyes. The younger mare had most definitely been crying. Her cheeks had tear streaks all the way down her neck. “There was no other option for me.” Twilight did feel bad and Silver Spoon had been arrested falsely, according to her, many times in the past. Those instances couldn't have helped her situation any. After a bit of thought, Twilight did have one solution for the younger mare. “Ok Silver Spoon, I do have one thing that you can do for me.” Immediately Silver Spoon lit up excited to be given a chance. “Don’t get too excited yet, it isn't going to pay you well but I suppose it will give you some experience. If you want, you can help run errands for me around town. Four bits a day is all you will get because I really don’t need anypony for this job. Still if you are willing to settle for that.” “Yeah that will be just fine, thank you so much, when can I start?” Silver Spoon really wanted to start just to get her mind off of the previous events if not for any other reasons at the moment. “You can start” Twilight was cut off by a burp. “Hold that thought Silver Spoon.” Spike picked up the note and gave it to Twilight. She mumbled through the letter from Princess Celestia. “You can start right now by going to Canterlot and bailing Rainbow Dash out of jail. I know that I said you would only be going around town but I really don’t have time for this right now. I have a meeting in a few minutes and I can’t afford to miss it. I will even make it easy on you.” With a bit of concentration, Twilight was able to give Silver Spoon beautiful butterfly wings. “You should have no problem getting to Canterlot; just tell Princess Celestia that I sent you in my place. Oh and be careful, the wings are very delicate.” Twilight hoofed over the bail money that Silver Spoon would need to get Rainbow Dash out of jail. “Thank you Princess Twilight.” Silver Spoon was not at all ready to meet Rainbow Dash. It was partly her fault that Rainbow was in jail in the first place. If she hadn't helped Diamond Tiara, none of this would have happened, at least not to her. Silver Spoon stepped outside and flew off toward Canterlot. She knew already that Rainbow Dash wouldn't want to be freed by her but she wouldn't be given much of a choice if she didn't want to spill the beans. Rainbow Dash would just have to deal with it until nopony was around. Silver Spoon wasn't going to enjoy this and when she really thought about it, any errand that she would do, would be a nightmare. She was beginning to regret her decision. Silver Spoon reached Canterlot within minutes and received stares from everypony. It was hard to say if it was because of the wings or if it was because they knew her. It was uncomfortable having all the attention on her. As she walked toward the castle, she was greeted with whistles and hollers from many of the stallions. Her cheeks were red as tomatoes and burned like a hot pad. The attention wasn't completely unbearable considering the reason behind it. She was fully relaxed by the time that she reached the castle. Two guards blocked her path and wouldn't let her through both guards of which were in golden armor. The left guard had a black mane and white coat while the right guard had a yellow mane and a blue coat. “Who are you and what do you want?” The blue stallion asked. “I’m here in place of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Silver Spoon hoped that that answer would be good enough but to her dismay, it wasn't. “I will ask again, who are you?” “I-I…my name is” To Silver Spoons relief, Princess Celestia walked through the door and interrupted. “Princess Twilight sent me a letter informing me of her replacement.” The two guards nodded and stepped aside. “Come with me, I will take you to Rainbow Dash.” Once the two were out of earshot, Celestia began to ask questions. “Tell me Silver Spoon, how is my former student doing?” That was not the question Silver Spoon thought that the princess would ask. “She is great, I’m so glad that she allowed me to be her errand mare.” “Princess Twilight is a good mare with a good heart and I’m so proud of her. So how much is she paying you?” “Oh well, four bits a day but I’m ok with that. I think the only reason she gave me a job in the first place was so that I could get experience, not bits.” Silver Spoon looked to the ground sadly and hoped that four bits a day would help her family. If they didn't get the money they needed every month, they would lose their factory. Things were not going well for them and she couldn't even tell anypony. “That’s good to hear that she did that for you and if what you say is true about giving you experience, then you don’t need much. Now tell me, why are you so sad?” Celestia knew as well as Twilight that Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were bullies as kids. She was afraid that it may have a terrible effect on the young mare. “It’s nothing that I can talk about, look I’m fine.” Silver Spoon raised her head and put on a fake smile. Celestia knew it wasn't real but she also knew not to push. After a bit more talking, they arrived at the prison where Rainbow Dash was being held. “Thank you Princess.” Celestia nodded and walked away. Silver Spoon was let in immediately with no questions asked. The guards had all seen her come with Celestia and so there was no need for questioning. Silver Spoon quickly paid for Rainbows release and a guard led Silver Spoon to the prisoners’ chamber. Silver Spoon was terrified again but she sucked it up and walked straight up to the cell. “Hello Rainbow Dash.” “Finally, I…you, what are you doing here you little wretch?” Silver Spoon flinched and backed away. Rainbow was furious; she knew it was Silver Spoon setting her free before she even looked at Silver Spoon. Rainbow walked out of the cell after being released and came face to face with the gray mare. “Who do you think you are Silver Spoon?” The frightened mare jumped back in fear. “You and Diamond Tiara deserve to be here, not me.” Silver Spoon took off running as fast as she could. Silver Spoon flew as fast as possible as she tried her best to not to cry the whole way back to the library. Once she landed, Rainbow Dash flew past her and spun Silver Spoon around like a top. “Twilight, thanks for the assist though I had wished that you would have come instead of Silver over there.” “Well I’m sorry about that Rainbow but I had an important meeting, though short, and it was just the thing to start Silver Spoon off doing. I hired her to run errands for me, not that you are considered an errand. I simply mean that delivering the money was an errand.” Twilight had to clarify what she meant. She didn't want Rainbow Dash getting the idea that her friend only thought of her as an errand to be run. “Now tell me something Rainbow, why steal, I understood the Daring Doo book but money, I don’t understand.” Rainbow looked to the ground but turned her head to Silver Spoon and gave her a stare that would have made Fluttershy’s stare look lovey dovey. “I can’t say though I wish I could.” “Seriously Rainbow, what’s going on and what does Silver Spoon have to do with it? I saw that look you gave her. This isn't like you Rainbow.” Twilight put a hoof around her friend but it was pushed off. Without another word from Rainbow Dash, she flew off to avoid the question. “Ok fine, Silver Spoon, can you tell me?” “I’m sorry Princess, I’m too scared to right now.” Twilight stomped her hoof angrily and had Spike write a message to Celestia. Long letter short, it said that Twilight was going to send out guards to every inch to find the criminal responsible for whatever was going on. Rainbow Dash may have been the one stealing but there was no way that Rainbow would have willing done such a thing. “Do you need anything else Princess Twilight?” Twilight shook her head and told Silver Spoon she was free to leave but Twilight gave her four bits first. “Thank you Princess.” Silver Spoon left in a hurry, it was getting late after all. She had to be home soon. After avoiding ponies, Silver Spoon arrived home safe and sound and snuggled beneath the covers. Just as she was ready to fall asleep, a knocking came to her window. She sat up and saw Diamond Tiara. “You haven’t said anything, continue to keep your mouth shut or I’ll shut it for you.” The pink mare walked off laughing as Silver Spoon hid beneath her covers.