The Academy

by Silver Sea

Flight Class

"See you later, TS!" Silver said to his roommate as he left for classes. "Don't get Garden pregnant!"

Silver smiled as he left his dorm. his new roommate, Top Speed was a pretty nice guy, and his new girlfriend "Garden" was a hoot and a half. Halfway out of the dorm buildings door, he spotted Harmony, though there were a couple ponies surrounding her. Silver ran over to help only to be blocked off by one of her assailants.

"Harmony, what's wrong?" Silver cried out over the pony's head.

"Nothing, just... go to class!" She shouted back.

Silver, despite Harmony's warnings, tried to pass the goon in front of him, but to no avail. Feeling tension rise, he scolded "Let me through!" But it had the opposite effect intended. Instead of letting him pass, the goon landed an uppercut to the jaw. Seeing this as an invitation, he took a stance for a punch, and got a jab to the stomach, which he avoided, and grabbed the goon's hoof and pulled backwards. He fell over and got slammed into the ground. He wasn't unconscious, but he should have had a serious headache. Silver looked at the other pony and asked the question on his mind.

"What is going on?"

"This freak shouldn't be in a school like this. It," he said the word in disgust, " should be dealt with immedeatly." He practically spat the last sentence out.

"This 'it' is a pony, and you should threat her like one! Or do you want to end up like your friend dirtface over there?"

"Dwufd be, u do wot." Said a muffled voice from the ground where the fallen pony lay.

"Leave her alone! Now go run to your Racism 101 class." Silver threatened with a finality as the ponies ran off.

"Are you okay?"

"Thank you for protecting me, Silver. Thank you." She embraced him for a second time and wept into his coat.

"Let's get you to class, okay?" Silver said, not realizing that this whole ordeal had them both late for class.



My Little pony, My little pony,
I can't decide what to do.
All of these people; making fun of me.
Until I met you...
I used to wonder how it'd be..
to have friends, as perfect as these!
(da, da, da [dadada, dada da da] da, da, da [dadada, dada da da])
It's a magical thing that makes my life complete!
My little pony,
Do you know you're all my very best friends?


"Flight 101 is one of the toughest classes you'll have in your life. Now, I'm not going to let any of you get badly injured, but this will be painful, rigorous activity. By the end of the semester, you'll be sore in every muscle and bone in your body, but you'll be a better flier." All this information was released into the crowd of pegasi (and one alicorn) in a few simple sentences by a drill sergeant of a teacher who wore a baseball cap on his head, a whistle on his neck, and carried a clipboard in his hooves.

"Now, Let's see what you're wade of! In front of you, you have a course set up to test your speed, strength, and agility. You will come forward as I call your name. Alfred Allen, come on up!"


"Sally Sam, come up!" What seems like forever, but really was only about 45 seconds, stood between Silver and this test.

"Silver Sea!" Silver recognized his name and came to the front of the crowd and stood i front of the teacher, who pointed to the entrance of the course. It was a cloud tunnel that traveled around a bend, so you couldn't see where it was going.

"Get going!"

Silver needed no further push, and flew straight into the cloud tunnel. he turned the bend and saw many pillars of cloud standing in the way of him and the rest of the tunnel. He flew past a couple, but then he hit one. The act of colliding with the pillars caused a roar of wind to flow from the end of tunnel. It hit him and dropped him at the beginning of the pillars. "Okay, so," Silver thought to himself,if I hit one of the pillars I get blown to the entrance. Simple enough. Silver attempted it a few more times before succeeding. A look of triumph crossed his face as he passed without any collisions.

The next room was large and roofless. There was a doorway on the opposite wall, raised about 30 feet up off the floor. "This is easy." Silver imagined himself flying up to the door. He opened his wings and took off. Once he got under the roofless part, he felt a very powerful downdraft that pushed him to the floor. He realized what the challenge was immedeatly. He extended his wings and pushed down hard. He rose a little off the ground. He repeated the process again and again until he was level with the door. He gently lowered himself in. He felt sore all over already.

He looked into the next room. It was a simple corridor. He flew through the door and suddenly a cloud zoomed by, and blocked the opposite door. He backed into the doorway. The cloud appeared right next to him. Silver started to flap his wings and rise in the air. He got into a racing stance, then sped past the cloud with all his speed. It followed right behind, slowly gaining on him. He put on an extra burst of speed and made it into the door before the cloud could block it off.

He followed the last hall until he came out into sunlight. The teacher was standing near the exit and clicked a stopwatch as Silver stepped out.

"Five minutes. Not bad."

"Thanks, teach.