After Trenderhoof had left, AppleJack came over to Rarity to apologise about what was going on. But she didn't want to hear about it.
"Look, Rarity I'm just telling you that it's not my fault that Trenderhoof has left with all your fashion designs and asked me to model them." AppleJack said to Rarity, putting a hoof on her shoulder and patting her back. Rarity shook AppleJack's hoof off and said to her,
"No, just no! It do not want to hear about it." Rarity took a deep breath " I'm sorry if I am being rude, but have no intention of showing up at the fashion show tonight. Now if you excuse me, I must be on with my work." Rarity sharply turned her head away and walked back to her sewing machine. AppleJack didn't want to bother her, so she left her in the silence that she was in. As soon as she left, Rarity shot out of her seat and gathered some paper. She then took some really bright fabrics and placed them at the foot of a mannequin.
" Even if it said in the news this morning said that you come as you are for tonight, well Rarity, it's time you disobey the paper for once in this life of yours. I shall make a disguise!" Rarity quickly picked up the fabric and started designing a disguise so that she could still attend the show, but not as herself.
Hours Later...
"I'm finished!!! and just in time for the show, it's in half an hour." Rarity had looked at her clock and seen the time. Rarity had quickly slipped into her dressing room and put the disguise on.
" Ahh, the best creation I have made for me, Miss Jewel. A wonderful fashion designer. Hehehe! " Rarity had to stop ( as usual ) to pose in front of her mirror to see what she looked like.
Now with a dress, a sense of fashion ( why not? ) and a really good hat. Rarity was ready to go, to show Trenderhoof who's boss! Although she had a thought, how will she manage to talk to him when she's not Rarity? She had to think about that... Plan sorted! Rarity knew exactly what she was doing. The show was about to begin.
At the fashion show
Rarity found her seat, sat down and waited for her moment. The show was quite interesting, seeing somepony else modeling something that Rarity had made. Usually if Rarity was doing a fashion show, she would let her friends do the dresses of their choice. But this show was that bit different. It was only one pony who was doing all the modeling and only one pony who was doing all the talking. Guess who that was...
At the halfway point of the show, Trenderhoof had asked anypony if they had ever, ever, ever seen anything better that this wonder fashion line made by him. Rarity was shocked, and that was the time to shine.
" My dear Tenderhoof" She shouted
" It's Trenderhoof!" He replied
"Those outfits are the best you can do? I've even seen young fillies and colts make BETTER outfits than your little drab of fabric just sticking on to a hopeless pony who is forced to do your bidding! Is that really true, Trenderhoof? Rarity, to the crowd had made a very good point. So they rest of the audience joined in by chanting,
'SHOW US! SHOW US! SHOW US! SHOW US!' Rarity figured that Trenderhoof had had enough, it looked like he was about to leave. But he turned around and said to Rarity,
"Look, I know some ponies have a bit criticism in their personality but... this is my fault" He said. The audience were quite surprised so they all did one big, almighty...
" These dresses weren't made by me, even the model wasn't the right choice." He added. Obviously, AppleJack had heard him, and she got such a fright ( again! ) that she knocked over the rack with all the dresses on it. Trenderhoof was looking around the crowd at the time, and then he continued talking to the unknown pony that had just interrupted his wonderful fashion show.
" Listen, these dresses aren't mine! The model, i don't even like her!" AppleJack... OH DON'T GET ME STARTED!! GET ON WITH IT!
" All of these dresses belong to somepony special, somepony who even I admire. Please, Rarity if you're there, come out and see... what you would call me being a fool...
Rarity got up from her seat and took her hat off to show who she really was, and she wasn't afraid to do so. Rarity walked up the steps to the stage and cleared her throat, then she said to the audience,
" It's actually me who would be the fool, I...I ruined this for every pony... i'm sorry. It's me who should get the blame. Not him, for having such a lack of interest..." She said, turning to face Trenderhoof waiting for him to reply. He came up to the front of the stage and said,
" I have lied, not just to me, not just to Rarity... but to all of you as well." Trenderhoof had felt better after that talk. He then walked back and turned to Rarity.
"Um, Rarity? He asked, taking off his glasses and using a silk cloth to clean them.
" Yes dear?" She replied, turning round to see what AppleJack was doing ( Just in case! )
" Why did you say I had a lack of interest?" Trenderhoof asked her, having no idea about what he just said and not having any idea about what was going to happen next.
That night, Trenderhoof had apologized to AppleJack and said to her that she wasn't that type for him. Instead, he chose Rarity, who did have the same interests as him... Fashion. Rarity has now been working in her boutique with him out of hours ever since.
Reports are coming in about the news that Trenderhoof has now started to work in the Carousel Boutique whith new GF, Rarity! They are both an inseparable team of fashion designers! They had both stated,
Anypony can do fashion... when the time comes to them...
Reporter Pony
Reporter Pony of Ponyville Daily