So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

by Camlio

Chapter 5: More past story! Becoming Overlord!

We regret to inform you that we are about to take a break from current events to further explain what happened when Tyler first arrived in Equestria. So let's begin...

I was a bit startled to say the least, the first thing I saw upon appearing from, whatever that place was... was a woman standing 12 feet tall and a body that could put most supermodels to shame. She looked to be on the precipice of a mental breakdown, and not to mention... covered in really soft fur. My personal experience of a few seconds ago at least determined it was extremely soft.

She appeared to be looking at me for some kind of response or answer to what was going on, though sadly before I could process the request and retaliate with a valiant 'beats me', I was blasted by something. Only to wake up in the middle of a room full of creatures of all shapes and sizes. All looking me expectantly though one of them approached me and examined the medal pinned to my outfit.

"He's here!" A creature that looked like a succubus said with a happy smile before tackling me in a hug that made me think of far too many anime shows, mainly with the fact she had over-sized breasts and they were currently the only thing I could see or hear. "He's really here! Our new Overlord!" She cried out to which all of the various creatures, started cheering happily.

The succubus pulled away to reveal that she had stunning red hair and blue eyes and was wearing what looked like a secretary's outfit. "Now then my king... well, potential king, we need to see if you're capable of defeating our current overlord to take the throne... he's an impersonator playing king, so it shouldn't be too hard for someone who actually has the rights to an Imperial Seal." She explained with no small amount of anger at this other person.

"He's even using my sister as his personal sex toy! Just because we're succubi doesn't mean we like being used!" She said handing me a odd looking form that looked like some kind of contract. Which I read over.

To Ye who accept the terms listed here, be ye of strong constitution or will shall be made known as a contender for Overlord, and be appointed to the noble rank of Lord. As thus made founder of thine own house to which to bear the weight of the crown thought seeks to carry.

Ye will also be granted the services of any number of vassals ye can support and treat them however thou desires, thine Vassal must also sign this document to declare ye a true lord of demons, and accept you as their king.

Ye will gain land and title, as well as a set of seven Prinny servants to begin your reign, as well as any number of demons who willingly serve ye. So if ye accept the following terms then sign ye name at the bottom.

1: Thou may not relinquish thine title to another until ye be slain or to frail to fight.
2: If thou art crowned overlord thou must take responsibility over all of the Netherworld as thine lordship.
3: Thou may never marry as marriage is a sacred act of angels and hast no place within these dark walls.
4: Thou must kill or be killed, to accept this role is to accept a life of constant battle. Though thou must never allow one who is not willing to be injured during thine battles, a true overlord does not involve the innocent in the affairs of demons.
"Doth ye accept this role?" Yes/No.

I could swear I actually saw a dialog box with the choices, yes/no and a cursor like from Disgaea for a minute as I nodded and signed the paper and noticed that the name of the succubus who handed me the sheet was already on it. "Abigail?" I asked looking up at her and handing her the form which she'd noticed I'd signed using my real name.

This caused her to nod. "Yes my lord? Oh... um, sorry to say this but, Black doesn't really sound like a name for an Overlord's house, do you have anything else we can use?"

"Yeah, called me Nocturne. Now then, on to business... where's this guy who I need to fight?" I asked feeling, oddly confident in my fighting ability for someone who didn't even understand what was going on.

"Oh yes, let me show you... it's right this way." She said before flying ahead of me and leading me towards our destination.

The Red Castle

I sighed as we had been walking for several hours, Abigail's wings giving up their flight after several minutes of continuous flight. Apparently when a Vassal is given a new master it reset's their strength down to the first level. Thus reincarnating them in a sense. I could see the relief on her face as we reached our destination. A massive structure of red bricks that looked like they were made from clay that was treated with blood.

The walk had passed by in relative ease after I'd asked about the current overlord, what was expected of me if I beat him, and what I was supposed to do in the case I didn't beat him?

