Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Peter's birthday party

Time to vote again!
Now, since tomorrow is the real chapter 100, I've been thinking about doing a large chapter. Meaning, it'll take two days to write. Should I do it? You'll have to go a full day without a update if I do. Your choice.

Chapter 99

"Faster Spark!" I yelled back as I continued to walk towards the library, Peter's gift in my hands.

"Coming dad!" Spark yelled back as he dropped the random rock he had stopped to look at.

I chuckled and walked up to the door. I could hear music coming from inside, and the voices of the others.

I opened the door and walked in, a smile on my face. The party was in full swing... thanks to Pinkie Pie of course.

She was hopping around, talking to everypony at the same time.

Spark ran past me and began jumping around crazily, "Yeah! PARTY!"

Pinkie Pie jumped in front of him, "Ow! You like to party?! ME TOO!"

Spark laughed, "You talk fast."

Pinkie Pie giggled, "I'm not talking fast. But I can show you! Watch this!" She began to take in a deep breath.

I quickly made my way past them, trying to avoid her explosion of talking.

[Run dude! I don't want to hear this!]

I chuckled and continued to walk away and towards Peter, who had his wing over Rarity as they stood side by side, watching all the bronies dance.

I walked over and held up the semi small box, "Hey Peter, got ya a present."

He smiled happily and reached out for it, "Thanks man!"

I pulled back, "You have to wait till you open your others first."

Rarity laughed, "Oh, its to late for that darling. He already opened the others. He couldn't wait."

Peter smiled sheepishly, "Yeah.... can I have it now?"

I chuckled and handed it to him.

He smiled and began to pull the paper off the box. When it was off, he opened it to reveal a small glass orb.

It's hard to find the right picture sometimes XD

He pulled it out and furrowed his brow, "Huh... what is it?"

I chuckled, "A memory orb." (Reference)

He raised an eyebrow, "A what?"

"A memory orb. You can put all your memories in it, and the reason I bought it for you is because it can also unlock forgotten memories. So, you know what that means?"

He shook his head, "No."

"You will be able to remember every song you've ever heard!"

He smiled excitedly, "Really?! That's awesome! Thanks man!" He said, raising his hoof.

I laughed and slammed my hand into his hoof... OUCH! Damn, I forgot hooves were so damn hard on the bottom!

I held my hand and looked around, "So, where's Omnius?"

Peter looked around and pointed to the center top of the stairs, "There he is."

I looked up and chuckled, "Is he about to..."

"Yep." Peter said with a chuckle.

Omnius stood on his hind legs and held his forelegs into the air, "YEAH! Crowd surfing!"

All the bronies stopped and began to cheer him on.

He yelled out with excitement and jumped off the stairs and towards the crowd of bronies.

The bronies quickly moved out of the way of him.

"I REGRET NOTHING!" He yelled as he slammed into the ground.


He rolled over and groaned, "I though you all were going to catch me!"

Vinetion laughed, "And what gave you that idea?"

He groaned again, "But you all cheered!"

David nodded, "Yeah, we cheered because we wanted to see you hurt yourself."

He chuckled, "Figures."

As he rolled over and began to stand up, I walked over, "Yo."

He looked up and chuckled, "Yo dude! How goes life?"

I shrugged, "You know, the usual. Getting my ass kicked and stuff like that."

Omnius laughed, "Same here... well, I'm the one doing the ass kicking, but you get my point."

[Hell yeah! Omnius is in the house!]

I chuckled and looked around, "So, why did you come back?"

He shrugged, "No idea, I just get sent where I'm needed."

Seems legit. "Cool story bro."

He glared playfully, "Quiet you!"

Omnius chuckled and looked past me, "Hey, turn around. Peter's about to do it."

"Do what?"

"Just turn around."

I turned to see Peter talking to Rarity, a small box held on his out stretched wing.

Is he.... WAY TO GO PETER!

I stepped closer to hear them.

"... And that's why I'm about to ask this important question." Peter said as he went to one knee and brought his wing forward. He then used his other wing to open the box, "Rarity, will you marry me?"

Rarity's mouth hung open, "Peter..."

<For what?>

Rarity then let out a loud squeal... I think my ears are bleeding. Rarity jumped into Peter and hugged him tightly, "YES!"

He smiled and wrapped his wings around her.

All the bronies aww'd... Okay, I just lied, the girls aww'd, the guys either laughed or gagged... I aww'd... I need help.

Twilight walked up to my side and leaned against my legs, "So sweet."

I chuckled and went to my knees so I could put my arm over her, "Sure is... where's Spark?"

She shrugged, "I saw him and Nova leave a few minutes ago... should we be worried?"

