A Aliena Orbis

by Gidget_TheGear

Tec and Confinement(edited)

Unfortunately for Tec, just because he was forgiven… doesn’t mean that all was well. He still assaulted a member of the royal family, in the middle of one of the biggest, if not the biggest, events in recent history. Thus, he was in Canterlot for a couple days after his little outburst…
A knock sounded from the door just as he finished packing away the last of his meager possessions. “Come in.” He said, still bent over his small pack. The door opened and he felt a tinge of worry come from whoever walked in. He turned to tell the pony that he wasn’t going to hurt them, but stopped short upon seeing Celestia with a false smile on her face. Why is she worried? I thought that everything… no I guess it wouldn’t be that easy even in a land of magical ponies with big hearts… He thought. “Please… lose the fake smile…” He managed as he deflated. Her smile instantly disappeared and was replaced with a look of shock.
“How… how did you see through me?” She asked genuinely confused. He pointed towards my head and answered quietly.
“Back on my world I was what some would call an empath. I can actually feel small twinges of emotions from others. Although since coming to Equestria my sensitivity seems to have increased tenfold.” The joy he normally felt at explaining something was completely gone at this point as he stared at his feet. She seemed to understand what he meant. Then, it dawned on her why he became sad.
“Oh no, Tec I wasn’t worried about what you would do. I was worried about you. Unfortunately, because of what happened last night some of the nobles are rallying around Blueblood and are demanding that you be punished.” She explained. He inflated a bit, happy that she didn’t fear him, but not happy that he was going to be punished.
“So, what will it be?” He asked sadly. “Banishment? Execution? Something worse?” He continued.
“What? Why would… You know, you worry just as much as Twilight does. No, you will be staying here in Canterlot for observation and you will be answering some questions. However you will be confined to this room the entire time you are here.” She said in her normal motherly tone. He could no longer tell if what she was showing was entirely truthful as she had put up mental blocks.
“Ok… So, what are you here for the questioning?” He asked as his mood improved a bit more.
“Yes. Though, we will have to have somepony in here with us.” She answered.
“Well, let ‘em in then.” He stated.
“Ok, thank you for understanding.” She said softly as she went to the door and opened it to reveal a dark grey unicorn stallion with a black mane and hazel eyes. He walked in and sat down on a chair near the door. He stayed silent and closed his eyes as his horn lit up with a dull green light. Celestia took a breath and turned towards me. “Tec. What happened last night?” She started. Tec closed his eyes and did his best to remember his rage induced violence. He explained to them what came to mind and further explained that after He got hit he lost control and his vision narrowed and all he was paying attention to was Blueblood. She nodded and looked over to the grey stallion and he nodded his head. She walked over to Tec and pulled him into a hug. After they parted she said, “We will have to go over some things now, the fact that you didn’t lie will benefit you in the long run. I will see you in a little while after I take care of Day Court.”
“See ya, Celestia.” Tec said as she and the unicorn left. Execution by boredom then… Gods this is going to suck… He thought to himself.
He doesn’t seem to remember that he burnt Blueblood or that the windows exploded when his magical energy spiked. Not to mention the difference in power during that spike… where did he get that much magic… Did he always have it and choose to hide it… or… something else… He didn’t seem to even know… He just suddenly jumped from nearly nothing, far less than even an earth pony… to the level of an average unicorn… with absolutely no control… Should I bring this to his attention… or risk it… and keep quiet… Celestia thought to herself as she walked towards the throne room.
Meanwhile back in her Canterlot Loft Library Twilight and Spike were busy unpacking some things that they had gotten on a quick trip back to Ponyville. “Come on Twilight, do we really need to stay here. It’s so far from Ra…” He coughed in the middle of his sentence to cover up what he was about to say, “our friends. Also, what if someone wants to check out a book and we aren’t there to get it to them.”
“Spike…” She started, “If you want you can go back to the library and ask if Rarity would like your help. I, on the other hoof, need to stay here.” Spike looked at her excitedly and nodded his head in affirmation. She charged up a powerful teleportation as she focused on her Golden Oaks Library and let the magic free. They appeared in the middle of the Library and Spike immediately ran off to get Twilight a glass of water, as this level of spell was a bit of a drain on her magic supply. She panted as she waited for him to return. He came back with the glass in hand, which she drank down greedily. She took a deep breath, charged her spell again and appeared back in her Canterlot loft. A tired sigh came from her as she thought aloud and made her way to her bed, “Well, he’s not going anywhere for some time and I don’t have anything else to do today. A nap couldn’t hurt.” She fell into it and passed out the second her head touched her pillow.
