A's Life on Equis

by A the OC alicorn spartan

Q and A

"What the buck is a changeling?" "Well Bon-Bon, a changeling is a creature somewhere between a bug and a pony that feeds on positive emotions and can change shape." "So you feed on happy? Does it hurt the pony you get it from?" "Only if the emotion isn't directed towards me I think, hence the shape change.Next question." "Do you plan to bring harm?" "Okay, first off it's not a good idea to ask that to something that would probably lie to you, so you wouldn't even be sure if I was telling the truth. Secondly, no. I don't plan to bring harm to anything as nothing has given me reason to." "What did you mean when you said you think?" "You mean the eating thing? It's because I was never a changeling before now and my knowledge of them is somewhat limited." "What were you before then?" "I was human."

I regretted saying that immediately afterwards as Lyra went fan-girl and pounced me. "You're a human? Can you show me what a human looks like? Can I see your hands?" "I guess? I have to whole shape shifting part down first. And you'd have to untie me." "Don't encourage her!" "Why not Bonny? It's the truth and it must be heard." "You promise that if we let you out you'll show me what a human looks like?" "Just as soon as learn how to transform. Oh, I know. You use magic right?" "Yeah." "How? What is your process of using magic?" "I just think about what I want to happen and if I can do it, it does." "Alright, let me try." I imagine myself in my human form and the everything turns hot and blue.

As the heat and blue tint die away I notice some immediate changes in the room. Meaning Bon-Bon was unconscious, Lyra was starring at me with a look of awe on her face, everything was smaller and a bit to left, the only change I could understand fully was that the cloth they used to tie me to the chair was burnt up and the chair had scorch marks on it. "I take it that it worked." The only answer I got was a small nod from Lyra. "Should we wake her up or something?" This time Lyra was to busy taking in every detail about my human form as she could to answer. So I did what any sane creature would. I grabbed a bucket from my P.P.D. and filled with water from the sink before sloshing it onto Bon-Bon and Lyra.

"What was that for!?" Bon-Bon wasn't particularly happy when she woke up. "You were unconscious and Lyra was stupefied by my being human to partake in discussion so I got bored and splashed you with a little water." "A little water? You dumped an entire bucket on us!" "My music." "Sorry, what did you say Lyra?" Bon-Bon and I turned to see a very sad Lyra hold a very waterlogged book. "What's that?" "It's my music book. I write all my music in it. And now it's ruined." "Oh don't worry about that Lyra. I've got just the thing to fix it." I walked over to my pack and shuffled through the pocket settings until I found the one I was looking for. I reached into the pack and pulled out a breadbox sized container with a jar stuck to the side before walking over to Lyra. "Can I see your book please?" She reluctantly handed hoofed me the book, which I place into the container and pushed a red button on the side.

"What's that A?" "Its experimental technology distributed to all U.N. forces in case of emergencies like being stranded. Basically you put something in here and water comes out here and collects in this jar. I'm using it to drain the water from your book." *Ding* "It also goes ding." I pulled Lyra's now dry book out of the machine gave it to her. "There, ya see? Good as new." I expected her to take the book and thank me be what she did is stead was welcome. She jumped up and glomped me, the shock causing me to shift back into changeling form. "Thank you so much A!" "For the book or human thing?" "Both! But mainly the book."
That was when I noticed it. I could see a green mist around Lyra's head. It smelled like freshly baked bread. My mouth started to water before I composed myself and asked Lyra the most uncomfortable question I've ever had the pleasure of thinking.

"Hey Lyra, can I uh eat that?" She stopped hugging me and the mist shrunk a little. "Eat what exactly?" "The gratitude swirling around your head. I didn't have breakfast today, or lunch." She looked me oddly ( http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608045447987266051&w=224&h=182&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7 ) before replying. "Sure! As long as it doesn't hurt." "Thank you!" And so began the awkward moment where I turned her gratitude into a sandvich and nomed it.