The System

by The System

The Iron Age Pt.1

-( Ponyville, Outskirts, 2002 A.D. )-

*Red TARDIS landing, doors opening*

"I read about this place. Ponyville, the town of mischief."

"Sounds dangerous."

"That's why we're here. Come on, this way!"

He ran off towards the small town, with Daring right behind him. When they got into the town, however, not a single living thing could be seen.

"That's strange." System pulled out a fob watch. "Exactly 12:00 o' clock. So where is everyone?"

"Maybe everyone is sick, or something."

"You might be right. Lets check the hospital, if there is one."

They began searching for the hospital, as the whole town began to seem more and more abandoned than thriving.

"Over here! I found it!"

System ran over. There stood a large, white building, much like the hospitals back on Earth.

"Well, lets check in and see what's going on."

They both entered the hospital, which appeared just as desolated as the streets.

"Hello! Anyone in here?"

A voice came from behind them.

"No one is here. Trying looking somewhere else."

They turned. There stood a humanoid figure wearing a long, white robe with strange marking all over it. The figure head was blocked by a large helmet, completely surrounding its head. Its feet and hands were visible, but they were like shadows, and were more like claws.

"Who are you?"

"I don't have a name. But I would prefer it if you called me the Hidden."

"Hidden, where is everyone? Why is the town empty?"

"They're all in their homes. You haven't heard, have you?"

"Heard about what?"

"Ponies have been going missing for a week, now. That must be why you're here, System."

"How did you know my name?"

"I've been watching you for a while, now. Interesting adventures, I must say."

"You've been following us?"

"Don't worry. I'm not trying to kill you. But maybe I can help you with your problem."

"And what can you do about it, exactly?"

"They're being converted. The army is growing. Fix it, Time Lord."