I have been in here with nothing to do for five fucking hours. He thought poisonously as his stare bore holes in the clock trying to will time to speed up. He had asked the guards if one of them could get him a book and both had simply looked forward stoically like statues and after watching them for a while it unnerved him. He closed the door and laid down to try to take a nap to pass the time, to no avail. After almost an hour he stopped trying and began to look around at the room taking in all of the details. After the fifth time his gaze passed over of the entire room he looked at the clock and was flabbergasted. All my observations took me a good… half an hour… half of a fucking hour. He thought. At this point he was so bored he, half-jokingly, thought that maybe suicide was a better option than this boring hell. He tried to create a story in his head that he could enact to pass the time, but the boredom had already corrupted the creative center in his brain and he came up blank. Suffice it to say, three and a half hours later… He was not happy… in fact one could even call his mood caustic. He paced around the room and grumbled to himself as he tried to find something to do. His mood soured further as he heard a knock on the door. That’s just fucking perfect. Let’s go ask the pissed off prisoner some dumb questions and see what happens and while we’re at it lets poke him with a stick. He thought condescendingly. “Open.” He griped. In walked a smiling Twilight. Whether or not she noticed Tec's mood getting worse was irrelevant, but he wagered that she didn’t. “So you stayed behind. Spike here with you?” He managed in as calm a voice he could muster, which just made him sound empty.
“No. He decided to stay and help Rarity in Ponyville.” She answered while looking at a scroll in her hands. “Ok. I have a lot of questions to ask.” She squeed in delight.
“If you don’t mind, I would pref…” He started but was cut off by Twilight’s rambling.
“Oh, the things we can talk about!” She closed her eyes and bounced from hoof to hoof.
“I really don…” He was cut off once more and his sour mood just turned worse.
“Like how you…” He cut her off by screaming.
“TWILIGHT!” Her face was one of shock. His horrid mood made him want to play off the thing that would get her to leave and his face contorted to a frown. “I don’t think I can learn much, if anything, from you. Your understanding of things is mostly shallow. Even your understanding of your own destiny is meager.” The shocked look on her face changed to one of hurt, then one of anger. He immediately knew that he had fucked up, but He couldn’t bring himself to care.
“My understanding is shallow! You didn’t seem to think that when we were conversing before!” She screamed back.
“I was sparing your feelings.” He said as he slowly felt himself falling into an emotionless state. His hair deflated, his colors dulled and his face became impassive.
“Oh, so I guess you were sparing my feelings when you said you wanted to be my friend then!” She retorted as she slapped him and one lone tear fell down her cheek. He felt the slightest pinch of guilt at that point as his emotionless façade slowly began to crumble.
“No… I wasn’t. I really did want to be your friend.” He answered.
“Well, THIS isn’t how friends behave.” She stated back her voice tinged with anger and pain. He looked down to the ground as what he did came back to him.
“Well, now you know why I didn’t have any friends back where I am from. My anger is a problem and it splashes onto everybody.” He said slowly. “I’m sorry… I know that what I said was horrible and wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t forgive me. If it makes you feel any better, I actually think that you are probably more knowledgeable than me for the most part.” He finished as he turned towards the bed.
“Throughout my lessons of friendship my friends and I have made many mistakes, but friends forgive each other. Now, why were you so angry?” She said.
“Um… it’s… the reason is stupid.” He answered.
“No reason is stupid. Come on tell me.” She tried to coax the answer out
“This reason is hardly even a reason.” He retorted.
“Come on.” She tried again.
“Ok… Ok… it is still stupid though. I was… bored… my boredom pissed me off.” He answered.
“Um… so… it had nothing to do with me?” She said slightly confused.
“My boredom made me want to be antisocial… I kind of get that way when I am reading a book as well… Just not as angry as quickly… that only happens when I am repeatedly interrupted…” He confessed as a blush made its way across his cheeks.
“Well… I guess I can sort of understand that…” She said clearly not quite understanding.
