Another Multiversal Princess Chat

by JusSonic

Chapter 1

Pinkamena was reading and found what she was looking for. She spoke up, "Ok I found what the Dusk are; they are a creature called Nobodies; they are creatures with no hearts; there are many kinds with great power and in swarms, they can be really big threats."

"I see." Golden Heart said with a frown. At least these Dusk didn't attack the ponies during the incident with the Everfree Forest.

"That will be tough for the ponies." Omega said, standing by.

"Even if they're tough, the gang had battle tougher foes so this will only be another foe that they will fight." The Light Elf comments to his 'queen' and her pals sincerely.

The others nod as Pinkamema gets out her other book and goes back to reading it. She spoke, "So far the gang is now searching for Blueblood with a new friend but danger will be waiting for them."

"Ok but for now we will just wait." Golden Heart comments in concern.

Pinkamena nods as she keeps reading. Then the mare realizes something.

"Wait, that already happened in the previous story for JusSonic’s AU one. Ugh, I hate it when this happens; go to the next scene!" Pinkamena exclaims to the camera in irritation.

Another Multiversal Princess Chat

It was a while now. Equestria has survived another dangerous event in which the Everfree Forest almost took over due to the Tree of Harmony dying, unable to keep it back, while the forest kidnaps Celestia and Luna in the progress. Luckily, Twilight and her friends were able to save the day again...of course, they had to give up the Elements of Harmony as a result and the ponies felt like giving up a part of themselves...but it's a price that must be done.

With the Summer Sun Celebration over, Twilight is working on finding the keys to the boxes that is in her home right now. The Alicorn princess is also trying out a certain spell which she used to communicate with Blossom not too long ago. The mare is trying to chat with beings from other universes to see if they can give her any ideas about how to open the boxes left over from the trek to the Tree of Harmony.

At least Tao isn't around so Twilight can do this in private. At least she is able to do this right. The mare focuses the spell...and soon a portal shows up. Twilight waits and soon someone shows up in the portal from another universe.

To Twilight's surprise, the individual that she's looking Pinkie Pie! Except this one is an Alicorn like herself and is in wearing royal clothes. Could this be...

"Whoa. That spell worked AGAIN." Pinkie said excitedly.

Twilight arch an eyebrow as she asks, "Again? You mean you used this spell before too."

"Too; you mean you - oh, wait. Now this is getting silly. And for ME, that's saying something. Anyway, yeah, I used the spell once before. I chatted with a Dragon version of you who had recently become a royal Dragon. When did YOU use the spell before?"

"Shortly after I got back from what was then my most harrowing adventure to date."

"Same here; Anyway, nice horn; And Nice cutie mark," Pinkie said to Twilight in delight. "My world's Twilight is a Pegasus who has a clipboard for a Cutie Mark."

"Let me guess; you were a unicorn until a few months ago when you became an Alicorn. You are also Celestia's personal protégé where you come from." Twilight said in amusement. Somehow she is right.

"Exactly; Boy, you ARE good at guessing games."

"This world's Pinkie Pie is an Earth pony, but she can do a lot of things that should be impossible for not just Earth ponies, but even for Pegasus and unicorns too. It stands to reason that if YOU were a unicorn, you would probably be insanely powerful even before you became an Alicorn."

"Yep-er-oine," Princess Pinkie said in delight. "That's why I am my world's bearer of the Element of Magic. Of course, MY world's version of you is the bearer of the Element of Loyalty, owing to the fact that you ALWAYS put your friends' needs ahead of personal wants and refuse to abandon anybody who really needs you. You and Ben even refused to let me go to the End of Equestria without back-up."

"My world's Rainbow Dash is the bearer of the Element of Loyalty while you are the bearer of the Element of Laughter." Twilight said, explaining to Princess Pinkie as to what her version and Rainbow Dash's is in this world.

"Funny thing; Dashie in my universe is also a unicorn (not as powerful as me, but still quite gifted in athletics and combat magic). She bears the Element of Laughter because of her fondness for harmless pranks and her tendency to use amusing one-liners, slapstick and Karmic Trickery to annoy the bad guys off their game. That and, if I were bearer of the elements of both Magic AND Laughter while Dashie still had the Element of Loyalty, it would have left YOU out in the cold, so to speak."

