//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Vegito and Buu in Equestia // by chubbysonicfan //------------------------------// Vegito awoke to a curious Applebloom inspecting the creature she discovered in her orchards. "Back off, pooch. I'm looking for civilization." "Ah ain't no dog!" She retorted, "Ah'm a pony. Now whut are you?" Vegito didn't say anything. The sight before him was enough to give him the answer he was looking for. "Huh. Guess Buu hit me harder than I thought." "Who?" Applebloom followed Vegito's path, going towards her clubhouse. Just don't focus on it, He thought, it should go away eventually. As they walked out of the orchards, Vegito took to the skies, searching for a house of any sort. Spotting a small house, just a few feet away, he flew to the door faster than Majin Buu could have dreamed of. He knocked on the door, busting it down in the process, and called out to any residents. "Yo! Anyone home?" Seeing no one around, Vegito made himself at home. He looked through the house for any form of entertainment. No TV. Go figure. Vegito was about to enjoy his bowl of applesauce when he heard someone's voice from the living room. "Whut in tarnation?" Applejack looked over the house, everything has been raided. The fridge was missing food, the bedrooms had been thrashed. And something was in the bathroom. "Alright, Ah don't who ya are, but Ya'll best be-" Her words were cut off by Vegito opening the door from the bathtub. "May I help you?" "Yeah, how 'bout ya leave our house before Ah knock ya out!" Applejack got into a pouncing position. Vegito laughed, "Oh, I'm so scared." He took a bite from the applesauce. "Please, don't use a broom on me!" Applejack laid a broom on the floor. She growled at him, Vegito's intrusion on her property has brought Applejack to her boiling point. "This sause kinda suck, by the way." Applejack didn't say anything, she was focused more on finding an opening in Vegito's taunts. While Vegito was eating away at the Apple family's famous applesauce, he never let his guard down. He could tell he was being followed. But he still had the time of his life. "So." Vegito stepped out of the tub. "Which one of you is the strongest?" Big Macintosh stepped forward, his massive body shadowing everything next to him. "Uh huh. Now, who's the fastest?" Vegito glanced at Applejack, who, in turn, stepped forward. "I see." Vegito smiled at the two Apples, his confidence only growing as he watched them. He cracked his neck, pointing towards a tree outside. "Well, I just kicked his ass and raided your fridge while you were looking over there." Applejack turned around. "Ah never looked over-" Before she could finish, Big Mac was in a wheel chair, wearing casts on his limbs, and Vegito was munching on, exactly, twenty apples. "CONSARNIT!" "Tough words for a red-neck." Vegito ate an apple, laughing internally. "I mean, you almost said a bad word like: dang." Applejack nearly broke a vein. She lunged herself at Vegito. She threw the strongest punches in her life, only for Vegito to never flinch. "Any more pillows you gonna throw at me?" Vegito continued to eat his apple. Applejack couldn't speak. She was throwing the strongest attacks of her life, punches that could kill anything in their path. And that, thing, in her house acted like he wasn't nothing at all. "If you've got no more tricks up your sleeve, I'm gonna take off." Before anypony could say anything, Vegito used Instant Translocation to warp out of the Apple's household. "Where- I'm gonna get Twilight." Applejack rushed for Golden Oaks Library.