Cursed Book

by Sillyponyme

We're Ponies

Rick and the group had been driving for hours when they came upon an old mansion. The mansion was five houses long with a brick wall surrounding the property. The gate door was metal, unfortunately it’s hinges were not. The gate was in good shape but the left door was hanging off its hinges and the right door was completely off. The group drove in through the gate and up to the front. The mansions windows were broken with dead bodies hanging out some of them. Some bodies lie on the ground in front of the mansion. The gutters were rusty and parts of them were broken and dripping water. Rick got out of the car and stared up at the building. The balconies were busted and ready to fall off or at least half of them were. Some were only half a balcony. “Rick, is this really the best place to stay?” Glenn walked over to Rick.

“For the moment, what choice do we have?” The two looked out into the distance and found trees in every direction. Glenn nodded and walked over to the other vehicle.

Daryl got out of the car and put a hand on Ricks shoulder. “You think its stable enough, and how will we defend ourselves? It’s not like we have any protection here other then what we’ve got on us.”

“We’ll go in and take out any walkers in the building and then we’ll see what they had for defenses or at least what we can use for defenses.” Rick continued to stare at the mansion. “I don’t intend for us to stay here for too long anyway.” Rick looked into the car and saw his baby girl. “I won’t let anyone else die, I” Daryl cut him off.

“Whatever happens, protect your girl and Carl first. Don’t worry about us ok, you have to do what’s best for them now. We can’t afford to let you go crazy like you did when, well.” Daryl didn’t finish his sentence.

“I know Daryl, when Lori died. I’m the leader here and” Daryl cut him off once again.

“You can’t afford to lose it Rick. We need you; your kids need you more than anything.” Daryl gave Rick a pat on the back resulting in Rick giving off a smile for only a moment.

“I never told anyone this but Carl told me to step down as leader. Sometimes I wonder if he is right about that. Hershel though one legged, has a clearer head then me most the time anymore. I even think Glenn has a better head on his shoulders than I do.” Rick leaned on the car and took another look at his daughter. “I’m not sure what to do honestly. I want to say we make a vote on it but how do we do that when that died a long time ago. Hershel even brought up that I said that it’s not a democracy anymore. I guess to vote now would only prove that I’m not fit to be a leader.”

Daryl then punched Rick right in the face. “Listen Rick, you lost it after your wife died, we get that. Andrea did the same thing after her sister died. She said screw it remember but she came back to reality. You lost your wife and at the same time you’re the leader. All that pressure would make anyone crack. You’re coming back though, we’re still here, your kids are still here, and you’re still here. We need you, no one else is more qualified for this job then you are. We’ve only made it this far because of you. I bet with Shane, we would have died a long time ago and let me be honest with you. I’m glad you killed him, if you hadn’t I may have. He was a creep which is why Merle and I were planning on robbing from the camp, we hate Shane. You’re the best for this group Rick, that’s all there is to it.” Daryl said as a light beam shot down behind the Mansion. “What was that?”

“I have no idea but maybe it’s a good sign.” Behind them they heard groans, the two turned around to see walkers heading their way. Before Rick had the chance to say anything, everyone was out of the cars and heading into the mansion. Rick and Daryl ran in after them. They shut the door behind them, found an old broken and bloody coat rack and put it in the rings of the door handles. “Here is the plan, we head to the backyard but keep your wits about you. We do not and I repeat DO NOT separate from each other. If there is a problem even if we are already dealing with something, we tell each other, got it?” The group nodded. “Carol, I want you and Judith in the center, we will make a circle around you. If anyone sees a body on the ground as we go, stab it in the head. We don’t need a walker getting at us from below and someone losing a leg but let us know; we don’t want to walk off without anyone.”

The group made their way behind the staircase and turned on their flashlights. There was no light in the mansion. As they made their way toward the back of the mansion, they stopped halfway down a hallway to stab a few potential walkers. As they continued Carl let everyone know that he heard something. The group stopped and listened. Sure enough Carl heard a walker. Soon a walker came around the corner limping more then a normal walker would limp. Its leg had been turned around completely. It was moving at a super slow pace, it could hardly walk. Rick took out his knife and quickly stabbed it once it was within range of them. “Good call Carl.” Rick complimented as they continued.

The group reached the back and found the door blocked from the outside. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn all pushed to try and get the door open but it wouldn’t budge. Next to the door was a single window. “I say we bust the window and climb out.” Glenn suggested.

“Is that such a bright idea Glenn, I’m sure walkers will hear that.” Andrea said gun and knife at the ready.

“Glenn is right, that’s the only way out now.” Rick went over and busted the window with the butt of his rifle. He cleared the glass away in order for everyone to hop through when groaning could be heard behind them. “Move now.” Rick pushed everyone to go. One by one they jumped out the broken window. Rick tried too jump out the window but got grabbed from behind. Daryl noticed and aimed his crossbow at the walker. Rick ducked before Daryl shot and the arrow hit the walker right in the head. Rick pushed the walker off of him and grabbed the arrow stuck in its forehead in the process. He jumped out the window and thanked Daryl for the help as they ran toward the light.

“What is that?” Rick asked staring at the swirling white circle in front of them which began to fizzle and shrink. Rick questioned whether or not to go through until he saw an uncountable amount of walkers coming toward them. He turned and saw that a huge chunk of building blocked the door; zombies were coming through the broken window. “Let’s go into it.” Rick ran forward and jumped through. Everyone else just stared for a second and then followed Rick through.

Once on the other side, Rick tumbled to the ground. “Where am I?” Rick questioned and then noticed some very colorful houses all around. Just then the others came through and landed on Rick as the portal disappeared. “I really should have moved.” Rick said from beneath everyone. Everyone stood up and their eyes widened and mouths agape. “What?” Rick saw the others and then looked at himself. “Why are we ponies?”