"Let me guess; Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity are all still bearers of the Elements of Honesty, Kindness and Generosity respectively in your world, despite also being different pony classes than they are in my world."

Princess Pinkie giggles as she comments, "Oh, again, a very good guess. It is so much fun talking to beings from other universes and finding out what is the same and what is different."

"Wow! The Magic Mirror Tropes and Idiom book series is right about this thing!" Twilight exclaims in amazement, "Same friends, different species but interesting results."

"Hey, I am a fan of that book series too! Wow, you and I are alike in some way. This gave me the idea for this kind of thing."

"Same here; when I told Spike my idea, he thought it wasn't a good one."

"Yeah, same thing when I told my assistants Lorcan and my own Spike." Princess Pinkie said happily to Twilight.


"Whoa,, whoa, calm down, princess!" Princess Pinkie exclaims in Twilight in surprise. "You sound like the name 'Lorcan' got you riled up."

"I'm sorry. It's just here in my world Lorcan killed my brother Starlight...and tried to destroy all of the ponies in Equestria." Twilight sighs a bit. The purple Alicorn recovers, "Anyway, listen, let's move on from here. You see, I'm doing this spell in hopes to get any ideas from other ponies from other worlds for ideas on how to open the boxes that me and my friends recovered from the Everfree Forest not too long ago."

"What a coincidence, I was doing the same thing." Princess Pinkie said to Twilight in delight. "Of course, no ideas but let's share stories and maybe we might be inspired."

"Very well."

Princess Pinkie mention, "Oh, and the Dragon version of you I met the last time I used this spell; she ended up becoming a Royal Dragon due to fixing a spell gone wrong; though in HER case, it was a villain who stole a book of spells from this really heavy duty dragon wizard who cast the spell in an effort to give himself the combined powers of that universe's Elements of Harmony AND the Element bearers themselves. Oh, and since Dragons don't have cutie marks, the Dragons - including that world's version of Twilight - all ended up getting their memories and personalities swapped. However, with the help of that world's Spike and a few other dragons who were particularly close to her, that world's Twilight managed to get herself back to normal and then managed to get her friends back to normal. After they defeated the villain and fixed the spell, that world's Twilight ended up becoming upgraded to a Royal Dragon."

"Yeah, I figure it was like that." Twilight remarks with a shrug.

Princess Pinkie comment, "Oh, and the Dragon version of you has a group called the 'Dragon Kid Crusaders', which is basically a club for little Dragon kids that want to hang out after school, try their claws at a wide variety of sports and games and help each other AND other Dragon kids in dealing with bullies. I mean, Dragons don't have Cutie Marks, but they can still pal around and help each other out, right?"

"No surprise there." Twilight remarks with a chuckle of amusement, "How to start mine? I first met my friends when Princess Celestia send me to Ponyville to check things out for the Summer Sun Celebration."

"You know what? I have already met my world's versions of you and Rainbow Dash when we were fillies and my world's versions of Twilight and Rainbow Dash were being among my first real friends."

"Wow, that's amazing. How did we meet?"

Princess Pinkie comment, "I ended up in Canterlot at an early age because I was adopted into your family. Oh, my birth parents are still alive, but they lacked the resources to handle a hyperactive unicorn foal. Fortunately, Granny Pie was an old friend of a unicorn couple that just happened to be YOUR paternal grandparents. In fact, except for your maternal grandmother; who was a Pegasus (which where MY world's version of you got the Pegasus gene from); your entire immediate family is unicorns (including both of your brothers). So you could say you and my world's version of you met as fillies because I'm technically your aunt, even if you ARE a year older than me. I met my world's Dashie in Magic Kindergarten and we bonded over some harmless pranking and a mutual soft spot for innocent ponies in trouble."

Twilight smiles, adding, "I'm glad to hear that."

Princess Pinkie mention, "Oh, and then the three of us met this bullied colt named Ben Mare and helped him out. He seemed to really appreciate it - ESPECIALLY from YOU- well, my world's version of you, but you get the idea."

