Free from the Chains that Bind

by Sillyponyme


One Week Earlier

Silver Spoon was all grown up now and things in her life weren’t great. It had been a normal day for her and that was the problem, the normalcy of the day. She and Diamond Tiara had gone from bullies to brutes and from brutes to criminals. For years now, she had been helping Diamond get exactly what she wanted. Even now as fully grown ponies, Silver Spoon continued to follow Diamond Tiara. It didn’t make any sense to Silver Spoon, why did she follow her? It wasn’t like they were much of friends anymore, even as fillies they weren’t much of friends. There had always been something in Silver Spoons mind that wondered if she should continue with Diamond Tiara or not but she ignored it. “Why, why don’t I just leave?” Silver Spoon whispered as she looked at her so called friend bribing some mare for something. Who was she kidding; Diamond was bribing or more like blackmailing the captain of the wonderbolts who now happened to be Rainbow Dash.

Spitfire gave Rainbow Dash her own recruits a couple years ago. RD was definitely qualified for the job but the fact was; she didn’t really earn the title of Captain. Diamond Tiara supposedly convinced Spitfire to give Rainbow Dash her own recruits. That had been the biggest lie in a five hundred mile long scroll of lies. Silver Spoon should know; she had helped Diamond do it. That wasn’t to say that she knew all the details but she knew enough. Rainbow Dash knew it as well but guess what, Diamond Tiara held the cards and RD was trapped. Silver Spoon wasn’t completely sure what all the cards were that Diamond held in her hooves and so helping the rainbow haired Pegasus was impossible.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t the only one hurt by Diamond Tiara, all but the princesses and Diamond Tiara’s father were hurt by her and none of them knew about it. It wasn’t much of a surprise, they couldn’t know since those being blackmailed, stolen from, or whatever the affect was, were being forced to stay quiet. Silver Spoon was in this position as well but she couldn’t take it. She wanted out but she couldn’t be sure how. She had pondered it for years but she couldn’t get the courage. Every time she tried, Diamond Tiara always challenged her. Silver Spoon was weak and she knew it but then all the ponies in Ponyville and even those out of Ponyville were. Diamond Tiara gained a very secretive empire of criminals spread out through Equestria and beyond. The only reason they hadn’t been caught was because everything that happened was so subtle; whether it was causing the top racers to lose or getting designers from all over to hoof over money. If Diamond wanted it, she got it but what happened next was the last straw.

Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara and Rainbow Dash were all in a dark ally and Silver Spoon was guarding the entrance rather nervously and hatefully. What Silver Spoon saw made her blood boil and gave her the courage to stand up but decided it was best to wait. Still, what Diamond Tiara said made it hard to not want to rip out her throat. “Here is the deal Rainbow Dash, you do as I say or I hurt your friends.” Diamond Tiara pulled out a knife, a signature threat weapon for her over the years, and twirled it around. “You do as I say or your friends will meet with an unfortunate accident and I think that Scootaloo will be the first to die. Now, what do you say?”

Rainbow Dash stood tall but her stance quickly faltered and she agreed. Silver Spoon grimaced at the sight and at the thought of helping this happen. Rainbow had agreed to have her team pull off some petty theft job. “My help ends today, the guilt is too much to handle.” Rainbow Dash flew off and gave Silver Spoon a dirty look as she past by. She couldn’t blame the Pegasus in the least and truth be told, she was no better then Diamond Tiara.

“Good job at keeping watch Silver Spoon, we’re rolling in bits.” Diamond Tiara had not only forced Rainbow Dash into stealing by threatening her friends but Diamond took money from the Pegasus as well. “I have one more job for us today, let’s move.”

“No, I won’t help you anymore Diamond Tiara, I can’t help you. The guilt is eating away at me, I can’t take it anymore.” Silver Spoon stood up straight unmoving.

Diamond Tiara glared at Silver Spoon for a second before chuckling. “That’s funny Silver Spoon, now let’s go.” She turned to leave but didn’t see Silver Spoons shadow. Diamond turned around and realized that Silver Spoon wasn’t going to move. “I can ruin your life forever Spoony, no one will like you once they find out that your cutie mark doesn’t mean anything.” Diamond expected a reaction but there wasn’t one. “I see; you’ve grown a backbone. No matter, I have plenty of goons willing to help me. I don’t need you anymore friend, so go on but if you tell a soul about anything, you will die before I go to jail like you have so many times before.” Diamond started to walk away. “Oh and you can forget about me helping your parents, you’re officially cut off.” Diamond walked off laughing.

Silver Spoon had waited for Diamond Tiara to completely disappear from view before Silver Spoon broke down in tears. She was lost and hadn’t any idea what to do next. She couldn’t talk to anypony and she was sure that nopony liked her. How could she blame them, she had helped Diamond Tiara to do so many terrible things. To try and find a job would be the most difficult. Who would want somepony like her around? She had helped to threaten so many which really only left her with one option. “Princess Twilight, great. No doubt she will turn me away but I have to try, for my parents’ sake.” This would possibly be the most difficult thing that she would have to do, next to telling Diamond Tiara off possibly harder. Getting a job would be difficult but Princess Twilight was an understanding pony right? Who was Silver spoon kidding, the princess, Element of Magic and best friends with Rainbow Dash and the other elements, there was no way she would allow it. Still, Silver Spoon had to try and work for her.

Silver Spoon inhaled and made her way toward the library. What would she possibly say, what could she say? “I have to try, I just have to.” She wiped some tears from her eyes and avoided many ponies along the way. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and it made her want to throw up. A few times she almost did and then she bumped into somepony. “Excuse me.”

“Silver Spoon, why are you here? You going to help threaten somepony or were you promoted?” Standing there in front of Silver Spoon was Scootaloo, the only mare in town that knew everything about anything that she and Diamond Tiara did. It hadn’t mattered though; Scootaloo was being forced to keep quiet. “Give me one reason not to knock your lights out right now.”

Silver Spoon couldn’t take it; she didn’t have a good reason not to get beaten up. All she could do was run off with tears running down her cheeks. Why did she have to run into that mare, of all the Cutie Mark Crusaders why her? So technically they had their cutie marks now but they still considered themselves the CMC in ways. They used to say that they graduated. Still, Scootaloo; the one pony in town that both her and Diamond were the hardest on was the pony that she had to run into. Silver Spoon regretted it all but there was no way the CMC graduates would believe her. Before Silver Spoon realized it, she hit something hard using her head. She fell onto her rump and rubbed her head. “Ow” She checked her hoof to see if she had lost any blood and to her relief, she hadn’t. Her relief was soon turned to fear when the door to the library opened.

Right in front of Silver Spoon was the princess and she didn’t look happy but she didn’t sound angry, just a bit irate. “Silver Spoon, what do you want?”

Silver Spoon felt her stomach tighten and she could have sworn that her heart stopped. With saddened eyes, she looked up into Princess Twilights. “Help me.” After a bit of thought, Silver Spoon was allowed in and the door shut behind them.

A distance away, Scootaloo was watching the entire thing. “I really hate you Silver Spoon. If you do anything to Princess Twilight.” Scootaloo stopped there and just glared at the library.