“Don’t worry too much about it. I realize that it’s stupid. I wasn’t kidding when I said I didn’t have many friends before. I kind of pushed people away.” He answered, obviously not proud of his previous habits.
“Well, just be careful. Um… sorry for slapping you.” She said after thinking a bit.
“Don’t worry about it. I was being a dick and deserved it.” He stated. “So, um… you said you had questions and things you wished to talk about?” He reminded her.
“Hm… OH Yes! How did y…” She started before a knock on the door interrupted her.
“Sorry, one second.” Tec apologized to Twilight. “Yes, come in.” He directed towards the door. The door opened to reveal Celestia and Luna’s smiling faces. He could feel no ambient emotion and decided to challenge himself a bit to see exactly how strong his sensitivity had grown. As he focused on the three Alicorn mares in front of him. He could feel Twilight’s slight frustration at being interrupted once more that was tinged with conflicted feelings, but that was overwhelmed by her happiness at seeing her former teacher and her friends. He could feel a slight amount of distrust, like she didn’t believe something that her sister had said, from Luna towards Celestia. Whilst he still felt nothing from the blocked off Celestia. “Firstly Twilight, it’s ok to feel frustrated with someone you really respect, even if it is Celestia and Luna.” Twilight’s face contorted cutely with confusion, while Luna looked at him blankly and Celestia’s grin grew. He put two and two and two together and figured out what Celestia had told her that Luna didn’t believe. “Yes Luna I can feel others emotions. I have a feeling that Celestia tried to tell you about it and you didn’t believe her.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“Yes. She did and no I didn’t. How did you come across this ability?” Luna asked suspiciously.
“Don’t know when I really figured out that I had it. My guess would be that it is just something I was born with.” He answered.
“Well then, is this ability widespread where you are from?” She asked, her doubt still hanging on every word.
“Not really sure about that one either. My mom was one of the only other people I knew that had it. So… probably not.” He answered to the best of his ability.
“So wait, is it hereditary?” Twilight interjected as her inner scholar reared its head.
“Possibly… it was a bit harder to trace that kind of thing back on my world.” Tec answered her. Luna lost some of her suspicious gaze.
“While this is all very interesting, we actually came here to tell you that we calmed the nobles down.” Celestia interrupted. His eyes widened and his hair puffed out once more returning to its normal color as a smile nearly split his face in twain.
“So, it all blew over and I can leave!” He said as he began to bounce in place a bit.
“Unfortunately, no, you are still to stay here for a couple days for observation.” Celestia stated. He immediately stopped bouncing and sighed he did not, however, deflate.
“Can you at least allow me some books or something then? I was bored out of my mind in here and… I kind of do stupid stuff when I get bored… like…” My voice trailed off as he looked at Twilight with a sad look in his eyes. He subsequently sagged with depression. Celestia and Luna looked at him with a tinge of confusion. “I’m sorry…” Was all he quietly said before he turned away from them and flopped onto the bed face down and began to silently berate himself.
“I guess we will leave for now.” Luna stated before opening the door for a bit, letting out the other two, then closing it behind her. Well, I can’t say that I am to surprised that Luna figured out my need for alone time before anypony else… Wait… did I just think anypony… Eeyup… Well then… He thought to himself before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Hey, Tec… are you listening? Tec heard a very feminine voice say from all around him as he floated in the empty darkness.
Gidget? So… now you can actually talk to me in dreams… Wow you gained more presence than I thought. He said without looking around.
More than you could possibly know... Gidget’s voice answered.
Wait… if you’re gaining presence… has it finally come for me to cease? He asked quietly, dreading the possibilities.
No… I don’t think so… We need to think about this some more… She said slowly as if she was, indeed, thinking. A bright light shone through the darkness as Tec began to wake.
Don’t forget! He repeated several times as consciousness took hold.
Light streamed through the window reminding Tec that he forgot to close the curtain the night before. He groaned unhappily and slowly made his way over to the window to shut the curtain. Something struck him as he drew the curtain closed, he had something that he was supposed to remember… but he couldn’t think of what it could be… Eh… if it’s truly important I’ll remember it later. He thought to himself. He heard a light knock on the door. He yawned a bit and stretched. He felt way better than he had last night, sleep always made him feel better. There was another knock on the door, this time seeming a bit impatient. “Come in.” He said slightly confused. The door opened up to reveal that Twilight was his visitor this morning. She looked slightly annoyed and was wearing a purple, silk nightie… and he could tell that she didn’t have a bra on… His face became very red, very quickly as he began to examine the wall to his left that had suddenly become very interesting.