"Oh, don't I know it." Twilight sighs. She wonders if how she herself would get Ben out of that trouble. The mare then said, "Well, we never met when I met Ben. And I didn't have any friends when that creep Boris pull a prank on Ben, which turned him into a Demon Pony. What is your story?"

"Boris? Yeah, a meanie who hates Earth ponies; A big creep," Princess Pinkie remarked. She then comment, "Oh, and my Pinkie Sense picked up Boris trying to put some kind of curse on Ben in time for me and Dashie to deflect the curse right back at Boris. And, shortly afterwards, after my world's you agreed to be his special somepony, we found out Ben was really Celestia's adopted son."

"Sounds like your world is different than mine in a way; And he special somepony; you?"

Princess Pinkie comment, "Well, while I'm certainly glad when anypony has found their special somepony, I still haven't myself. I mean, I don't mind the dating scene (though I very pointedly keep it restricted to 'dinner, dancing and a show'; none of the NON-G-rated stuff for me until marriage), but none of the stallions I met really "'clicked'" with me in that special way. Oh, the majority of them are nice enough for the most part and I DO get along well enough for the aforementioned 'dinner, dancing and a show' (and, I will admit I even like some of them enough to go out with them a second or even third time), but I have not yet found that stallion I QUITE like enough to FULLY commit myself to. Fortunately, though, most of the stallions have been nice enough to understand - other than that over-stubborn meanie-pants, Boris."

"Same here. Ben and I don't wanna get too...frisky especially in front of my foal Nyx." Twilight remarks with a chuckle.

Princess Pinkie comment, "And there was this Dragon that tried to attack you and Starlight when you were foals, but me, Dashie, Ben, you and Starlight working together were able to hold the Dragon off long enough for Shining Armor and Cadance to get there and help. And the seven of us were able to keep that Dragon busy long enough for Celestia to get there with the newly hatched Spike, which calmed down the Dragon enough for him to apologize and back off before anypony was hurt. It wasn't until years later; when that Dragon helped me, you, Ben and Rainbow Dash against this big, mean green Dragon attacking Spike; that we even learned this dragon's name - Lorcan. It seems he was upset over the supposed death of his baby brother - namely Spike - and wished to take it out on MY foster family. However, seeing Spike was still alive was enough to get the Dragon to realize he made an error."

"Wow...I feel a bit jealous. I wish that happened to me."

"Awww, no need to feel jealous; we all got our destinies, at least that's what my Celestia told me."

Twilight then explains how she met her friends during the return of Celestia's sister Princess Luna who was possessed by the evil essence known as Nightmare Moon.

Princess Pinkie spoke up after Twilight is done, "And, you might not believe this, but Celestia told me up front; LONG before the One Thousandth Summer Sun Celebration; about Nightmare Moon's impending return."

"Really; she was up front about it? No thinly veiled Dark Mare Gambits?" Twilight ask, arching an eyebrow at this. This is different than what happened to her. At least the Alicorn (when she was still an unicorn) learnt of the return first and tried to warn the princess about it first.

Princess Pinkie nods, adding, "Well, yeah. I mean, I already loved a good party and was already good at making friends, so Princess Celestia had no need to trick me. That and she learned early on that it's nearly impossible to keep a secret from me anyway. Anyway, after years of preparations and education on the Elements of Harmony and how they work, she sent me, Spike and MY world's versions of Rainbow Dash and Twilight to Ponyville to try to find ponies worthy of bearing the other three elements while SHE tried to find another way to stop Nightmare Moon (or at least slow her down)."

"Let me guess; you met Applejack; who was pulling double duty; being in charge of both food and weather."

"Indeedie-do; Then we met Rarity, who was in charge of decorations (I still get a chuckle out of seeing how Spike gets around Rarity; kind of like how my world's you gets around my world's Ben). And, finally, we met Fluttershy, who was in charge of the music."

Twilight then speak up, "I don't need to be psychic to see where THIS is going, considering I went through something similar on my own world, except that my world's versions of you and Rainbow Dash were already IN Ponyville."

