The System

by The System

Halls and Corridors Pt.1

-( Time Vortex, Red TARDIS )-

"I've got a special place in mind, to celebrate our victory of saving the planet."

"Is it your planet? Can we go there?"

"...No. That's not where we're going."

"Awww, why not?"

"Well, where's the fun in it for me? I don't want to go home! We're going somewhere much better-!"

*Red TARDIS alarm*

"No no no no no no!"

"System, what's going on?"

"Red TARDIS seems to be experiencing some sort of malfunction-"

*cloister bell*

"System... what was that?"

"The Cloister bell, which means only one thing..."

System ran to the doors and opened them, revealing a white emptiness.

"Where are we?"

"The Void. We'll need more power to get out of here, which means we're stuck here. Don't go outside." He stated as he closed the doors.

"But what's out there?"

"...I don't know... just don't go out there."

He turned and went back to the console, attempting to repair the console.

-(- A couple hours later... -)-

*sparks, Red TARDIS powering up*

"Aha! Red TARDIS is back online! Now, lets get out of here-!"

Suddenly, Red TARDIS began to sway back and forth wildly, causing Daring and the System to fall over.

"System, what's going on!?"

"We need to open the doors!"

System quickly leapt at the doors as the interior continued to shake. He quickly opened the doors, revealing what was shaking Red TARDIS. He backed away.

"System, what is it?- Eeep!"

In the doorway was four stone statues of pegasi with blank looks on their faces.

"Don't blink."


"Just don't. They can't move as long as you're looking."

"What are they?"

"Weeping Angels, or at least now they're pegasi."

"What are we going to do?"

"On a count of three, get ready to run."

"But System-"


"Where are we going to-"


She looked to her right. There was a long corridor that lead inwards.