“You sleep very hard you know that…” She said.
“All guys do…” He retorted quietly.
“What?” She asked. He fake coughed and shook his head.
“Nothing. Now what is it you need?” He asked as he brought his eyes to look at her and made it a point to stare directly into her eyes.
“Ooookayy… Anyways… I came to ask you what kind of books you would like.” She answered with a shrug. Before you got dressed? He thought before answering.
“Anything with romance or anything on magic.” Twilight’s face contorted into a huge grin at the mention of literature on magic her horn glowed as she charged up a spell bright light filled the room just as he closed his eyes. He kept them closed for a few moments as he waited for her to possibly return. He opened them when nothing happened and low and behold that's when the room filled up with the magical light of Twilight’s teleportation spell. He blinked, waiting for his vision to return.
When it finally returned he was staring directly into the eyes of a wildly smiling Twilight who had gotten extremely close. Needless to say he jumped… well… more like screamed and fell on my ass, but that’s just semantics. Tec mentally corrects the author.
On his way back to his feet he saw that Twilight still had yet to get dressed, but had brought a large menagerie of books with her, all floating in her magic. Should I let her know that she’s not dressed or should I just sit back and enjoy it? He thought. I think I’ll just… no I can’t… maybe just a moment more though… His thoughts continued. His watched her for a while as she began to sort out all the books. “… udging by our previous conversations I didn’t think you would need some of the basics, but I still brought them because it never hurts to brush up on things.” He heard her state as he realized she was speaking.
“Wait… are you staying here with me?” He asked as she bent over to sort some books and ended up distracting him with her lavender flank and answering two questions he had, whether or not they had cutie marks and if she was wearing anything under her nightie. Yes and… kinda… He thought. Plain white panties… kinda count… His semi-lewd thoughts continued.
“Yes. I thought you might want some company.” She stated without turning around.
“Oh… Well, thank you.” His face grew red at what he was about to admit. “You might want to get dressed… I can… um… see your panties…”
“WHAT?!” Twilight screeched as her face turned six different shades of red in about two point eight seconds. The room filled once more with the bright light of her teleportation. I’m not much of an ass man… but… damn that mare has a nice flank… Tec thought as he waited for her to return. He walked over and picked up one of the books that were part of the basics and sat down to read.
Around two hours later Tec had gone through three of the smaller books decided two weren’t needed and was half way through the one he had in his hands. The room flashed once more as Twilight entered again. “Feeling better now?” He asked without looking away from the book.
“Much. Now, how far have you gotten in that book?” She asked. He took a moment to read the last page of the chapter he was on.
“I am on chapter thirteen in this one. I read Your Magic and You, So you want to cast spells and Magicians Codex. I skimmed over Your First Spell and Know Your Limits.” He said as he turned the page. There was a bit of silence before he heard a squee.
“So, what book are you reading right now?” She asked.
“I picked up one from the second pile called, Crystals and Gemstones. I am quickly finding that this book is lacking in some details though, but whatever. I can experiment to see if certain things that apply from where I am from, apply in this world.” he said as he closed the book and set it down on his ‘finished pile’. He looked at her and smiled. “So, what questions do you have?” He asked. Her eyes were wide for a while before shaking her head and taking a breath.
“Well, I know you aren’t a beginner… what grade would you be at though?” She asked herself.
“Not that it would help much, but where I am from certain groups separated it out into degrees. First, you have initiate or seeker. Next you have first degree, which works with the basics, such as tools, holidays, how to work with spells, etc. Then you have second degree, which denotes when you start trying to teach others, with guidance. Past that is third degree and clergy. Now I will be the first to admit that I haven’t actually had much formal training, but last time I was ‘evaluated’ I was set at between mid-second degree and high second degree. I can teach with some of the things that I know. Hell, several years ago I was going to teach two students, on my own, but they decided that they didn’t want me as a teacher before I even began teaching them.” He answered. She looked at him while her mouth opened and closed repeatedly, reminding Tec of a fish. “Twilight?” He said trying to get her attention.
“I… um… I’ll be right back…” She managed as she teleported out of the room. He shrugged and went back to reading.
