Dreams and Nightmares

by Sythax

Chapter 1-Out of body experience

The spell had started out simple enough. Twilight just didn't know what went wrong. Teleportation spells were a breeze to her now so why had this one failed? She had felt the familiar surge of magic, the power preparing to move her. But it didn't. Instead it had broken free of her control and had spilled out in all directions, slamming her friends against the walls of the library.
Twilight herself had been left unharmed which she thought was odd but the thought was quickly overrun as she hurried to check on her now unconscious friends. She placed a hoof on Rarity's chest, sighing when she felt the gentle rise and fall of a sleeper. After checking that all the others were also alright she hurried out of the door, rushing to find the Nurse.

Nurse Redheart observed closely as each of the five comatose ponies was loaded onto stretchers and carried away.
"Will they be alright?" asked Twilight worriedly.
"I'm not sure" replied Redheart "Being an Earth pony I've never really had to deal with magical injuries, the Doctors in Canterlot on the other hoof will probably be able to tell us more."
"When are they coming?"
"We've already sent word to them but it will be a couple of days till one of them is free to visit." sighed Redheart "All we can do is make them comfortable"
"This is all my fault" sobbed Twilight, tears beginning to stream down her face.
Nurse Redheart place a hoof round her shoulders.
"There, there deary, we all know you never meant for this to happen, it's just one of those things" Twilight's sobs continued to rack her body.
"I'll leave you alone, feel free to come and visit them when ever you need to"
Twilight's crying stopped long enough for her to watch a body of pink carried out the door.
"Twilight!!!!" The voice was so faint she almost missed it.
"Pinkie?" she whispered
No reply came and Twilight went back to her crying. Despite being alone, her head had never felt so crowded.


The night came swiftly and Twilight, exhausted with guilt, gladly slipped under the covers of her bed and closed her eyes. Sleep took her seconds later, her mind spinning the beginning of a dream.
She was standing on a field of clouds, as far she the eye could see. In front of her towered a colossal castle of white marble, it's multiple turrets at precarious angles on the bed of clouds.
It was calm and peaceful, the castle and clouds themselves seeming to emit their own glow and warmth.She sighed, happy to be free of guilt for a period of time. That is until she saw Rainbow Dash. She glided towards her over the cloud hills. Twilight frowned. She wasn't alone, there were four others with her. It wasn't unusual for a friend to appear in her dreams, sometimes even two of them. But never had all five been present.
As they approached Twilight looked them over. They seemed normal enough. Too normal in fact. Rarely did her dreams construct her friends to such a level of detail.
"Twilight!" cried Applejack "We've been wandering this place for hours! Where are we?"
"What an odd thing for you to ask" said Twilight "You don't normally show any acknowledgement of our location"
"How is that question odd?" asked Rarity "We're standing in a field of clouds in the shadow of a marvelous castle, it is a bit strange my dear"
Twilight looked around "This place seem pretty normal to me considering the context"
"And what context is that?" asked Applejack
Twilight frowned again "This really is strange. Apparitions are never this curious, has my guilt triggered a vivid dream cycle?"
"Dream Cycle?" puzzled Rainbow "You think your dreaming?"
"Of course I'm dreaming since none of you can be hear"
"Why can't we be here? quizzed Applejack
"You should know, since you are all creations of my mind you have access to my memories."
Rainbow placed a hoof to her head. "Just tell us Twi."
"You can't be here because your all laying comatose in Ponyville Hospital."
Five jaws dropped simultaneously.
"How?" asked Pinkie
"This must be the guilt trip" sighed Twilight "My mind making me face what I have done"
"Twilight, just tel-"
Applejack's sentence was cut short as Twilight jerked awake, covered in a cold sweat. She looked over and saw Spike asleep in his bed, oblivious to the specters haunting her.
"Just a dream" she chanted "Just a dream"
"Aw, Spike is so adorable when he's asleep!" crooned Rarity.
Twilight stifled a scream. The voice had sounded like Rarity was right next to her, speaking into her ear.
Pinkie's giggle echoed through her head.
"Your so funny when your scared Twilight!"
"Pinkie?" thought Twilight.
"Duh" Pinkie's voice replied "Who else would it be?"
"It could have been any one of us" came Applejack's country tones.
"OK this is just weird" thought Twilight
"Your telling us" replied Rainbow sarcastically.
"Where are you guys?"
"Still in the field of clouds with that there crazy castle" said Applejack
"Do you think whoever lives there has cake?" inquired Pinkie
"Cake is the least of our problems" said Rainbow
"She has a point" murmured Fluttershy
"I know!" cried Pinkie "We need cake!"
"I think she means checking out that palace" said Rarity
"Hold on a minute, I'll join you." thought Twilight
She jumped back into bed and swiftly fell back into the dream that her friends seemed to be occupying. The fact that Twilight had to be asleep to access it was also interesting.
With a pop her mind's eye once again displayed her friend among the clouds.
"So, who do you think lives there?" asked Applejack, nodding towards the towering marble structure ahead.
"If my suspicions are correct, no one." said Twilight "But if i'm right this whole thing becomes a lot more complicated."
All six ponies started walking steadily. The castle was a good half a mile away.
Then it wasn't. They were standing right at the castle door, its heavy wood in pristine condition.
"Um, anypony else see that?" asked Rainbow
"What happen Twilight dear?"
"I don't know" gulped Twilight "But I've got a bad feeling about this."
Applejack placed a hoof on the door and pushed. The heavy wood didn't budge, standing resilient.
"Don't worry" said Rainbow "I'll fly in through a window and open it from the inside."
She looked up at the towers, scanning them for a window. But there was none to be found.
"I swear this thing had windows before!"
Applejack's brow furrowed in thought.
"I...I can't remember. We were looking the thing for long enough! Why can't I remember?!"
"I think I know" said Twilight.
She approached the door and pushed upon the dark grain. It swung open without a sound. Looking round at the others, she stepped inside.
The interior was as impressive as the exterior. Bookshelves towered high above her, arches of stone supported a roof so impossibly high she was sure there was no way it could be standing.
But the architecture was not what made Twilight's breath catch in her throat. It was the tapestries hanging from every available place. All displaying a single symbol.
A large purple star with six white stars around it.
Her cutie mark.
She spun around to stop the others entering but it was too late. Applejack stepped across the threshold and as she did so a spear of pain pierced Twilight's mind. She cried out loud, drawing the attention of the others who rushed forwards to help. Each of their passing's brought a new stab of pain.
"Twilight dear, whats wrong?" asked a concerned Rarity
"I know where we are" she stuttered, the pain slowly ebbing from her mind.
She gestured to the tapestries on the walls.
"This is me"
"What are you on about Twilight?" said Rainbow
"This palace is a visual representation of me. My thoughts and soul. Dreams and ideas" she sighed
"That's where you are. Not in the hospital. Your in my mind."