//------------------------------// // Rarity Prepares for Ragnarök // Story: The Rare Vagrant // by SomeForeignGuy //------------------------------// In Ponyville, Rarity had thought of everything. Opalescence was at Fluttershy's, with the excuse that she was going to a fashion show for inspiration, and in her free time she studied up on the mysterious art of the street pony. She spent time in Twilight's library, gathering every scrap of knowledge she could gain on this subject, which happened to be a small handbook called "The Deft Derelict's Digest: A Guide on How You Can Become Homeless Today". "What are you checking out?" Twilight said in a friendly manner. "Well, just... looking for a bit of inspiration in the library!" Rarity beamed, hoping that her lie was good enough. Twilight suspiciously eyed the book, and could tell what was happening, but as a good friend, she said "I know what you're up to, and I can't stop you, so please let me tell everypony what's going on." Rarity had a back-up plan if one of her friends found out; "You can't tell anyone, you need to Pinkie Pie Promise." At the very mention of The Promise, the room grew slightly colder. Nopony could refuse or break a Pinkie Pie Promise. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" Twilight said begrudgingly. She felt eyes from a certain pink pony gaze upon her as she said this. Since this was sorted out, Rarity began her next mission; look the part of a hobo. To achieve this, Rarity required the grungiest, outdated clothes she possessed, and this required going to her inner closet. This closet was not something that she mentioned often, for she was not proud of it. She discreetly went to her wardrobe, and pulled out the back panel. Past this back panel were several flights of stairs, and another heavier, bolted door. She opened this door, and allowed the ancient clothing catacombs to depressurize for a moment. Rarity looked upon miles and miles of subterranean clothing storage, and began to walk to her destination. All of these clothes were years out of fashion, and made her hair stand up on end just by being near them. She then found what she was looking for; an old, dusty trench coat that looked like it had been hanging on its shelf since time began. When she put it on, it let loose a cloud full of dust so thick that she had to wait for awhile for it to dissipate. Next, she found a near-fossilized top-hat and some boots, which were confiscated from Applejack on the grounds of a fashion emergency. She donned this trove of hobogear™ and headed to the surface-world. The Sun had changed position quite a bit in the time that she was down there, and it looked to be about afternoon when she packed her saddlebags for the trip. After finally getting ready, Rarity took her first hesitant steps towards freedom. These steps quickly turned to miles, which turned to hoofaches, which in turn became a desperate want to stop walking and set up camp. Ponyville was still a large patch of light, but at this moment, Rarity didn't care about the progress that she didn't make. Setting up camp consisted of finding the least dirty patch of dirt and lying in it, with the blanket wrapped around her for warmth. She was still shivering as she searched her saddlebag for some water, but to her surprise, she pulled an official looking bundle. On closer inspection, the bundle contained the hobo handbook from the library, a letter, two shiny rocks, a few balloons, a pen, and a few pieces of paper. She quickly opened up the letter, which read; Dear Rarity, I haven't told anypony about your plan, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay. First of all, it seems as though Pinkie Pie found out about this on her own, I discovered this when I found her trying to put a cake in the bundle that you have now and when she couldn't fit that, she put the balloons in instead. I want you to have that book, it is very informative and I hope that it will serve you well. Also, the two rocks that you have are charmed, so any fire started by them can send letters to me through Spike. I fully support what you are doing and hope that you will be able to find what you are looking for. Please send regular updates! Your friend, Twilight Sparkle Rarity wiped a single, insanely dramatic tear from her eyes. She felt bad for manipulating Twilight before, and she sent a letter apologizing for the way she acted and thanking her for the supplies.