Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

When Break takes control...

Here, I'm busy today, but I'll give you a small chapter that leads up to Peter's party.

Hey, short chapter is better than no chapter, right?

Chapter 98

I walked into Dali's house, putting the box down that held Peter's present. I smiled, he's going to love his present.

Spark walked into the living room with his Spitfire plushie, "Hey dad."

I chuckled, "I see you still like your plushie."

His eyes widened and he put it behind him, "Uhhhh... no?"

I laughed and walked over, "There's no shame in it Spark."

He smiled and picked it back up, "Just don't tell Nova or Star Chaser.... especially Nova!"

I rumbled up his mane, "Don't worry buddy, I won't tell anypony."

He smiled happily, "Thanks dad!"

[Its time.]
{For what?}
[Time for Spark to see your memories.]
{Oh yell no!}
[Oh hell yes!]
{Dawn, talk him out of this!}
{.... Why does he sound gagged?}
[Because he is! I've been waiting to show Spark this for a long time! CONTROL NOW!]
{Oh shit...}

I was suddenly forced to the back of my mind... really Break?

Break chuckled and looked down at Spark, "Hey Spark!"

Spark raised an eyebrow, "Dad?"

Break chuckled, "I am... to an extent. I'm Break, your dads badass conscience."

Spark cocked his head, "Your what?"

Break sighed and sat down in front of Spark, "Look, I don't really feel up to explaining, so I'll shorten it. Your dad has two consciences. Myself and a nerd named Dawn. We keep him sane and going. We're pretty much what keeps his emotions from running wild. But meh, we're not very good at our job."

Spark grinned, "Cool!"

Break chuckled and twisted around, "Twi! Come here please!"

A few moments later, Twilight walked into the room, "Yes Lan... Break?"

Break smiled, "Oh good, you know my voice. Anyways, could you send Spark into Lance's mind please?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

Break shrugged, "I don't know, Lance wanted to show him something."


Twilight glared slightly, "Okay..." Her horn began to glow and a bright light engulfed Break and Spark.

Seconds later, they were in my mind.

Spark looked around, "This is dads mind? Wow, its so empty."

Break laughed, "Tell me about it."

"MMGGHH!" I yelled through my gag.

Spark turned around to see me and Dawn tied together, back to back, "Why are they tied up?"

Break chuckled, "So they don't interfere. Do you want to see your dads memories?"

Spark jumped with happiness, "YES!"

Break smirked, "This way." He lead Spark over to the computer and sat down, "First, I'll show you your dads life back on Earth."

Spark smiled with excitement, "Really?!"

Break nodded as he put together a montage of memories, "Yep, be ready to see all of your dads happiest moments on Earth."

A few moments later, I was reliving all of the happiest moments of my life. (Very few)

After that, Break showed him memories of school, girlfriends, random movies I've watched, video games, all my pets, and everything else that has to do with normal life.

"Now, we move on to the more intense stuff." Break said with a smirk.

Oh fuck you Break!

Moments later, I began to relive all of the violent things I've seen... and done.

There was the time when four bullies beat me down with baseball bats, and the time when I was pushed off a hill and broke my legs, and many more. Then the memories of the fights began to come in. The time when Cody attacked me at the party, when Frederic's dad attacked us, the fights between me and Graze, and all the other violent fights I've been in... thank God Break left out the massacre at the school.

Spark gulped, "Dad did all that?"

Break nodded.

Spark hung his head, but then brought it back up with a big smile, "Dad is so awesome!"

Awww, I think I feel tears in my eyes. He thinks I'm awesome!

Break laughed loudly, "Now, before we leave... how about some of his personal time with your mom?"

Spark cocked his head, "What's that mean?"

I began to thrash around.

Break looked at me, "Oh fine, I won't show him that... I'LL JUST SHOW HIM THE RULE 34 TWILIGHT!"

Damn it!

Break typed in a few commands on the computer and started the memories of all the porn I'd seen of Twilight on the internet... whoa....

When it finished, Spark sat there with a blank face. But suddenly, he jumped back and began jumping around, "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! That's gross! Ewww! WHY?! How am I suppose to sleep in my mom and dads bed now?!"

Break was on his back laughing, "Deal with it!"


"BREAK!" I yelled as I broke through the ropes and pulled the gag out of my mouth.

He looked at me, "Oh damn!"

Before I could run at him, I felt myself leaving my mind.

Seconds later, I found myself back in the normal world.

Twilight looked at me confused, "So?"

I shrugged, "Meh, its all good. Right Spark?"

I looked at Spark to see him staring at Twilight with big eyes.

Twilight chuckled, "What is it honey?"

Spark began to back away, "Oh ummmm, nothing.... GOTTA GO!" He yelled as he grabbed his Spitfire plushie and ran out of the room.

Twilight looked at me, "What was that about?"

I smiled and shrugged, "Beats me."

{You're dead Break!}
[Okay dude!]

I sighed, "I'm going to eat real fast and take a shower. Meet me in bed?"

She giggled, "Sure, I'll be waiting."

I smiled happily as I made my way to the kitchen. Another night to look forward to!

<Yay! Tomorrow's Peter's birthday!>
<Be nice!>
[Dot dot dot is right!]
[...I don't know dude...]

I chuckled and opened the fridge, "FOOD!"

Time to feast, get a shower, and then make friendship happen with Twilight! Oh yeah, I got a plan!

Headache, I gotta lay down now. I hope you enjoyed the short chapter.