I shook my head, "Nah, it's only Spark and a young Princess, what could go wrong?"

<... So much could go wrong.>

"Hey everyone! Look this way! Especially you Trixie!" Alexander yelled as he messed with a radio.

"What are you up to?" Grace asked in curiously.

"Watch!" He yelled with a smile. He looked at Trixie and smiled, "This is for you babe!" He twisted and hit a button on the radio.

He spun back around and began to sing, "Some people call me the space cowboy yeah
Some call me the gangster of love
Some people call me Maurice
Cause' I speak of the pompetous of love

People talk about me baby
Say I'm doin' you wrong, doin' you wrong
But don't you worry baby don't worry
Cause' I'm right here at home

Cause' I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
playin' my music in the sun
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a mid-night toker
I get my lovin' on the run
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

You're the cutest thing that I ever did see
I really love your peaches
Want to shake your tree
Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time
Ooh wee baby, I sure show you a good time

Cause' I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
playin'my music in the sun
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a mid-night toker
I sure don't want to hurt no one

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

People keep talkin' about me baby
Say I'm doin' you wrong
Well don't you worry, don't worry, no don't worry mama
Cause' I'm right here at home
You're the cutest thing I ever did see
Really love your peaches want to shake your tree
Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time
Come on baby now, I'll show you a good time."

When he finished, he bowed.

[Wow... his voice is not made for singing. HAHAHA!]
<Be nice!>

Trixie ran forward and wrapped her hooves around him, "Trixie loved the song!"

Wow... she's out of character, and yet, she retains her annoying way of speaking.

[Kill her with fire!]
<We're not going to kill her... no matter how much we want to!>

Peter walked past me, Rarity at his side, "Alexander! Hit the tunes! I want to dance with my wife to be!"

Alexander laughed happily, "Slow song coming up!"

I looked at Twilight and held out my hand, "Wanna dance madam?"

She giggled, "Yes... how will we do this?"

I shrugged, "We'll figure it out."

Ponyville, Spark's POV

Nova and I was walking down the darkened streets, talking about the Wonderbolt's.

"I heard they're going to perform at the next Galloping Gala!" Nova said with a squeal of delight.

I jumped at the news, "They are?! Awesome! I like Spitfire, who's your favorite?"

She tapped her chin, "Well, dad is always taking about Soarin', so I guess he is."

I nodded, "Yeah, Soarin' is awesome. But Spitfire is cooler! Oh! Did you hear that she is..."

"Look guys! It's the freak, and he has a filly with him!" Said a very familiar voice behind me.

Oh come on! Them again! I turned around to see Blitz and his two cronies. "What do you want?" I said in a shaky voice.

Blitz chuckled, "A little pay back."

I gulped and looked at Nova, then back at them, "Alright, do what you want. Just leave her alone."

Blitz laughed, "Oh? I think I know how to get our payback. Butch, Hardhoof, grab the filly."

Butch and Hardhoof began to walk forward.

Nova took a step back, forgetting her magic.

"Whoa! Blitz, she's a Alicorn!" Butch yelled back.

Blitz shrugged, "So? Just beat her, then we'll deal with the wimp."

Butch and Hardhoof smirked and continued forward, "Come here you foal!"

Something snapped in me, I suddenly felt enraged at their comments towards her, and their intentions!

When Butch neared her, he reached out with his hoof.


Butch was sent flying when I suddenly slammed my hoof into his face.

Hardhoof jumped back in surprise, "Whoa!"

I glared at him and jumped for him. I slammed into him and brought him to the ground. Once I had him pinned, I began to repeatedly slam my hooves into his face.


I slumped to the side after taking a hit to the face.

Blitz glared down at me, "I'm going to enjoy this!"

He jumped on me and began to hit me in the face over and over again. But, he wasn't ready for my next move.

I brought my hind legs up and wrapped them around his neck. I then pulled him backwards, causing his head to slam into the pavement.

I slowly stood and looked at the three badly hurt colts, "Don't you ever touch her!"

Blitz glared angrily, but nodded.

I walked over to Nova, who was standing there with a shocked face.

"Are you okay Nova?" I asked.

She nodded and gave me a large hug, "Thanks to you."

There goes my heart again... stupid wings!

She leaned back and gave me a thank you kiss on the cheek, "Thank you Spark. Now, lets get back to the party... I don't want to be out here any longer now."

I nodded, my cheek on fire and my heart going crazy.

We walked back to the party, me in a daze. I feel so light headed... but why?

XD That's the way to do it Spark! Beat the crap out of them, then just leave them in the middle of the streets at night XD