Unintended Consequences

by Daedalus

Origin Story

It was an average day in the Everfree Forest, except that the Old Castle was currently occupied by several restorers. These restorers were the Man Six, who had decided that with nothing else in urgent need of doing, they might as well be archeologists for a while.
Spike, who was there to catalog any interesting find, was currently reading the newest Power Ponies issue, though he'd have preferred to take a look at some Earth comics. Unfortunately for him, Aristotle had trouble getting more than issue or two at a time into this world, and Karkat was no help in the matter, so Spike had been spending his time reading old Marvel comics, since Aristotle preferred that particular publisher and wanted to read them too. Naturally, Spike had picked up his reading material from the House of Enchanted Comics, so we all know where this is going.
Upon coming to, Aristotle noticed that he felt heavier and a buzz at the base of his neck. He also noticed Spike was dressed like Captain America and every member of the group was together on a rooftop.
"Hey, Spike, Karbro, Assorted Friends, how you all doing? Oh, uh, Spike? You're dressed like Captain America. Just thought you'd like to know," Aristotle put out there.
"You like a cross between Spider-Man and Iron Man," Spike noted. "And Karkat looks like Doctor Strange. Hey, Sweetie Belle looks like the Black Widow. Don't recognize Scootaloo or Apple Bloom, though."
Aristotle broke in. "Apple Bloom seems to be wearing the She-Hulk's costume. Scootaloo, if I have it right, should be Ms. Marvel. Or Binary. Or Warbird. Or Captain Marvel. Carol Danvers. Too many names, that one."
The Man Six, being used to these kinds of shenanigans, quickly came to a conclusion on what was going on and who they were. Aristotle, it turned out, was Iron Spider.
Once it was determined what was what, Spike recalled," WemayhavetofightaMedusaslashJokerripofftogetoutofthisplace."
"Who were the heroes supposed to be?"
" Kind of a Justice League ripoff with the Hulk and a Cyclops slash Crystal mashup."
"Well, let's show this would-be world-beater what some real heroes can do. Say the battle cry, Cap."