I have to get to Celestia… She needs to know this… Twilight thought to herself as she walked towards the throne room. Many of the guards and servants of the castle bowed their heads as she walked by, but she didn’t notice. She was a mare on a mission.
Celestia was in the middle of day court listening to a farmer from the outskirts of Fillydelphia and the owner of a chain of confectioneries, argue over property rights. “That land has been in my family for generations. I would no more relinquish it than I would give up my left hoof!” The farmer, Belle Sprout stated to Celestia.
“You have no documents to prove such a claim! Princess Celestia please, listen to reason. I went to the mayor of Fillydelphia and bought the land that this mare stubbornly won’t leave.” The business mare, Cherry Cheesecake, pleaded. Suddenly the doors burst open and Twilight walked in with a look of confusion and wonder plastered on her face.
“This case will be held until a later date. You both have two days to bring forth the documentation necessary.” Celestia stated to the two. Cherry Cheesecake seemed to be slightly annoyed by this, but chose not to say anything, while, Belle Sprout seemed to be awash with relief. They bowed and left through the gigantic double doors. Celestia turned to Twilight. “Twilight, my dear, what seems to be the matter?” She asked her in a caring tone.
“Tec…” At this Celestia’s heartbeat quickened a bit her mind going directly to the worst possibility, “He… he says that he was to be a teacher of magic… in his old world…” Twilight finally said with a smile plastered to her face. “He said that our advanced book on gemstones and crystals might be missing some information, but he needs to test if some of the same things apply in this world that applied in his. OH Celestia! I have never met somepony who was as interested in magic as he is! I mean, I’ve had discussions with him about it before but… at that point in time he was mostly silent and would only ask questions here and there! I didn’t know he knew that much!” Celestia raised an eyebrow in contemplation and thought for a moment, but… his energy… it’s so… small normally… but there still was that spike…
“It seems that I need to speak with him.” Celestia stated as she made her decision. She charged her teleportation spell as Twilight did the same.
Twilight had been gone for about five minutes before Tec began to get bored once more and started reading again. He picked up a book that he had heard of before coming here, Super Naturals, and chuckled, remembering the episode. As he read through it he committed a few recipes that seemed like they could be useful, a basic healing salve, a burn salve and a bathing mix designed to cure rashes, down onto some paper that Twilight had brought with her. He felt lucky at this point in time that he had learned how to write with a quill before now. He chuckled as he remembered how difficult it was his first try and how utterly horrid it looked… well, it still looks kind of bad… but hey at least it was legible… He thought. He still had issues writing strait across the page without the guide of lines. Yep… all of the words kind of slope down the page at an angle… His thoughts continued while looking at the final product.
The bright light of a teleportation spell shone from behind him. He was about to ask Twilight why she had left when a second light shone brightly, effectively cutting him off. He turned around and saw that both Twilight and Celestia had come. “Ok… Day Court should be going on right now… so… To what do I owe the pleasure of your company Celestia?” He asked curiously.
“Twilight has told me that you know quite a bit about magic. That you were going to be a teacher in your old world?” She said quizzically. He raised an eyebrow and looked to Twilight and back to Celestia.
“Yes. I know a good bit about magic. Well, magic from my world at least and yes, I was going to have students, two to be exact, several years ago. They decided that they didn’t wish to learn from me though. I haven’t tried to give lessons, save for some advice here and there, since.” He answered wondering where this was going. He gave trying to sense Celestia’s emotions another shot. He could feel the excitement practically radiating off of Twilight, but once again found himself unable to tap into what Celestia was feeling.
“How can you use magic with so little energy though?” Celestia asked her face seemed genuinely curious, but he still felt that there was something more to this. He chuckled a bit and took a deep breath. He stopped the flow of magical energy going out of his body and immediately felt his stockpile start to grow. Celestia showed no reaction for a while. He smirked and took another deep breath and focused on pulling in energy as well as increasing the production inside of him. He felt it skyrocket. Celestia’s calm demeanor cracked a bit but did not break. He took another deep breath and closed his eyes focusing entirely upon the magic inside him and began multiplying the energy. He opened his eyes and saw that both of the Alicorn mares in front of him had looks of astonishment. Then, there jaws dropped. A bit confused about their last reaction he cocked an eyebrow and asked.
