//------------------------------// // No Memory // Story: Cursed Book // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Rainbow had woken up the next day and headed straight for wonderbolt training. When she arrived, she noticed Spitfire staring at her with a peeved off look on her face. “What’s up with you Spitfire, get up on the wrong side of the bed? Come on, let’s get going.” Rainbow got ready to take off. “Rainbow Dash, you’re not going anywhere.” Rainbow turned and looked at Spitfire in confusion. “You’re being let go Rainbow Dash. You’ve become reckless just like Lightning Dust.” Spitfire glared at her. “Hey, I’m nothing like her, I’ve just had some bad luck for some reason.” Rainbow shot back and snorted. “Just like her Rainbow Dash, it doesn’t take bad luck to crash as much as you have. Through a pony’s store and destroying property, get out of here Rainbow.” Spitfire and the others turned around and flew off but Rainbow followed. “Get out of here Rainbow Dash; you’re not a wonderbolt anymore.” Rainbow flew in front of Spitfire and got up in her face and the two argued back and forth for about half an hour before security came and pulled Rainbow away. Rainbow managed to free herself of security and flew back to Spitfire. Rainbow started to say something when her head felt heavy as she began to fall from the sky. Spitfire, though ticked off with Rainbow flew as fast as she could and caught rainbow haired pony followed by Soarin. “Spitfire, what just happened?” Spitfire set Rainbow on the ground and tried to wake her up. “Come on Rainbow, wake up.” Spitfire continued to try and wake her up but it was no use. “Help me get her to the Princess.” Soarin nodded and the two carried Rainbow Dash to the library. Spitfire knocked on the door and Twilight answered. “Princess Twilight, Rainbow Dash fainted for no reason, at least no noticeable reason. By the way, she is out of the Wonderbolts, could you keep her away.” Twilight simply nodded. Twilight looked at Rainbow and then nodded. “Go get Nurse Redheart.” The two Wonderbolts nodded and took off. Twilight carried Rainbow over to the couch and set her down. “What happened Rainbow?” Twilight sat next to her friend and just looked until Redheart came in. “Nurse Redheart, for some reason Rainbow fainted, could you take a look at her?” Nurse Redheart nodded and took out some medical equipment and began checking on Rainbow. She checked her out for about twenty minutes. “So, do you know what happened?” “It’s odd, she seems perfectly fine. I suppose she could have been exhausted such as not drinking enough water or possibly stress. Her heart did seem a bit overworked but nothing too serious. I think all she needs is some rest and hold on.” Nurse Redheart pulled out one more thing and placed it on Rainbow’s forehead. “Uh huh, that’s the problem. Yeah, whatever magic you used on her, you really shouldn’t do that again.” “Whoa, hold on, magic?” Twilight asked in shock of what she had just heard. “You didn’t know?” Twilight shook her head. “Well then keep her with you until she wakes up. If anything else seems wrong, let me know.” With that said, Nurse Redheart left. Twilight sighed and then waited for Rainbow to wake up. She would have sent Spike to get the others but Spike was with Rarity at the moment. Two hours went by before Rainbow woke up. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screamed and then grabbed her in a hug. “Hey, what’s up, did the others leave already?” Rainbow asked as she tried to sit up. “What are you talking about Rainbow, what others? It’s only been Nurse Redheart and I.” Twilight looked at Rainbow worried. “What are you talking about Twilight, we just had the sleepover. I” Rainbow Dash was then cut off by Twilight. “You mean the sleepover fourteen days ago?” Twilight noticed a worried look on Rainbows face as she jumped off the couch and backed up mumbling that it’s just a dream. “You don’t remember anything the last thirteen days?” Rainbow just continued to look panicked. “Rainbow, you need to tell me everything that you remember. I think someone put a spell on you of some kind although I don’t know of any spell like this.” “Why, why would anyone want to do something to me? What did I do?” Rainbow took in a deep breath and calmed down. “Who ever is after me will pay for what they did to me, whatever it was that they did.” Just then the door behind her opened startling her. Rainbow grabbed the pony behind her and flipped the pony over her shoulder. Her eyes widened when she saw who she had just flipped. “AJ, I’m so sorry.” Applejack’s eyes spun around in a circle for a second before she shook her head to clear it. “What the hay did ya do that for Rainbow?” Applejack stood up and stretched. “I’m so sorry AJ, I’m just a little on edge right now.” Rainbow sat back down on the couch confused. “Applejack, you’ll have to excuse her for being a bit paranoid. Long story short, Rainbow had a spell cast on her thirteen days ago. We still don’t know how or