Gregor hates everything: rants from a pissed off civilian.

by GanAfterDark

6) That one wedding thingy where all the shit got fucked up

Canterlot Wedding bitches! Yes, I am actually very excited, because you want to know why? I just said it. I have been wanting to complain about that fucking stupid ass wedding forever! Finally, now let's get started.

First of all, I blame that stupid whore hat Celestia. You are the worst leader I think I have ever witnessed, and wanna know why? Fucking Twilight was the one to notice, and she's your fucking apprentice for shit sake! Are you a retard, because you seem like one, because your dumb ass can't even learn how to fucking use magic! You raise the mother humping Sun every single god damn day and you can't even use your gay ass magic just to defeat one pony?

The stupid shield. That shield was supposed to protect them right? SO WHERE IN YOUR FUCKING RETARD MIND DID YOU THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO LEAVE 1 FUCKING PONY TO KEEP THE SHIELD UP!? I mean, he's Twilights brother, but fucking really!? You put the shield up to protect everyone, but then you were all like, "Der, I'm a fucking stupid ass retard, we don't need a fucking shield! Just let that one pony guy try to keep it up."

Oh yeah, and you know you have to train guards to actually fight, right? Because what it looks like is you took in a bunch of pussies and kiss asses and you made them royal guards. They can't fight for shit. Get that through your fucking brain Celestia, at least your sister is fucking cool. You have to train them, or else they'll crumble like a fucking cookie.

Oh yeah, I have to go again. Pinkie Pie is gonna throw a "Gregor is a fucking asshole" party. Apparently I'm the piƱata. Whelp, looks like my testicles aren't the only thing that'll be fucking sore today.

Your pissed off civilian,