Princess Pinkie admit, "The reason it is nearly impossible to keep a secret from me most of the time is because I can read minds and see the future. Plus I have mastered a portal spell that allows me to travel anywhere I can visualize in the blink of an eye AND a shrinking spell that allows me to fit in ridiculously small openings with incredible ease."

"Yeah, Pinkie has these things got glow leaves. I still don't know how she got them. That mare's abilities still amazed me."

The two Princesses laughs, giving out stories of their adventures and of their friends; Twilight is getting interested in Princess Pinkie's versions of Twilight herself and the other versions.

Princess Pinkie comment "Oh, and the Pegasus you is such an egghead. I mean, Pegasus in general have to be pretty smart to figure out the complex mental math required require to do the more complicated weather AND figures out how to construct buildings large enough and strong enough to comfortably fit MANY ponies and yet ALSO light enough to literally float on a cloud. But my world's version of you is brilliant even by THOSE standards. I guess that's how she ended up becoming in charge of the Canterlot weather team after finishing high school. And, of course, literally the only two things she puts ahead of work are the well-being of her family and friends and the fate of Equestria. So, even after we became bearers of the Elements of Harmony, she still refused to leave Canterlot hanging, so she routinely does the commute from Ponyville to Canterlot to do her job . It exhausts her sometimes; flying two hours to Canterlot, doing a hard day's work and flying two hours back to Ponyville to spend time with her friends before hitting the hay; but she puts enough value on our friendship to try her darnedest to MAKE time for us. I guess that's ANOTHER reason she earned the Element of Loyalty."

"Yeah, I bet ." Twilight said with a chuckle.

Princess Pinkie comment, "Oh, and my universe's versions of you and Ben are the foster parents of this adorable and sweet Alicorn filly named Nyx."

"I knew it, the same thing happened to me and Ben."

Princess Pinkie mention, "My world's Rainbow Dash first did the 'Sonic Rainboom' (which, concerning she is a unicorn in Princess Pinkie's world, is an immensely powerful offensively fired sonic blast) helping Twilight defend Ben from Boris, Boxco and Dum-Dum (which also caused my magic to go out of control even AFTER I ALREADY passed my entrance exam [with the help of a high-powered incubator that I magically conjured up to hatch Spike's egg] AND my world's Twilight to discover her talent for organization as she helped out with the damage clean-up."

"Wow, we got Rainbow Dashes who did the same thing of how we got our Cutie Marks." Twilight said impressed. "How about your Applejack? What is her story?"

Princess Pinkie mention, "Applejack doesn't know why she was born a Pegasus even though her family (including all four of her grandparents, both of her parents and both of her siblings) were Earth ponies. Of course, she's not really complaining about it either, considering that, thanks to the Earth pony blood, she has the best of two worlds; the muscle and farming instincts of an Earth pony and the flying ability and weather skills of a Pegasus. And she has an excellent work ethic too. I mean helping run Sweet Apple Acres AND being in charge of Ponyville's weather."

"Well, that's amazing. My Applejack is an Earth pony...and got into a friendly rivalry with my Rainbow Dash; How about yours?"

Princess Pinkie comment, "Oh, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash LOVE competing with each other. Of course, they enjoy trying to one-up a worthy opponent they can go all out against. I mean, Applejack can't exactly raise a stink about Rainbow using her magic and Rainbow can't really gripe about Applejack using her flying ability. Of course, it got pretty out of hoof during this one Running of the Leaves almost three years ago. They tied for first place (Applejack flew as fast as she could; which is pretty darn fast; and Dashie used her magic to increase her running speed about thirtyfold, so they left all the other contestants in the dust, but they were still tied in their competition)."

"That's Applejack and Rainbow for those two." Twilight remarks while rolling her eyes. Even in Princess Pinkie's world, Applejack and Rainbow got quite a friendly rivalry going on.

