Equestria Girl. Wait, What's Equestria?

by Bysen

Monday Part 6 - My Faithful Student

Dramaticor Readilu!

Twilight knocked on the door. “Come in.” said a voice from inside. Celestia had just been filling out some paper work up until now. She actually had prepared for this meeting and had all of Twilight’s papers put aside and ready. As Twilight came in she stood politely with her hands clasped. “Please, take a seat Twilight.”

“Thank you Principal Celestia. So, uh, you know ‘me’ too.” Twilight replied as she took the seat. She wasn’t entirely surprised by this of course. She doubted anything would surprise her from here out. Or anything ever for that matter compared to all this.

“No, I don’t. I knew the other you but I heard everything you said at the assembly and I feel awful. When I saw your enrollment forms I assumed it was the other you. Has anybody told you about what happened and why everyone knows you?”

“Yeah, I found out most of it. Guess that you’ve guessed why I’m here.” she said but didn’t get a reply. Instead Celestia just gave a knowing look. But she actually had no idea, the look just made most people say what they planned as to ‘confirm’ what Celestia was thinking. “I’d like to transfer back to my old school.”

“Yes, I thought as much.” she lied convincingly, grabbing the papers she’d set aside. Some were her enrollment forms and others were her grades and records. Twilight’s grades were nearly flawless, well, with the exception of one F in from third grade gym. “You transferred here for our school’s higher rating and more advanced classes other schools don’t offer. While I understand why you might want to leave, I would strongly advise against it.”

“I know but… I just can’t stay here.” Twilight said, looking away. She’d come to the conclusion it wasn’t a bad day. But it still had bad points and the forefront of that was her brief meeting with… what was his name? Brad? eh, close enough... “Look. I don’t want to be known by everyone. Whether they know ME or not, they still know about me and… I don’t…”

“I can understand that.” the records also indicated some of her traits and mental conditions. Another reason she’d been sent here. For some reason or another, with no actual reason like special support, this school had the highest percentage of students with some sort of disability, be it mental, physical or otherwise. Simply put, this school was known for having some rather… ‘insane’ occurrences even before last years Fall Formal.

“So, you’ll transfer me back?” Twilight asked, hoping that's all it would take.

“If it’s really what you want, then I will.” Celestia said, lifting Twilight’s spirits. “However it will take some time. Early next week at the soonest. But I would like to ask you one favour though: reconsider. This school is the best available for you in this town, possibly this state. Go to your classes, meet your teachers and perhaps make some friends.”

“What if I still don’t want to stay?”

“Then, once everything’s ready, if you still want to transfer, all it will take is a signature from one of your parents.” Celestia replied reassuringly. She was quite good at that. “And just so you know, your ‘friends’ have been given detention tomorrow for getting up on stage and using the speaker system without permission. If you’d like, I can keep them there and away from you for a few days longer.”

“No. That’s ok. Uh, actually, I feel a little bad that you're punishing them for me.”

“Well, they would’ve gotten detention for that anyway.” Celestia chuckled slightly and Twilight followed suit. “Twilight, my faithful student. If there’s anything else I can help you with, do not hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you Principal Celestia.” Twilight said as she stood up.

“Just Celestia will be fine.” she replied before returning to her paperwork.

“Thank you Celestia.” Twilight said, receiving a brief smile before Celestia was deep into her work once more. She quietly left the office and headed off. However, she’d forgotten what had happened with Sil. Turned around as she was, Twilight had ended up coming out the back of the school rather than the front. It didn’t really matter much, she could just walk around the outside after all. And so she did.

Unfortunately, as luck would have it… which was weird because her luck had been SOOO good to day… she rounded the corner and then quickly ducked back behind it, pressing her back against the wall she started to hyperventilate. Also, she’d forgotten everything in her locker… but that wasn’t important. The only reason she’d remembered that at all was she wanted another thick hard-back book to hit him with again.

Brad was just around that corner, right next to where she needed to go. There wasn’t anyone else around either. Well there were a few around the corner but what she meant by that was there was no one on this side of the corner to see her totally spazzing out as her chest went up and down about three times a second, she was breathing so fast and heavily.

Maybe she could just wait him out. He’d leave sooner or later. Twilight just peaked her head around the corner and… “Hey.” Brad said solemnly, as she stood just around the corner. “Sorr…”

“Argh!” Twilight screamed, spinning the rest of her body around the corner, along with bringing both her arms towards his head, slamming him into the wall. She definitely… defiantly, had the fight part of fight or flight down pat. Now to execute the flight part as she ran past him towards… he grabbed her arm as she did. “Ah!” she screamed again. This one wasn’t from shock like the last, but from fear.

“Wait, please.” he said, calmly yet forcefully, now bruised on both sides of his face. He managed to make eye contact with her. He wasn’t angry in the slightest and almost… almost looked as scared as she did. He released his grip on her arm and despite seeing her chance, Twilight didn’t run. “Look, I’m sorry about this morning. I thought… you were someone else. And I wasn’t the only one from what I heard.”

“N-no, you weren't but… you were the first.” Twilight replied, recognising he must’ve thought the exact thing she did: that he had hurt her. Sure she’d hurt him too but… you know.

“Sunset Shi- the redhead, was talking to you when I found you. Didn’t she confuse you with Twilight Sparkle?”

“No, well yes, but no, but… listen Brad.” Twilight said but Flash decided not to bother with a name correction. Thus dooming himself to be forever named Brad from henceforth in this series. “I mean… that was my first kiss. And, and you stole it from me thinking I was another girl.”

“Oh geez. I’m sorry! I mean I… I didn’t even think about it like that. I mean I thought a cute girl like you would’ve… not that I’m trying to hit on you… or suggesting anything about you or… I’ll just shut up, ok?”

“Please do.” Twilight moped. “Brad, my name IS Twilight Sparkle. But I’m not that Twilight Sparkle. I just want to be me. And me wants to be left alone.”

“Yeah, that’s cool.” Brad said extending a hand to shake. And that is what made this entire non-shipfic became a slow progression to these two hooking up by the end of it.

“No hands.” she said moving his hand aside and hugging him. Then remembering he wouldn’t get that joke and pulling away. She looked at him for a moment before turning and leaving without saying a word.

Brad stood there for a moment. He didn’t go after her. Why would he? But he had to wonder, was she that different from the old Twilight? He’d been her first kiss, maybe he could make up for that by being her first boyfriend. One that would treat her right. He thought about it for a moment before finally making up his mind: that was a terrible idea… but he couldn’t help but think ‘Is it weird I know all the lyrics to Guy Love?’

He looked around to check that no one was within ear shot before he quietly began to say “It’s guy love, that’s all it is. Guy love, he’s mine on his~…”