//------------------------------// // The FULL Past Returns // Story: Sailor Moon E // by The Gamer Master Archive //------------------------------// Twilight's POV I cannot believe this. Those six girls have special abilities just like we do. This could turn out very useful for combat strategies. But now is not the time for freaking out. We all got to the library and I was getting ready to send Princess Celestia a letter about the events that just happened. "Spike take a letter." I said. Serena then climbed on Geo's head and screamed, "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! A DRAGON. AHHHHHHHHHH" "Serena, Serena, he's a good dragon. Now can you please climb off my head?" "Oh sorry." "Anyways back to the letter." Dear Princess Celestia, I have news to tell you that six new humans just arrived in Equestria and a monster appeared but we and the girls defeated them with little ease. I would like to set up a meeting with you in Canterlot so we can discuss our next plan of action. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. "And it's sent." Raye chimed in, "how long until we get a-" Spike burps out a letter from Princess Celestia. "reply." Geo said, "Twi, what does the letter say?" "It say we need to go to Canterlot right now. I will try to teleport all of us. Hold on to your lunch." When we got there everybody was nearly barfing all over the place. Geo stated, "Well she did say hold on to our lunches." We walked to the throne room where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna reside in. As soon as we walk in Luna gallops to Serena saying to Serena, "Serenity it has been ages since I've seen you!" "Lulu I don't think she remembers do you?" Serena shook her head no. "I understood as much but let us explain." Celestia POV This may sound hard to believe, but you and Geo are actually brother and sister, he was originally Constellation. He only wanted to make sure you were okay. This was also with Lan Hikari's liniage which led to them finding us. He always traveled on shooting stars, to see incoming threats, they met us, found out we wanted to help and we were accepted by the Moon Kingdom. You guys should have seen Luna she had a field day because it was on the moon. When it was attacked Geo, Lan Luna and I myself helped the sailor scouts evacuate the people. Beryl was then attacking Serenity and Endimyon, and sadly killed them. Constellation at the time thought of himself as a failure and wanted the people to be reborn to save there lives and awaken later on. Queen Serenity heard this call and asked Luna and I to return to Equestria. That's what we did but Lan awoke in Equestria leading us to battle by his side. Geo I'm sorry we kept this from you and Serena I'm sure if Queen Serenity were alive today, I'msure she would feel as sorry as I am, if not more. Geo POV So that's what happened in the past, that's how Celestia was working with Lan and MegaMan EXE. I'm related to Serena, she's my long lost sister I can't believe this. Suddenly we heard crashing outside Serena wanted everybody to stay safe so she went on her own. "Serena wait. If you are going then I'm coming with you." "Alright let's go!" EM Wave Change, Geo Stelar On Air! Moon Crystal Power, Transform! "Hold it right there motor moth!" Sailor Moon says."What the heck is that?!" "From my visor, this seems to be a daimohn." MegaMan said. The monster attacked Sailor Moon's brooch as the power left her. it was about to kill but I wasn't letting that happen! "Not on my watch, Mega Buster!" "Where am I? Am I dead?" Serena asked. "Not yet Serena. We are here to grant you stronger Equestrian powers to help you. This crystal star locket and the star locket shall now become one." Geo says. The sailor scout of Twilight said, "in order to transform, say Moon Eternal Star Power. Your new attack is the Moon Twilight Flash." "Okay." Moon Eternal Star Power!" When she transformed her form changed almost completely. She had a yellow star brooch, pink shoulder pads, a yellow blue and red dress and gigantic wings. "Eternal Sailor Moon is here to stay! Come on MegaMan time to finish this!" "Right" Moon Twilight Flash! Mega Shooting Star! "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Lovely!" The daimohn screamed as it became a cat puzzle with a pod breaking. We need to tell the others about your new transformation Sailor Moon." "Yes"