Vinyl's Band

by RainbowSkunk

Chapter 2

"Ok, your here for a reason." Vinyl said to her band members. "That reason, is Rock the Horse."
"What's Rock the Horse?" Derpy asked.
"Rock the Horse is only the best band in Equestria!" Vinyl answered.
"Wait, I thought we were going to be the best band in Equestria?" Lyra asked.
"We're only a band so we can win a contest!" Vinyl said.
Octavia raised her hand. "Yes." Vinyl called.
"How do I play this?" Octavia asked, holding up a bass guitar.
"You take the strap, put it around your neck, and play." Vinyl explained. "Ok, let's start." Vinyl pointed at Derpy. Derpy just starred. "That's your cue!" Vinyl whisspered.
"My cue for what?" Derpy asked.
"Your cue to start playing the drums! You're the drummer!" Vinyl yelled.
"And how do I play the drums?" Derpy asked.
"You just hit the sticks in the white part." Vinyl answered. She pointed at Derpy again. Derpy played tap tap tap. "No! That's not intense enough!" Vinyl said.
"Vinyl, maybe we're not the best for this." Octavia suggested.
"No! I need you guys!" Vinyl begged.
"We'll work again tomarow." Octavia said. The others walked away.
"I'm doomed." Vinyl said. She walked inside to go to her room.
"Guys, we can't just leave her." Lyra said.
"But we can't play these instruments." Octavia said.
"We have to try." Lyra said. "Just practice, ok?"
The ponies nodded and walked home.