Princess Pinkie comment, "Applejack just LOVES rodeos and fairs, but can't compete herself because the rules strictly state 'Earth Ponies only'. I guess it makes sense when you consider flight would give most pegasi an unfair advantage in the agility department; doesn't stop her from cheering on her Earth pony relatives when THEY compete, however. You should SEE how many 'strength-related' blue ribbons Big Macintosh has and how many 'pie cooking' blue ribbons Granny Smith has. Applejack was so proud of BOTH of them this one rodeo where they and Apple Bloom all went to (Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy and I took care of things at Sweet Apple Acres while they were gone). I mean, Applejack wouldn't shut up about it for two straight weeks once they got back. And ponies excuse ME of being a Motor Mouth. But then, I can't blame Applejack for being proud. Granny and Big Mac BOTH scored several blue ribbons and A LOAD of cash to help the farm."

The two new friends continue sharing stories of their adventures and such; Amazing. Sometimes Pinkie would get on Twilight's nerves...but this version appears to be much better at this.

Princess Pinkie comment, "Oh, and recently, my world's Twilight, Ben, Spike, Phobos, Nyx, Rainbow and I all ended up chasing this big meanie former protégé of my world's Celestia's into this universe where EVERY pony wore clothes regularly, could walk upright and had fore hooves with humanoid fingers and opposable thumbs. It was also a world where technology and magic were in equal supply, so we still had all of the abilities we were used to, but the computers, telephones, televisions , cars and such were more advanced than our world's counterparts to them."

"Same here, except you and Rainbow weren't involved." Twilight explains with a smile. The two continues talking about their adventures some more.

Princess Pinkie mention, "Oh, and just recently too, after we had to give up the Elements themselves to save the forest and Equestria, we also got these mysterious boxes. We don't know what's in the boxes, but I have a feeling we'll find out by the end of the season. And I also have a feeling that they might be as powerful, if not more so, than the Elements."

"Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out. I just wish I didn't have to wait and all..."

Princess Pinkie comment, "And that is how all of the Equestrias were made. Or is that how my friends and I all got our cutie marks? Or is that cover my life story up to this point? Sometimes, I have a hard time keeping track. Oh, well, it was nice chatting with you, Princess Twilight."

"Yeah, same here," Twilight said with a smile. "Listen, we should do this again sometime."

"Oooh, I was thinking the same thing. Next time though, bring your me along and I will bring my you. Know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean, Princess Pinkie. Until next time..."

Twilight and Princess Pinkie ends dialogues and made their portals disappear, making the Alicorn princess sigh a bit while smiling. It's nice to be doing this and meeting new versions and friends among the way. Still, no close to finding the clue to the boxes but it's a start.

Twilight think to herself, "Well, that didn't give me any new ideas for opening the boxes, but I DID make a new friend, which means it wasn't a TOTAL waste. I could try again with a different universe at a later date."


Pinkamena was alone in her room for a while but looks at a mirror and sees herself but some dark mist form lightly as a dark like form comes. A phantom said sinisterly, "Hello there, prey."

Pinkamena gasp and bashes the mirror, panting being freaked out. She said, "I thought she was gone when I was split. I fear my past might be coming back to try and take control."

Golden Heart, Omega and the Light Elf come in. The big brother spoke in worry, "Sister, you ok?"

"Yeah, just freaked a little upon seeing myself; I forget I look scary sometimes."

"Well ok but be careful."

"Ok Goldie." Pinkamena said. The gang leaves as Pinkamena sighs and sits down. "I will not be like her. I will not be a killer."

Pinkamena calms herself as she goes back to reading.


The Tree of Harmony continues glowing near the ruined castle. As long as the elements are within it, the tree will never be endangered again. But visited is another story however as four familiar minions of Dark Curse appears, on a mission from their wicked master.

"Okay, coast is clear." DJ Red said to his colleague quietly as they come near the tree carefully.

"Why are we doing this again?" Clumsy ask DJ Red skeptically.

"Master had ordered us to get the Elements of Harmony from Tree of Harmony." Black Tiger remarks to Clumsy with a growl.

Shades gulped, "You sure that's a good idea? I mean stealing bits and foods is one thing, but stealing Elements?!" The evil bad guy gulped some more, "That's worst."

