//------------------------------// // Temple of the Daleks Pt.5 // Story: The System // by The System //------------------------------// The Daleks couldn't ensure that the System would actually return with the TARDIS, so they sent one of their soldier with him to find it. They had just gotten outside. "Lead the way." "We need to get back up somehow. Any ideas?" The Dalek began to hover over the wall of dirt. "Oh. I forgot they could do that." "Maybe if I can use my wings as a boost..." Though her wings were still mending, she took the risk and jumped, flapping her wings once, just landing outside of the crater. "Well, that's just not fair. Give me minute or two." It took a little bit, but System managed to climb up the whole 24 feet of dirt. "Lets hurry up, we're behind schedule," he said, brushing the dirt off. They quickly hurried to the bushes from where they had come. "Red TARDIS should just be ahead. This way!" They pulled through the foliage to the clearing where he landed. "Open it." "Give me a moment." This time, he pulled out a small key and unlocked the doors with it. "Daleks first." The Dalek went inside first. "Now, Daring. If anything goes wrong inside, just kill it. They can never be trusted, not even now." He then went inside after it. The thing is that, while they were leaving, Daring took the cane with, just in case. System stepped forward to the controls, but was stopped before he could confirm take off. "That's as far as we'll need you, Time Lord." He turned, and held his arms up. "Surrendering wont help you n-AAAAAAAAH!" A blade pierced through the front of the metal, then slid back. Daring stepped inside. "Let me get that for you," she said as she pushed the dead Dalek outside. "We are still going back. Better set up the shields." "What for?" "The plan, of course." *Red TARDIS takeoff* "What plan?" "You'll see." *Red TARDIS landing* "There we are!" System stepped out into the escape pod to see the cult waiting for him. "Hello! One moment please!" He stepped back inside. "Daring, I need you to stay in here in case anything goes wrong, okay?" "Got it." "Thank you." He went back outside. "Now, is there anything else you need?" "Our plans are ready. We have all that we need." Dalek Sec turned towards the others. "Initiate the magnetic system. Prepare for launch." One of the Dalek went over to one of the set of controls and activated the engines. The whole ship began to shake. The ship began to emerge from the crater and rise to the skies. "Lock coordinates." The whole ship began to move faster. "Activate the magnetic system now." The whole ship jerked back, then returned to its speed. "All is going well." "For me, anyways." They all looked at him. "Because there's one thing you never, ever do." He pulled out the Red TARDIS key and began to unlock it. The Daleks began firing at him, but to no avail. "Never let a Time Lord bring his TARDIS." He quickly stepped inside. "System, what's going on?" "We're getting out of here, that's what's going on." *Red TARDIS takeoff* "Wait, what are you doing?" "Saving your planet. I can counter their pull with Red TARDIS, which has much more power than they'll ever have." System fiddled with the controls, when Red TARDIS suddenly jerked to the side. "Yes! Now time to put it back where it belongs." -( END )-