Dreams and Nightmares

by Sythax

Chapter 4-Here comes the Storm

The main hall was a hive of conversation as Luna descended the stairs. All five ponies were sitting around debating the best course of action to defend Twilight's mind.
"We've got all these bookcases here!" said Rarity "Just barricade the door, it's the only way in!"
"But what if they get through that?" cried Rainbow Dash "We have to keep them out, I say we go out there and fight them face to face!"
"I agree" nodded Applejack "Offence is the best defence an' all that"
"I don't know. When did violence solve anything?" said Fluttershy quietly.
"Fluttershy! This is no time to be the diplomat!" said Rainbow
"But what chance do we stand against an army? Let along an army of nightmares."said Rarity.
"Well, I got these." said Applejack, kicking the air with her powerful back legs.
"And I've got these!" said Rainbow as she beat her wings.
"And I've got this!" cried Pinkie as she pulled her trusty Party Cannon out of nowhere.
"No offence, but you can't beat an army with hooves and party decorations!" said Rarity
"So what are we gonna do?!" cried Rainbow "Sit here and wait for them to come knocking?! I say we attack!"
"Defend!" retorted Rarity
"Attack!" screamed Applejack.
"Um, I don't mind defending if that's ok." whimpered Fluttershy.
Luna had heard enough.
"Girls! Very soon I will not matter if you attack or defend! The army is almost upon us and both yours and Twilight's lives are at risk. Will you really fall to petty squabbling?!"
The five ponies looked down, ashamed.
"Your right Rarity" sighed Rainbow "We could never hold out against them."
"There just isn't enough of us" said Pinkie "We could totally use a Mirror Pool right now!"
Luna thought deeply, trying to see some way out of this predicament. A light in the dark.
A light.
A plan burst into Luna's head. A plan that just might work.
"Girls, I have an idea but it will require some time. Do what you must. Fight them off, barricade the door, just keep them out till I return."
"Where are you going?!" cried Applejack.
Luna turned from the dream portal that she had opened and smiled.
"It's time to bring the dawn."
And with that she disappeared.
The others sat confused but determined. With a plan to help them on its way they set about with renewed vigor to defend their sanctuary.


Twilight burst through the doors of the Royal Physician's Institute, gasping for breath. Her entrance was met with wide eyed stares from several patients covered in a assortment of bandages and casts. She ignored them and strode up to the receptionist's desk who was eyeing her warily.
" How may help you?" asked the concerned mare behind the desk, peering over her glasses at Twilight.
"I'm hear to see a doctor urgently" said Twilight "One of them was set to travel to Ponyville in a few days but the matter couldn't wait."
The mare frowned as she looked at one of her lists.
"Ah yes, Doctor Galvani. He's seeing someone at the moment, would you care to take a seat and I'll put you on his list."
"How many patient's does he have?"
"Oh only eighty or so, it's quiet today."
"Eighty?!" cried Twilight, drawing more stares. "That's too long!"
"I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait your turn, everyone else here is just as anxious to see him as you are."
Twilight opened her mouth to argue but decided better of it. With a stony glare at the receptionist she spun around and made her way back towards the exit, her mind whirling away to find a new course of action.
"What are we gonna do Twilight?" asked Spike "You might not get seen to tomorrow!"
"I know Spike I'm thinking." replied Twilight "Maybe we ca-ow!"
Twilight flinched as a brief flash of fire filled her head.
"You ok Twilight? What's wrong?" fretted Spike
"It's fine, just a twinge" she winced, she took two more paces until she was driven to her knees by an even more intense burst.
"Spike..." she said weakly "We need to get-" She doubled over in pain, falling to her side. The other patients had taken notice and were beginning to crowd around them. She heard shouts and hurrying hoofsteps.
Spike took her hoof in his claws, trying to keep her calm.
"Hold in there Twi, for the others."
"Spike, I'm scared..." she whispered
The last thing she saw was Spike worried face as the pain seared up again, obscuring her vision.
All she could hear before she passed out was her own blood-curdling scream.


The ponies were ready when the first one reached the castle. A mass of tentacles dragging itself along at a surprising pace. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stood guard outside, hooves, wings and Party Cannons at the ready. Rarity and Fluttershy stood just inside the door, eyes wide.
As the thing approached Applejack nodded to Rainbow Dash who took off to intercept it. She circled round, planning her attack when suddenly a tentacle snapped out, causing her to roll to avoid it. Despite having no visible eyes the creature could still see them.
She came around again, swerving to dodge the attacking appendages, jabbing with her own hooves in return to little effect.
Applejack ran forward to help but quickly jumped back when a tentacle slammed down in front of her, sending puffs of cloud into the air.
"Rainbow, send it up!" cried Applejack
Rainbow nodded and began to accelerate, the wind picking up speed.
At first it seemed to have no effect, the thing continued it perilous advance. But as the wind grew it slowly began to lift, it numerous limbs leaving the ground one by one. Soon it was 50 feet in the air, its feelers waving wildly in the gale. Rainbow span out of the tornado, leaving the mass temporarily suspended. Then it began to plummet, hitting the ground with a meaty thwack!
A single tentacle lifted from the pile then fell limp and with a whoosh! it disappeared in a cloud of inky black smoke.
The ponies cheered. All except Applejack who was looking towards peak of the hill nearby.
"Don't you go celebratin' just yet!" she cried
More black shapes emerged over the peak, staring down at the now silent ponies. Claws clicked and teeth gnashed as they watched the crowd grow.
The ponies readied themselves. Rainbow Dash geared up her wings. Applejack stomped the ground with her hind legs. Pinkie Pie aimed her cannon at the nearest foes. Rarity's horn lit up with magic. Fluttershy quivered silently.
A moment of silence passed. then with an almighty roar the swarm descended.
And the battle began.