So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

by Camlio

Chapter 3: Almost to Ponyville! What's changed during the Epic Nap?

Everfree Forest Edge, Five minutes from Ponyville

"This... forest... sucks...." was my rather eloquent dictation on the state of the forest myself and Sandy traversed. For such a timid mare she really had a backbone when I was not doing my job of acting overlord enough.

"Tyler! What would all the newly created Demon's say if they heard you moaning like a foal about a little walk through a forest that is practically a haven for demon kind?" She said taking a tone one would usually hear from their mother when they had done something said mother disapproved of.

Which... I must admit always intimidated me. "Um... well... yeah you're right, sorry Sandy." I said before I was suddenly pulled into a hug by the mare, who... still eclipsed my rather meager height of five foot seven enough to smother my face between her breasts.

The screen turns grey for a minute as a pair of succubi appear on screen behind a news desk. "We interrupt your program for a special news bulletin courtesy of Overlord Info dump dot hell."

The red headed Succubi nods and reads from her pamphlet. "Overlord Nocturne is actually the third smallest known overlord due to appearing at a regular human's height of five foot seven. As well as the youngest living overlord to date. Though the fact that Equestrian Anthros grow to around Seven Feet tall on a regular basis with Alicorns capping at the height of Twelve feet and two inches (Celestia), it's easy to see how he'd feel the shortest."

This causes the blue haired Succubi to giggle. "No wonder all the mares treat him with so much affection it's because they think he's a little colt half the time isn't it?"

The red head starts laughing. "Y-Yeah just don't tell the Overlord that, he thinks it's all because of his stud factor." With that both succubi start laughing till the fall out of their chairs and vanish causing the screen to return to normal.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

I couldn't help but, blush from the hug as she cooed softly in that weird almost motherly fashion she always did. "S-Sandy can't breathe!" I said suddenly realizing that I still needed oxygen though to her it just came out as an unintelligent blabbering because of how deeply his head was pressed to her chest.

"Shh, just calm down Tyler, I'll carry you the rest of the way okay?" She said softly with a bit of a demonic glint in her eyes, while it wouldn't have been possible for the mare to survive this long she had the aid of a partial conversion into a demon to thanks to the contract she'd entered with me.

"You... bitch..." Was all I could manage to say as I left unable to breath and passed out from the lack of air, though this didn't seem to bother Sandy any as she simply removed me from between her breasts and carried me over the shoulder.

If I was conscious I'd realize that her plan was to use my unconsciousness as an excuse to enter the town with me without the need to restrain me, for which I'd likely commend her... she was always a better forward thinker than I was when it came to the ponies. Though from what my subconscious mind had picked up, I didn't exactly like what I heard.

The red haired succubus appeared again as the screen greyed. "Sorry got more info to dump. Just gonna be a second."

"Our Esteemed Overlord unlike most Overlords isn't an especially talented fighter, instead his power comes from his massive draw of beneficial and detrimental music which he uses to control the battlefield like a true maestro. This also grants him the ability to control his subconscious mind be able to hear things he normally wouldn't be, as a musician of his caliber must be able to find new inspiration even while asleep." She bowed and vanished.

"Sorry about that, back to the show~"

Demons like myself were not exactly welcome in Equestria, the whys are unknown to me because until I woke up from a power nap that was supposed to last a few hours which suddenly turned into at a nap of epic dragon scale meaning I slept for 1,000 years, my species was on good terms with the ponies.

This was mainly due to the fact that under my rule the demons basically played watchdogs to keep other worlds from meddling with each other in exchange for a steady supply of Mana the building blocks of magic and the source of life for demon kind.

Sandy sighed. "At least he didn't gain any weight sleeping so long, though I have to admit I wonder how he'll take being a very distant ancestor to a unicorn mare?" She asked with a giggle as she walked into the town of Ponyville to relative confusion at her passenger as she asked where she could find a medical professional that specialized in humans.