“What?” Celestia and Twilight just blinked for a while before Twilight pointed towards her eyes. This confused him even further. “What, your eyes?” He asked.
“No… your eyes… they’re glowing.” Twilight stated slowly.
“Wait… What!?” He exclaimed just before he expunged the energy in him.
“How… how can you control all the energy in you when you’re overcharged…” Twilight asked.
“Overcharged?” He asked.
“Yes, the point in which you have focused nearly all of your magic into your… well you don’t have one… but it happens when a unicorn, or Alicorn focuses almost all of their magic into their horn.” Celestia explained. “How are you not tired after that?” Suffice it to say Tec wasn’t following her train of thought very well.
“Well color me confused… I’m not tired because, while my eyes wouldn’t normally light up, I was just doing a basic energy gathering practice. I didn’t use a spell or anything, not that, that would normally tire me out too badly. Then I just gave the energy back that I had drawn into me.” He answered. Both of their jaws dropped once more. “What?”
“You took energy from around you!?” Celestia said slightly panicked, her calm demeanor utterly shattered at this point.
“Well yeah…” He answered baffled by her response.
“Oh no… oh no, oh no… This can’t be happening…” Twilight began.
“Unfortunately it has too…” Celestia began.
“What?” He asked, becoming a bit worried.
“You are too dangerous to allow you to interact with Equestria… You must leave… or I will have to make you leave…” Celestia said in a low voice that seemed less threatening and more, just, sad.
“WHAT?!” Tec exclaimed. “I would understand if my anger had caused this, but this, really something that anyone can do. Fuckin’ really!” He continued. They stopped momentarily, confused by his words.
“What do you mean… something anyone can do?” Celestia asked with a bewildered expression on her face.
“I meant exactly what I said. Anyone can do it, any unicorn, any pegasus, any earth pony, any Alicorn, any anything can do it and does do it every day. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day you are doing exactly what I was doing, just subconsciously. If you didn’t you would die.” He answered, absolutely flabbergasted. They looked at each other and back to Tec. He calmed himself down a bit. “Look, do you know the scientific properties of energy?” He asked.
“Yes, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is…” Twilight began, suddenly becoming happy. He cut her off though.
“That is the only property that is needed to understand what I am going to tell you. All I did was convert the potential energy around me and inside me into magical energy.” They both looked at him blinking momentarily. Finally a look of realization crossed their faces.
“So you didn’t take the magical energy from around you at all?” Celestia asked.
“Nope.” He answer.
“Meaning doing what you did wouldn’t hurt anypony?” Twilight continued.
“Eeyup.” He answered. They both sigh in relief.
“Well… now that this has come up. Why did you burn Blueblood?” Celestia asked.
“Wait… What now?” He asked.
“You burned Prince Blueblood on his neck.” Celestia said.
“Well, that is unusual… I will have to do some tests to figure out…” He facepalm as he figure out what had happened. “The magic in this world… I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out… The sheer difference in the viscosity of the magic in this world versus where I’m from, I mean come on, the fact that even the air tastes different should have told me that!” He rambled off while pacing. “Anyways, to answer your question, it is because I lost control. I will have to try much, much harder to keep in control from now on, seeming as how my rage has become a quite bit more dangerous. Luckily, I have to actually focus to build up energy that quickly.” He said as he turned his gaze back to Celestia. Then he felt a sudden pulse inside himself. His face contorted in confusion.
“What?” Twilight asked just before Tec's world went dark.
Suddenly Tec's face and body tensed up as he let out a blood curdling scream that chilled both the Alicorn mares to the bone. His legs gave out and he dropped to the ground. He stared at them blankly as his face and body begin to twitch and draw further into himself. He blew raspberries and ended up with drool all over him. Twilight and Celestia noticed that his drool was tinted red. Finally it clicked in their heads what was happening as the seizure ended just as suddenly as it began.
“Twilight, begin asking him basic questions about you, your friends and himself. I will go and get a doctor.” Celestia said before teleporting away. Twilight did just that.
“Who am I?” Tec heard a female voice asking as his vision started to clear up a bit. His memory was still hazy but he knew who was speaking.
“You’re… Twilight… um… Twilight Sparkle.” He answered.
“Alright and who are you?” Twilight asked. The haze coating his brain seemed to lift quite a bit as he became annoyed by her question.