"I still had no idea why Big Boss wants the Elements of Harmony so bad. It's like he's been waiting for this all the time." DJ said with a grown. Dark Curse wants the Element of Harmony but why?

"Speaking of that, do you think that the Mystic Ponies are here?" DJ Red ask while looking around for any signs of the enemies.

"Not yet. But we must act. There might be patrols coming here." Black Tiger growls in precaution. The four cannot delay in cast there are patrols guarding the Tree of Harmony.

Shades touched the Tree of Harmony, but instead he got zapped on his hoof. He shook his hoof. The minion groans in pain, "This could take a while."

"Not all of them; just the small pieces or shards of them."

"Definitely could take a while to take the shards out." Clumsy said with a sigh, knowing that it could take a while for this task to get done.

"Eeyup," DJ remarks in agreement. He hopes that this is worth it.

"Just do it. Time is running out!" Black Tiger snaps to his allies in irritations, making them yelp and goes to work. They hate to see him when he's really angry.


Dark Curse sat in his throne, smiling sinisterly. He has recovered from his 'meeting' with Grimmore not too long ago. The villain has warned the Shadow Dragon about any possibility of the Dark Elf going after him sometime in the future should Grimmore get enraged once more.

"Just as I had hoped; Twilight had returned the Elements of Harmony to the Tree." Dark Curse remarks with a sinister laugh. He knew this would happen. That decision that Twilight has made could be her downfall.

"Allowing our minions to retrieved it. Excellent," Shadow Dragon remarked with a cruel chuckle. "But still, what should we do with Grimmore and the Superior? Clearly, they are expecting good results while we know it's already done."

Dark Curse chuckled, "Let them be, my apprentice. After all, this is a perfect opportunity to fulfill what I've been waiting for."

"Very well, my master."

"Inform the rest of generals of their preparations, and keep an eye on that maniac and lunatic barbaric pony, Devil Destroyer. That idiot will do anything to start a problem."

Shadow Dragon groaned in annoyance, "I'm aware of that. I am more concerned that whether Grimmore should stop trying to test and challenge the Mystic Ponies. Both Susano and Azure Phoenix would probably set a trap just for him."

Dark Curse chuckled while adding, "Let him try. I have no concern of that Elf. His power will be mine to command, and so as his army one day."

Dark Curse chuckled. Grimmore got the advantage the last time but the Dark Mystic Pony is determined to get the last laugh...


Mystic Tao informed three ponies of a situation at hand. They consist of a pale Earth Pony with a short white mane, tail, beard and mustache, dressed in golden emperor's robe and headwear, his cutie mark are Clouds with a Celestial Dragon, a darken and muscular crimson Pegasus with hardened armor and had a spiky and long white mane and tail, his cutie mark is a Long Sword and Demonic Gauntlet, and a light black Alicorn, with a dark mane and tail in Chinese style with golden crown, he also had small black beard and mustache, and wore a navy robe with armor and cape. His cutie mark is a Blue Phoenix Symbol with an Imperial Seal.

"As I had feared, Council, Grimmore may try to strike again, even in his seal." Tao explains to the council grimly. "So what is your suggestion, your highness, Lord Susano and Azure Phoenix?"

"What must be done now? We are clearly dealing with a greater threat." The Jade Emperor said seriously. He knows how dangerous Grimmore is to all of Equestria, even worst as Dark Curse.

Azure scoffed, "So that arrogant elf has made his move, eh; just as we predicted. The truth is, Tao, your shield is a test to find out how powerful Grimmore had truly become after the long thousand years. So, we had found out."

Susano nods as he speaks, "Now, it is time to unleash our true power of shield. Azure, is the Mystic Shield prepared?"

"All is in place."

Tao nods while speaking, "I see. I was to observe of the battles and situation while you prepared something powerful enough to fight off against the enemies." The council amazes him at times.

"Precisely, Mystic Tao; Now, let that elf try to attack again. I would like to see him try this. Soldiers; launch the Mystic Shield." Azure said with a smirk. Grimmore will be in for a rude awakening the next time he tries sometime foolish.

