Her Child Of The Night

by Thefastspark

Lost and forgotten magic

The unicorn guard pointed in the Direction of where Drake was.. His hoof still as the Wolf king smirked standing up fully.. He looked more like a 6'6 taller now. A low smug of evil and grimace on his face, however, Spike wasn't ready to see the true face he had not seen. For if Drake had not waken for now, he wouldn't have to deal with this.

Drake was more afraid, he was scared beyond belief his life would end so young. Backing up ever so slightly only to bump into a wall. Now he is cornered, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, sweat ran down his face, drip after drip on the clean yet white floor of the royal castle.

"N-NO! Please stop!" He shrieked in terror, begging for mercy from this wolf giant. The wolf gave no expression of mercy, sadness, or anything... just pure blankness. Spike rushing beside the adopted human, he huffed his chest, brave expression, but inside he was very frightened.

"Stop there fiend! I shall not let you harm him because Spike is here to save the day!" Spike shouted with a deep voice, Drake astonished that Spike would face something due to his size. But, it was just him being Spike which wasn't good for Drake.

The wolf only leaned down, saying nothing until:

"Dragon, Do you have any idea who I AM? I am Serot! The 6th King of the Werewolves! You are a weak little dragon." Serot insulted as he picked Spike up with the palms on his furry hand, Spike struggling to get his arm free, but to no avail, he just harshly threw Spike to the side of the castle wall. He landed with a crack on the wall and slumped onto the floor like a ragdoll on a wall.

"Now.. As for you..." He turned his head back at Drake who was trembling like a leaf in the wind, shivers sent down his spine by just the voice.

"Please! Leave me be! I didn't do anything wrong!" Drake continued to tremble, breath pasted.

"Your cries are nothing but music to me." He said as he grabbed Drake by the left arm dragging him into the air. Pain surged into Drake's arm, as if the bone being pulled off.

"Now.. Let's take a little trip shall.-" Before he could say anymore words, Drake's eyes began to glow a light blue, breath now visible, hair began to swirl with a unknown energy not known to magic. Guards stood in shook, mouths agape to what was happening to the human. The arm surged with another energy, swirling into the furred hand

"GAHHH!!!" He roared as Drake fell onto the marble floor hard, hitting the floor hard on his head. A large swelled bruise formed on Drake head. Tears of pain streamed out whilst holding his head.

Serot staring at the child, a magic never seen began to swirl, ice cracked on the floor moving east and west to Drakes body. Ice began to trap Drake as if a cocoon, not letting him move an inch, trapping him to the floor. The ice making its way to the bottom of Drake's shoes to the top of Drake's now light blue hair. When the cocoon was complete, Drakes body diminished to the floor in a puddle of water... GONE.

"D-Drake?!" Spiked asked, his eyes widened from shock. The door to the meeting room swung open hearing the commotion outside. Luna and Celestia, along with the other 5 kingdoms was hushed, seeing the disaster and water on the floor of Drakes remains.

"Somepony explain to me what has happened here! Serot! Why have you not been in the meeting room at a such time?!" Celestia ordered. Fearing her child got kille dor even hurt, Luna galloped quickly almost tripping over her own hooves. Her head searching about for Drakes remains.

"Spike! Somepony! Tell Us where Our child is! Please!

Luna hurriedly asked him, putting her glass hoove on the water. The water howveer was snow cold, like as if you touched snow without any gloves on.

"I-I don't know! When Serot tried to nab him, Drake did some weird magic, Serot let go, turned into a cocoon and washed away!" Spike said with gazing eyes upon Luna..

"Serot?! WHAT HAS SEROT HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?" Celestia yelled, her magenta eyes peering onto Serot. Although his gaze was surrendered and emotionless..

"H-He tried to kidnap Drake. I've eavesdropped." Spike said confessing his actions.

"Serot dear, Let's have a PRIVATE chat in the meet room, yes?" Celestia asked as she motioned two guards near him, shoving him into the Meeting room while Celestia trailed behind. Serot now mumbling and groaning with a few cusses at Drake.
Another cocoon built up, the ice traveling east and west once more, splashing onto the ground leaving Drake behind. His puked up water in his throat, now realizing he is in the Royal Gardens. Flowers from pink to yellow, trees sized differently.

"M-Mommy? Where are you? Spike!" He began to call out but... No answer... Only dead pure silence.

He became frightened, he kinda knew his way around the royal gardens to Luna brought him around here and there. "MOMMY! MOMMY!" He called out again. Yet... no answer..

He sat down on a wooden bench. Shivering a bit with arms wrapped around his body to preserve heat. He glanced at a clear blue lake, shining clean and pure. Getting up to see his reflection, seeing if anything changed.

He was right when he began to think.

He peered into the Lake and gaped his mouth.. The magic turned his his hair into a pure ice blue. His breath was visible every exhale.

"W-What happened to me?! MOMMMMMYYYYHEEEEYYYY!" He screamed, a headache now forming from his callouts.
Stroking his hair to check if it was actually snow or not. It felt like hair at least but. A whole new color was different to him. "It's.. so weird.. But.. Why?"

Looking around to see if anypony was around, maybe a guard or... just somepony! Low humming came to the east side of the Royal Gardens. With his attack before, he trudged with caution, scared to see who it was. Sticking his head to the side only a few inches, a purple alicorn he knew with a book grasped with magic. Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship.

"Auntie Twilight!" Drake shouted, Twilight looking up, smiling to see her adopted nephew. "Drake! What brings you to-" She was cut off by Drake hugging her neck gently crying on her shoulder. "I'm sccaaaarreddd! Waahaaa!'

"Drake? Sweetheart, what happened. Your hair! What happened to your hair.. N-Nevermind. Drake. Please tell me everything that happened= .I'll be here with you I promise." Drake sat close to twilight, still trembling..

"I-I just woke up not even 20 minutes ago.. And.. Serot of the werewolf kingdom was looking forward to kidnap me.. Spike eavesdropped him and warned me right away.. But he was injured trying to protect me.. M-My necklace somehow saved me.. I don't know how but.. It did..."

Drake said looking back at her as she forced a smile to cheer him up.

"Now, now, Drake.. I'll protect you until we find Luna or Celestia ok?" She asked, assuring him.. Although he just gave a slow, unsure nod..

"C'mon now.. Let's go find Them.. She said getting off the bench, levitating Drake onto her back.. As she started to trot forward.