The basic gist of it was he was a huge crocodile creature named Nox with an insatiable appetite for women... in more ways then one, ever since he rose to power they'd had reports of demons being reincarnated, all of which were females that were brought to his throne room... and apparently Abigail's sister is the most recent... they didn't know what he did to them as reincarnation messes with your memories a bit, but they assumed it's bad.

If I won, I'd be crowned Overlord, ruler of the netherworld... if I'd lost, well I died and then I wouldn't have to worry about what happened after.

"So, since we're at the castle anything else on this guy? Or your sister's name for that matter?" I asked looking at Abigail, who turned to me and smiled before pushing me towards the gates.

"Nothing too much besides what I've already told you my lord." She said with a grin that told me she really didn't care if I lived or died as long as I saved her sister waving at me as I passed through them, which caused me to feel odd. Passing through the gates made the world around me turn white and gave me a feeling of weightlessness for a moment before I found myself in the throne room of the castle.

Red Castle Throne Room

"Okay... what the hell? I was just at the front gates." I said before noticing the scene before me. Bent over in front of the throne was a naked succubus with blue hair and red eyes, Abigail's twin sister I was told about and from the looks of it she was currently being 'used' by the current Overlord a huge creature that looked like what would happen if you fuzed soloman grundy and killer croc from batman. That was likely Nox.

"Hmm? Who's this... a little bug that think's he's worthy of the title of Overlord... well wait your turn little bug, I'm in the middle of prepping my meal." The large creature said with a very deep voice that seemed to rumble in the air.

"H-Help! H-He's gonna eat us!" The blue haired succubus cried out. As I thought about it I really should have asked for her name. Though the fact she seemed so panicked bothered me.

"Wait... us?" I asked before noticing something I'd overlooked, hanging from the ceiling in a birdcage built for her was another woman like the white furred one, though she was shorter and lacked the horn. Not to mention she was covered in a sandy colored coat of fur.

That's when it happened, I heard a voice in my head... it actually sounded a lot like Etna's from Disgaea though much older than she sounded in the games.

"That's a pony..."
"What? Who's there?" This was getting weird it was quiet at first but, it seemed to get louder.
"She's an innocent, you have to save her."
"I don't even know how to fight!" My panicked mental state made me question this conversation and wonder if I'd just finally hit the breaking point on whatever saintly tolerance I had.
"Yes you do! Demons make do with whatever skills they have!"
"All I can do is play instruments! I'm a musician not a fighter!" Was my response only to receive a rather odd gift in the form of something flowing from the medal on my chest, a violin made of extremely well crafted wood, that seemed to be a deep ominous red.
"Who says you can't be both? Now play us a song and wreck his ass, the world is watching."

Before I could even think about responding I heard a loud scream as the succubus was pulled from Nox's... girth and was pulled towards his mouth she was begging me for help from what I could tell as my hearing refocused. "Please let this work..." I prayed in my head as I drew the bow of the violin across it's strings gaining a satiating sound that seemed to actually stop the gator.

"Hey fat ass!" I called out as I held the bow out like a blade pointed at him. "Dinner is cancelled." I said before I began to play, my music flowing through the room towards the larger being with a visible weight from how it looked, as lines of blood red music notes crossed the gap and flowed around him dancing around him in a circle.

He looked at the notes for a moment, then to me, then back to the notes. As he drew a sword the size of my body I began to sing.

"I am a musician traveling worlds, my gift of song on my breath.~
But, if you harm an innocent, My gift of song shall bring death~
Allow me a moment to destroy your desires, before I rend you in two.~
For when they ask who the overlord is, there is only one answer true~
The answer I say and I shall speak plain, is a resounding NOT YOU!

And with those last two words the notes exploded sending the blue haired Succubus flying from the blast and freeing the other woman from her cage. I continued to play as something in the back of my head compelled me to do so until I was sure Nox was well and truly dead.

I received this confirmation when the smoke cleared revealing that the massive gator had been reduced to nothing more than an ethereal jelly on the floor. Allowing me to finally stop playing as the fight was over, though from what I could hear, there was a massive uproar as the blue haired succubus cheered and was reunited with Abigail.

"All hail the new overlord! All hail Lord Nocturne!"