what the spell was though.” Twilight and AJ sat down on the couch next to Rainbow Dash. “We’ll figure this out Rainbow.” “Yeah, we’ll be right here fer ya the whole time. Nopony will touch ya if we have anythin to say about it.” Applejack and Twilight put a hoof around Rainbow. “Thanks girls, you’re the best.” After a bit of thought, Rainbow had a question. “So what happened the last two weeks?” “Yeah, you kind of caused major destruction around town, specifically the new pony in town. You destroyed his store with your reckless tricks.” Rainbow cut off Twilight and stood up. “I may be wild but I’m not reckless, I would never put anypony in danger or damage property at least not on purpose and besides, I haven’t crashed since, I don’t remember actually but it’s been a really long time.” Rainbow stomped her hoof on the ground angrily. “We know that sugarcube but that’s what happened and after Twilight here helped ya out on multiple occasions, well, she forced ya to give up at least four thousand bits or risk your position in the Wonderbolts. Ya chose to give up the bits. This mornin the wonderbolts kicked ya out antwat for bein to reckless. Twilight explained everything to me about getting kicked out of the Wonderbolts earlier today.” AJ could see Rainbow with a distraught look on her face. “Sugarcube?” “That isn’t fair; I don’t even know what I did. Now I’ve lost all my money and my title in the wonderbolts.” Rainbow tried her hardest to fight back the tears. “Why has my luck left me? I haven’t been cocky or anything like that. True, it’s not luck that got me here but I would consider myself lucky.” Rainbow tried not to cry and could only wonder what she did. “The last thirteen days haven’t exactly been that way Rainbow. You made Fluttershy cry, you insulted Rarity, you called Pinkie Pie and her parties stupid. I’ll talk to them Rainbow, they’ll understand. The odd thing about this though is that it didn’t take your luck away, it just made you act differently. The unlucky part is that it happened to you.” Rainbow dropped onto the ground sadly and frowned. “I’ll figure out who did this to you and they’ll be punished for it, I promise you.” “Thanks Twilight but I doubt even you can fix my reputation that’s been shattered.” Rainbow stood up and slowly made her way up the stairs. Trixie had been so happy the last two weeks; everything had been going her way up until today. Still, she had a good couple weeks. She gained three thousand bits, ponies let her do her shows, she got a new place to live and do her shows, and more. “This has been so great for Trixie.” She opened up the book that she found weeks before and went to use the same spell as before but found it gone. “That’s odd, maybe there is another good spell somewhere in here.” Trixie flipped through the pages and nothing came up that sounded interesting. One spell halfway through the book, despite not being worthy to look at by Trixies' standards, was different and so she looked at the title anyway. The title had been worn and smudged making it hard to read. The only letters able to be seen in the title were the letters Re v s al v. Trixie ignored it once she realized that she couldn’t read it and continued to look through the book. Trixie soon came to the end of the book. The Spell read Universal 666. “Odd but it’s the most interesting sounding spell here.” Without really thinking about it, Trixie read the spell out loud. “From the depths of Hell they’ve risen, bring them here and trap us in an eternal prison. They walk the earth and kill with no remorse, only the Alicorn can change their course.” Trixie cocked her head in confusion and then shrugged as she threw the book away. “What a bunch of garbage, Trixie” She had been cut short when a bright beam of energy shot into the air and then separated into two. One beam shot back down where she stood and the other shot toward Ponyville. “What the hay?” Trixie looked at the beam closest to her that when it hit ground formed a circle and opened up. Trixie just stood there for a second wondering what was going on but nothing happened. Trixie turned and walked into her home. Not long after, groans could be heard and then her home started to shake. “What is going on here?” Trixie went over to her door to scream at the ponies that were interrupting her peaceful night. She opened it up and then jumped back. A fleshy and bloody pony that smelled like death fell into the home. “Get out of Trixies’ home.” Trixie screamed and kicked the ugly pony in the face with her hooves but it didn’t budge and then more came into the home. Trixie let out a loud scream and ran to the back of her home and opened up the window just to see another one of those ponies there. Trixie tried to turn and run but the pony grabbed onto her mane and kept her there giving the other ponies time to reach her. Trixie tried to teleport away but one of the ugly ponies bit into her hoof. Trixie screamed again and louder as the ponies climbed onto her and began eating her.