A silver armored warrior in Chinese Style, Mystic Soldier, nods while bowing his head, "Understood." He quickly went outside of the Jade Palace and meet up with the other Mystic Soldiers. They armed the giant yellowish laser gun-like with wheels, down below. "It is time!"

The Mystic Soldiers pushed some buttons on the weapon as it glowed in green. The Mystic Soldier pushed on a red button, causing the giant gun machinery to be shaken and vibrated as its top parts glowed in whitish. It then fired on the ground, starting with Ponyville.

Upon receiving the white light, it then created shockwave across Equestria, as the crack had happened on the shields had been strengthened and restored.


In Tartarus, an elf minion of Grimmore informs his master of what's happening, "Milord! The shield that you destroyed had been restored!"

"WHAT?! Impossible! So they wish to challenge my powers?" Grimmore scowls in anger. "Then so be it; unleashing my powers of mine and Copy Crystal. Try this!"

Grimmore launched his powers out from his Tarturus Realm and fired at the shield. The white shield received the impact but nothing crack. But instead, it creates a large white sphere and was fired back. The attack then fired right at Grimmore. He shouted in pain. Those Mystic Ponies were prepared!

"Milord," The elves exclaims as they rush over to Grimmore's aid. The Dark Elf wasn't hurt too much so he will live.

"My lord; Are you alright?!" Ji-Ga-No asks Grimmore in worry.

Grimmore panted, "It appears that I had underestimated my enemies. And clearly, the Mystic Ponies had been quite busy in their 'preparation', despite being disconnected from Equestria and even avoid checking on the process of my seal. They are more resourceful and intelligent than I realized, especially Azure Phoenix and Susano. I had to be careful, as well as leaving Dark Curse and his minions in handling the situation. I have no choice."

The Dark Elf then growls furiously while sitting back, "But make no mistake of it. The Mystic Ponies had indeed made a grave error. I will win this war...and crush every pony no matter what..."


"The shield is a success, sir." The Mystic Soldier said as he salutes Azure, explaining the success.

"Well done. There is nothing that Grimmore, the Superior and even Dark Curse could do now about the shield, unless they are welcome to come to Ponyville to destroy it." Azure said proudly. Their enemies will think even twice now.

"Indeed . With this remote," Susano spoke as he held a golden box with small buttons and speaker, "You give the signal to the Mystic Shield Units. I'm entrusting you to protect it."

"Very well," Tao said as he takes the box in determination.

"Keep an eye on everything, especially Ben Mare, and also the Dark Ponies. We all know that Dark Curse will do anything to bring the holder of Triforce Elements to his side of darkness." Azure said seriously to Tao. The latter nods, knowing what must be done.


"Do not worry about the Tree, I have sent Nezha to keep patrolling and protecting that at all cost." Susano assures Tao with a smile. The Mystic Council member can only hope that nothing happened while Nezha isn't looking.

"Then, it is safe assume that we must remain vigilant and cautious of the battles." Tao said to the Council in concern.

"Indeed ."

"Then, it is settled. Do your best to prevent anyone from coming and invading the Mystic Realm." The Jade Emperor instructs Tao calmly. "Grimmore must not escape, nor Smaug tries to obtain the powers from the Mystic Crystal, and making sure that Dark Curse must not succeed his goals."

Tao, Susano and Azure salutes while saying, "My Lord!"

Tao heads out, going on a mission of his own. He can hope that he succeeds...

The End for now

Cast list
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Andrea Libman: Princess Pinkie Pie, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Phantom

With special voice appearances by
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Vic Mignogna: Omega
Jayson Thiessen: Light Elf
Adam Baldwin: DJ Red
Clancy Brown: Clumsy Rat
James Sie: Shades
John DiMaggio: Black Tiger
Lathan Gaines: Dark Curse
Jason Marsden: Shadow Dragon
Sab Shimono: Mystic Tao
George Takei: Jade Emperor
David Kaye: Susano
Douglas Rye: Azure Phoenix
Dante Basco: Mystic Soldier
Tim Curry: Grimmore
Kevin Michael Richardson: Ji-Ga-No