Demon Clothes

by Ssendam the Masked

Another awesome fight scene

I grappled with Luna, my fabric body cushioning her physical blows like an absolute boss. Unfortunately, the momentum sent me smashing into a wall. Dust settled on me. I winced, brushing it off. If there was one thing I hated, it was getting dirty. Now I was a bit annoyed. I hated getting dirty! Hey, I'm made of cloth, cut me some slack.
"Luna, was that-" I hastily rolled out of the way of a flying kick. The resulting kick demolished the next wall over.
"Luna, was that really necessary?"

Luna nodded. "Though we do respect your defeat of your own child, we must stop you here, Senketsu. Now, prepare thyself for thy brutal beating!"
With that, she sent a powerful blast of magic careening towards me. I hastily flew out the way, espying a window in the distance. I gathered as much power as I could and flew towards that simple, solitary window, attempting to dodge her. She gave pursuit, midnight-blue wings beating frantically to catch up to me. I wasn't really interested in that part; escape was at hand! I flew out, shattering it with the sheer speed of my impact...

...only to come front to chest with Celestia. She seemed to be surprised with my sudden entrance, which was good. I absently noticed the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis, as well as Junketsu. I was going to have to reprimand that boy later. Nothing but trouble...\

Still, of all the things that could have possibly happened to me, this was the absolute worst. I looked up at her frowning face.
In response, she scissor-kicked me into the ground. Ow. I'd forgotten how tough the two of them were. Even without their Kamui, I gauged their effectiveness at about the Nui level; as in, really, REALLY fast, durable, and hitting like a truck.

I looked up at Celestia as she approached. She looked down on me. "Senketsu, we really don't want to seal you away again. Please, go back to your cell and let us stop this pointless-"
I rocketed towards her, shape-shifting myself a pair of black fists. I was never the kind of guy who went down without a fight. If I was seriously going to be forced back there, then I was going to fight back tooth and nail.

"There is no such thing as a pointless fight! Those are the only ones worth fighting!"
I slammed into her own kick. The air around us rippled, and the resulting shockwave shattered a couple of windows. I slid upwards, managing to punch Celestia in the face. She staggered slightly, the impact crater showing on the opposite wall.
Celestia then charged right back at me. "Why do you resist? My sister and I only want to keep Equestria safe!" Her kick slammed me backwards, the sheer impact easily smashing a greater hole in the opposite building; about twice as large.

Then again, I was only a piece of clothing, so physical impact didn't mean much to me. "I respect that, but I! AM! NOT! A THREAT!" With that, I charged forwards, activating my favourite attack.
Mr being transformed into a drill, and I rocketed forwards, already building up momentum for my daring escape. Celestia charged forwards on her own. Punch met drill, and the very ground started shaking.

When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, then the collateral damage is immense. The ground where we met cracked, fractures, then exploded. Shockwaves emminated outwards from our meeting, smashing those windows that hadn't suffered enough. Dust and small rocks shot away from us, embedding into several buildings in the next street over. And still we strained- I for my freedom, and Celestia to prevent me moving. But my momentum was still going.

Slowly but surely, Celestia was being pushed backwards.I grinned. This was working!
"Celestia, I apologise, but I want to see the world! I want an adventure! I want to be worn by people! And you cannot stop me for all your power!"
She struggled. "I cannot risk another threat like the Primordial Life Fibre! You shall not leave!"

"I'm sorry, my dear, but I cannot be allowed to stop! I couldn't stop even if I wanted to! As I spin on and on, I advance just a little bit forwards! That is a drill! That is Tengen Toppa! That is Gurren Lagann! NOW! TENGEN TOPPA... DRILL... BREAKER!!!!!!!"

With that, my revolution spun faster and faster. We picked up speed. "Your body is invincible, and this barrier that surrounds us is impenetrable, right? In that case..." I grinned. "I'll just have to use you to break this shield!"
In response, Celestia gripped my tip. "And that shan't happen!" Her wings flapped, trying to slow me down, but my resolve was limitless.
"No..." she whispered.
"Yes, I'm afraid."

With that, I pierced the heavens themselves. Or, rather, whatever shield spell this was. With Celestia as my shield, I managed to smash through, onwards to glorious freedom! Or I would, had Celestia not gotten a tight grip on me.
"You're truly determined not to let me go, are you?"
In response, she shook her head. "I'll give you one chance, Senketsu. If whatever happened in the past ever happens again... then I shall be the one who shall tear you to pieces." With that, she let go, and I continued rocketing forwards. There was so much in this world that I had yet to see.

I could hardly wait.


Celestia watched Senketsu disappear off into the distance, and sighed. "I might be making a huge mistake here."
Luna shot up. "Sister, we can still catch him-"
Celestia cut her off. "Well, I think we can afford Senketsu one day's head start? Besides, his power has been weakened by his stay in his prison. He is not as great a threat as he once was. Still." Her eyes hardened.
"If he ever goes hostile, then I'm going to tear him to pieces."
She then smiled. "Besides, we have a wedding that we are supposed to be attending, remember?"
Luna nodded. "Very well. I can agree with that."

Celestia stepped back. "By the way, deactivate your Kamui, please. You might not be ashamed, but Canterlot society are notoriously prudish, as you're well aware."
Luna waved a hand dismissively. "In the words of the young, 'buck the Guard.'

And thus it was that Shining Armour and Princess Cadence were married in the ruins of Canterlot Castle, with the former invader relegated to the back seats under a heavy, watchful guard. The invading swarm had mostly been blown away by Senketsu's violent exit, with those who were left supporting Chrysalis' peace talks.

And far, far away, I was looking at the 'Tear.' Where I'd originally entered Equestria. Though the journey had been rough... and rather violent... and stripped my sense of self... I still liked looking at the Tear. With a thought, one of my Life Fibres detached. I threw it through the Tear and spoke.
"I am Senketsu, Kamui. Those who want to wear me can do so by pulling on my threads."
And with that, I turned back into a rocket and shot off towards adventure.