I want to see you; Beam - Beam - Beam

by Ponyess

Prologue: 1

I hear the old 'Smile Song' in my head, over and over, though my mood isn't the commonly seen, and my mane hang flat against my head. Something needs to be done, and I think I know where to pick up the supplies and support for what I had in mind.

On a day like this, I wish I could have skipped breakfast, but I know only too well how much I need the energy, soon enough.

Besides, I could only leave the place for so long, or things would start to fall apart. I had my breakfast planned, a batch of Cup-Cakes. I ended up taking my time, enjoying them one by one, washing them down with Orange Juice. Now I could go.

Naturally it is still dark as I leave my home after breakfast, which is just as well, the forest was dark, even midday, and just as mean. Getting where I had to go in time, so I set of galloping, giggling all the while.

Once I reach my destination, I set off, securing the perimeter, before proceeding to the pond. Then I chanted the rhyme, calling forth the army of doubles. One by one, slapping a collar on each and everyone of them, making me capable of knowing which of them is which. Even if it is a mere number, but there is no point in naming them, they are all just doubles of me.

Since they are doubles, I had to instruct them, but I did not give them the one thing that made me more than them, the one secret I had swiped at the castle. The magical blade.

“Just line up, one by one. I'll everything in a moment!” I told the first one, then repeated this to each and every one of them, until I had the entire army gathered.

Gathering ninety nine doubles take time, and I needed to instruct them firmly, making sure they were not running off, this time.

“Remember, beam beam beam. I need you to smile for me too!” I explained, smiling at them demonstratively, and gave them a sample of my 'beam, beam, beam', to make sure they knew what I mean.

“Beam, beam, beam!” they repeated in chorus, giving me the three beams as I had told them to.

“Here is the canon, it is fired like this!” I then explained, as I fired a shot with the canon, letting them see and understand how it is done.

I need them to know and understand everything. They would be useless, if they didn't understand what I wanted them to do. What I expected out of them.

“And don't forget to laugh!” I instructed sternly, and laughed at it all.

“Smile and laugh!” then responded in chorus, then fired their canons, just as I had explained.

“Beam, beam, beam!” I then intoned.

“Beam, beam, beam!” they responded in chorus, beaming as I had taught them.

“Okaly Dokely. The aim is spot on. Now it is time to go!” I pointed out as I opened up my rift, thus breaking the fourth wall.

They were quick to follow me through, lining up as I had told them to.