Untitled II.β: Where Our Paths Crossed

by TimeRarity64

Sometimes...Just Having Hope Is Good Enough

Untitled II.β: Where Our Paths Crossed

Ponyville is one town I would not expect to be so rural and lively. Every person knew one another, thus would mean they had a lot of gossip going on their activities, but never had I thought it would be so overwhelming I literally call in sick and simply watched T.V. with Dash the entire day. Sheesh, I guess I can call that my own escape.

Nevertheless, the livelihood of the town is quite soothing, actually well pleasant. Dash is doing well in school, learning pretty well in her English and Math, but she is quite hyper a lot, always wanting to go outside and play her made up game call WONDERBOLTS. The teacher had given me plenty complaints about her until the point she grew use to Dash’s behavior and actually found her the class motivation to feel happy and joyful. I guess she was cool kid in school.

While she was having a grand time at school, I was quite busy a lot at work. Apparently, my old boss’ son had a business I managed that managed deliveries. Basically, a courier service and I was one of the trusted men to look up to and ask if anything ever came up. I ran the company with ease, assorting many types of orders and giving ponies the job to deliver packages to their destination, air or ground, as long as it got to the right person, that’s all that mattered. So, managing a business is quite easy I have to say at least, since I don’t have to worry about paying the financial costs and delivery taxes, the boss’ son actually handles that himself. Lucky me, right; mild work on my hands!

Life was great! Life was amazing! Life was not so cruel!


I felt empty.

Now, you know me more than anyone else, the same level Rainbow Dash knows me. Whenever I feel empty, that’s because I am missing something in my life. I know you told me to be happy even without you, but it is not so easy being happy knowing someone you loved for all your life was buried six feet under. It is not that easy, dear, and you know that. I was missing someone, and that was you.

All of this easy stuff going on in our life, it just does not feel right without you. I want to share this happiness with you; I want to rejoice in it with not just Rainbow Dash, but with you. Look at me, a man who should be proud of his accomplishment in life, yet he still is still a wallowing pit of waste. He can’t move on even when his wife told him to alive and on her death bed. Celestia, I am weak and pathetic.

You know, it is strange how when I feel bad about something, Rainbow Dash somehow knows and manages to encourage me into feeling better. It’s like some sort of special ability that little girl has, an ability that has been used many times. Perhaps she is hypersensitive and could spot out any person hiding behind their mask of gloomy façade with ease. I never bother questioning it; instead, I am proud of it. When I am down, she is there. And I believe that’s the best thing I can ever feel happy about.

I…do have to tell you something though. There was a time I questioned myself if I could ever love again. You know, love another woman. Losing you just destroyed my hopes in loving and put most of my time in being a father, raising an only child. It destroyed those hopes, but…it did not clean away the regenerating remains. That emptiness was slowly being filled up by a friendship I grew with an employee at work.

Her name is Giddy Beauty. I…honestly had no friends at work and she was the only person there always talking to me. She was the only person there to actually not ask me questions in how to deliver this, work on this, or even asks to help them in managing supplies; no, she was the only person that just wanted to get to know me. She was by far beautiful, not trying to compare at all, but she was beautiful. Apparently, she had a daughter to and was a widow. Her husband was killed in action, thus leaving her behind a small girl alone.

Pity was something I rarely shown since I only gotten it from the teacher at Dash’s old school, The Cakes, and my boss, but I actually shown it to her. She moved on of course, and managed to run her own life still very well. I guess it was something to actually say, “Welcome To The Club Of Widows,” but instead, I actually talked to her more. We had our times together when out of work, most of the time picking up our own kids together at the same school.

Rainbow Dash asked the silliest question that made me blush and act just like the old me when I first met you while my dad was with me. “Daddy, is Ditzy’s mommy and you dating?” Giddy giggled while I struggled to actually tell her no without sounding rude. Sheesh, you have no idea how many times she was asking me this question on our way home. I knew she was not going to let up teasing me…the typical adorable trait every girl has.

You know, she actually was almost like a big sister to Giddy’s daughter; always looking out for her whenever the kids teased her for her eyes. It was something I was proud of Rainbow, reminding me of the time I protected you and your sister from all those other kids at school. They didn’t know that beauty was right before them if you truly look at the person on the inside. You know me, appearances did not matter, just your personality. Your personality…was almost like hers, except she was calm and less abrasive. But when a worker came in drunk during work, she was almost like you, ordering him to go back home and get sober up, no one is allow to be drunk on the job. I never blushed in my life in how beautiful she was…Celestia I am sucker for woman with authority.

I once asked her why she even worked in the Postal Service, she told me it was not just to take care of her daughter, but because it was the closest place to her home and family. Apparently, the manager I am partners with is her father, so finding that out really shocked me for a bit, before it passed over. She had others to care for her, but she never accepted their help actually. She told me that she allowed some help, but when it came to independent stuff, she handled it alone. This woman was no joke, dear. She was a mother with no brakes to stop her taking care of Ditzy.

That emptiness I told you about before…it finally vanished once Rainbow Dash encouraged me to ask her out. So…I did during work. I thought she would deny me since I assumed she did not feel like she was open for any relationship since the loss of her husband, but I was taken back with a light blush when she said yes. My body burn hot as sweat rolled down my forehead, before I cocked in a smile and thanked her. When I told Rainbow Dash this, she cheered me on, hugging me tightly as if she planned this all along and finally succeeded in this strange espionage mission. Sneaky little girl.

So…I took her out to a restaurant and we enjoyed our meal chatting about her favourite topics. But these topics were already spoken of before from us. It was as if we were going through a conversation with one another like we were strangers on the first day we talked, almost like we were restarting back from the beginning and truly getting to know one another, except, it felt…amazing. It felt right.

On the way walking her home, we were complementing one another on our attires, meals, accomplishments in the Postal Service business, and our daughter’s good grades and Dash’s Bully Shield methods used from her to protect Ditzy. When we stopped before her door, we hugged, but then we heard our daughters from the bushes not so far whispering, “Kiss, come just kiss!” It may us blush, but…to give them a show…we did. Our lips met and it felt like time melted before us, giving us as much of time as it wanted for our gentle embrace to last. I could have sworn I heard the two rascals in background literally saying, “Eww,” before giggling in joy. Then it made sense.

They planned this together like some cooperative mission…and it worked.

Dear, I…I was happy and I don’t think I will ever be unhappy again in my life. You wanted me to be happy…and here I was…being happy. Giddy and I broke the kiss and blushed before looking in opposite directions with a soft smile on her lips. It was official, we were together.

And together we were. I…haven’t told you this, yet, but I am going to now. Since Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo are close to graduating Middle School, I proposed to Giddy right after getting permission from her father and grandpa. She said yes, her eyes dripping warm tears of joy before embracing me in a hug and kiss.

I am happy like you wanted.

I am happy like I wanted.

They are happy like they wanted.

Giddy too…

Thank you, for always being there for me…I love you, Feather Gaze.
