//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Happily ever after. (short) // Story: Twilight Wants a Chocolate Bar. // by Muffinz 4 Life //------------------------------// Twilight trotted upstairs while happily munching on a chocolate bar. As she reached her bed...something caught her by surprise. On her bed there was...no, NO FREAKING WAY!!! A pile of chocolate bars awaited her on the top of her bed. There was a note left next to the huge pile of chocolate saying: Eat up Twilight. Singed, Princess Celestia OOOHMMYGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- So readers...that's how our story ends. Spike was sent to prison for not pleasing your highness. Ponyville grocery was eventually sued. And Twilight Sparkle, was never the same again. She made a holiday called: Chocolate Day. Which was every day. The way you celebrated was you gave Princess Twilight Sparkle chocolate bars. If you didn't, you were sent to execution. So how am I suppose to end this? Oh, here's a good one: And everypony lived happily ever after. (and by everypony I mean Twilight Sparkle.)