“I’m Tec!” He nearly shouted. His vision cleared to the point where he could actually see the people around me. At first he was scared and confused as he couldn’t remember how he got to Equestria. He calmed down as his memories flooded into his head and he began to feel the aching in his body and the pain in his mouth… Then, he finally realized exactly what had happened. He looked to Twilight with a sad expression. “How long did it take?” He asked. Though with his slightly swollen tongue it sounded like ‘hou lowng dihd ih tayk’.
“It’s been two hours since your seizure started.” Twilight said with a sad expression. Her face was coated in dry tears. He sighed sadly.
“A’m shawry…” He said as he pulled her into a hug that was quickly reciprocated as she began crying softly into his shoulder. He noticed Celestia with a scared expression on her face and a pony that Tec guessed was a doctor standing near him as well. “Aw shooh hahv tolh yue abowh ma Epihlepshee.” He continued. “Uh… am I going to have to deal with this wounded tongue or can it be fixed quickly?” He asked, carefully and slowly sounding out each word to the doctor after he noticed she was a unicorn.
“For a wound like the one you have normally I could just heal it with magic. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee it wouldn’t set off another seizure.” The doctor stated. Tec sighed and chuckled mirthlessly. Of course it can’t be that simple… He thought. He then realized he was still sitting in his own piss.
“Um… shit…” He said. “This is going to sound very bad but… I kind of emptied my bladder during my seizure… I need to get to a shower… but I can’t trust my legs… I… I’m going to need help…” He continued, slowly working around his injury. He could feel Twilight heat up in embarrassment at what he said.
“Yes, I can have a stallion come in to help you if that would be better for you.” The doctor stated.
“No it’s fine.” Tec said as Twilight backed up and Tec moved to the side of the bed he was on. The doctor came up to him and put an arm around his waist. Tec positioned his arm over her shoulder and tried to stand up. “Thank you.” He said to the mare. They slowly made their way to the bathroom as the haze faded little by little. Finally, a few moments before they got to the door, Tec felt able enough to do the rest himself. “I think I’ve got it from here.” He slowly struggled out.
“Are you sure?” She asked. Tec simply nodded and made his way into the bathroom. He closed the door and stripped as quickly as possible. Tec took a brief shower, making sure to pay extra attention to his legs. He dried himself off afterwards and realized that he hadn’t brought any clothes with him. He sighed thoughtfully before noticing a pair sitting on the sink. He smiled and dressed as quickly as he could, without falling, and exited back into the room. Celestia and the doctor had left, but Twilight had decided to stay. His stomach growled loudly and he noticed he was absolutely starving as he laid down.
“Um… can you get me some food or ask someone else to please.” Tec said with a small blush. She chuckled a bit and nodded.
“Sure. What do you want?” She asked.
“Actually… some fruit would be wonderful.” He answered after a moment of thought. Twilight smiled and nodded once more.
“Ok.” She said softly. He giggled a bit. “What?” She asked.
“The way you said that was really cute.” He said without skipping a beat. Hurray! My internal filter is turned off. He thought in an odd tone that was mixed with loathing and joy. Twilights face burned brightly at his compliment.
“Um… th.. Thank you Tec.” She said while looking at her hooves.
“You’re welcome Twily.” He stated, while humming the tune to BBBFF in his head and swaying to the beat a bit. She poked her head out of the door and Tec heard her speaking to someone, probably a maid or something. He thought. He closed my eyes continued to sway.
“So… um… Tec… um… you never asked if we might be able to send you home… Why?” Twilight asked. He opened one eye and looked at her with a tad bit of confusion evident on his face.
“That was really weird timing for that question.” He said before taking a deep breath. He opened his other eye and looked at her seriously. “Do you want me to lie to you or do you want the truth?” He asked.
“The truth, of course.” She said obviously confused. He took another deep breath.
“Where I come from is… not too nice of a place… but in all honesty… that had nothing to do with my decision not ask. More than anything… the world I am from… well… bored me… if I had a chance to go back… the only reason I would, would be to ask my family and my few friends to come back with me. I don’t want to leave…” He said thoughtfully. “I don’t want to lose you all…” He said, his voice suddenly quiet as he sagged sadly at the thought.
“Are… are we really that important to you?” She asked.
“Yes… yes you are….” He answered simply. She walked up to his prone form and hugged him tight, happy tears falling from her eyes.