Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Bonus chapter: Imagination unleashed!

XD Here's the audio for this chapter XD

Yep, here it is. The bonus chapter were I unleash my full imagination. I can not promise you what you're about to read is sane. It will not make sense, but that's the fun of it XD

Remember, what happens here is fake. Nothing is canon to the story.

Notes: Grammar will still be kept up, but I can't make any promises. Also, if your character has something happen to them, just remember it all came from the top of my head, so just laugh it off XD

Last thing: I will be doing something for each and every OC, so be ready XD

(This is written after I finished the chapter: I suck at doing those kind of chapters XD )

Bonus chapter

It was a day in Canterlot like any other, the somethings were doing the things and the ponies were something.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A very pissed off Twilight screamed out. "Lance! You can not satisfy me anymore!"

I gave her the finger, "Bitch please! You don't know pleasure!"

"A DILDO IS BETTER THAN YOU!" She screamed out.

"Oh yeah!" Greg yelled as he broke through the wall holding a long dildo in his hoof.

Twilight clapped her hooves together, "Yes! Finally some pleasure!"

"I'm out bitch!" I yelled as I suddenly jumped on Greg's back.

I grabbed his horn and pointed to the sky, "To the damn sky bitch!"

"FUCK YEAH!" He yelled as he somehow shot into the air, breaking through the roof in the process.

"To the town of fucking pony!" I yelled pointing ahead.

Seconds later, we were in above the town.

"For pony!" I yelled jumping off Greg and falling to the ground.

Greg flew into the ground, causing a huge crater to form.

I landed beside David, "FUCK YEAH!"

He looked at me and yelled, "FUCK YEAH!"

*Epic brohoof!*

David punched the ground, "What now?!"

"You get raped!" Vinetion yelled as she stepped out from behind a lamp post.

"Oh hellz yeah!" David yelled, going into sexual drive mode.

Suddenly, vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around his legs and lifted him into the air.

"Time for the cactus!" Vinetion yelled as a cactus came out of the ground and began to fly towards David's lower region.

"FUCK YEAH!" He yelled out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Fluttershy's cottage

"No! Don't do-HMMGG!" Shadow started to yell before the gag was pushed into his mouth.

Fluttershy laughed like a maniac and dropped Shadow's hog tied body in the middle of the room, "You're all mine!"

He began to thrash around.

"Come get a piece of stallion my pretties!" She yelled as hundreds of horny small animals began to crawl towards him.

The door burst open and a large ox walked in, "I, Iron Will, will show you how to be more confident... IN BED!"


This town is going to hell!

[Fuck it all! I'm going free!] Break yelled as he jumped out of my mind and became a real breathing human.
<Don't you fucking leave me!> Dawn yelled as he too jumped out of my mind.

They slammed their fist together and ran off in different directions.

"I can't take clothes anymore!" Frederic yelled as he ran out of no where, ripping his clothes off.

He jumped up on a cart and began to dance, "I'm naked!"


I twisted and began to skip down the streets of the hell hole known as Ponyville.

"NO MORE! PLEASE!" Alexander screamed as he was drug away by a very horny Trixie.

She twisted around and held up a long pole.

"Be quiet! Your master demands it!" She yelled with a messed up smile on her face.

Alexander kept trying to crawl away, "No more! Please, its too big!"

"And it only gets bigger!" She said while laughing.

"NOOOOOO!" He screamed as he was drug down an alley.

Sucks to be him! HAHAHA!

I suddenly feel the need to scream... "AHHHHHHH! FUCK YEAH!"

*Radio static*

Hell yeah! A radio!

"This is White, and I have to say this: I'm clopping!"

"And I'm Grey! I've got forty three, yes count them! Forty three horny as fuck mares in the studio! FUCK YEAH! Let's have a massive orgasm!"

*Sounds of moans, groans, and screams can be heard in the back ground*

"Keep going! We're so close!"

*Sudden sound of release, followed by explosion*

"Oh yeah! Forty three orgasms result in ATOMIC EXPLOSION!"

"Radio's are for nerds!" Peter yelled as he fell out of no where and landed on it, breaking it into many peaces.

"PETER! YOU KILLED MY FRIEND!" I screamed out as I grabbed him and threw him towards a dozen horny Rarity's.

They all squealed in delight as he flew towards them. They quickly surrounded him and began to fuck up the place!

I must fuck something! A tree! That will work!

Minutes later, after making a tree my bitch, I was walking towards a random rock.

"Dumb rock!" I yelled as I kicked it.

"MINE!" Screamed a Rarity clone. It jumped on the rock and quickly devoured it.

Backing away...

"I can dance! I can dance like a bitch!" Zorrow yelled as he danced down the road, a top hat on his head.

"Stop touching my sister!" Big Mac yelled as he bucked Zorrow in the nuts.

"MY BABIES! THEY'RE SCREAMING IN PAIN!" Zorrow screamed as he held his now melon sized balls.

I threw my hands into the air, "YAY! I'm not the one getting hit in the nuts today!"

"That's what you think!" Aaron yelled as he bucked me in the tender spot.

"Bitch please! I feel nothing down there anymore!" I laughed happily.

"Fuck you! I got my own bitch!" He yelled as he began to clop madly. "MY HOOF IS MY BITCH!"

"I want it!" I yelled jumping for his hoof.

"Never!" He screamed as he dug a hole in the ground and began to run down a tunnel, "Minecraft for the win!"

"I'll get you bitch!" I yelled after him.

Before I could follow him, I heard screams behind me.

I turned to see Mr. Bleak.

"Yeah! Give me your mares!" He yelled as he held a sack full of ponies.

"Back down you troll!" Starch yelled as he stood on his hind legs, two mares at his legs.

"You back down you son of a whore!" Mr. Bleak yelled as he threw the bag into the air.

"YOU'RE MY GRANDFATHER! YOU BASTARD!" Starch screamed as he jumped for Mr. Bleak.

Ten seconds later....

"And that's how Equestria was made!" Pinkie Pie yelled out randomly as she hopped past the carnage.

What's going on here!

"HELP! I got's a snapping turtle on my penis!" Frederic screamed as he ran down the street, a large turtle attached to his member.

"HAHAHA! SUCKS TO BE YOU!" I yelled out, pointing and laughing at the screaming Frederic.

"Hey everypony!" I heard somepony above me scream.

I looked up and saw Drax.

He jumped off the building and began to fall towards the ground, "I believe I can fly!"


Drax slowly stood up and looked down, "Uhhh, who's dog is this?"

I fell to my knees, "NOOOOO!" I then saluted, "See you in doggy heaven Louie!"

"Food!" A certain cannibal pony yelled out.

"Not on my watch!" Seth yelled out as he dropped down in front of her, holding a sword in his mouth.

Epic battle scene!

... And its over... there was no winner. They just gave up and went their separate ways... ISN'T LIFE GRAND?!

Cody ran out of a building with Ditzy behind him.

"I have to do something dangerous!" He looks at Ditzy, "Derpy! Your name is DERPY!"

Grace walked out from behind a pebble, "I don't know why... but I have the sudden urge TO HURT YOU!"

She jumped on Cody and began to beat the living fuck out of his face. Once done, she stood up and spit on his face, "Graze said hi." She grabbed Ditzy and jumped into the air, "COME! We will have amazing lesbian sex!"

"YAY!" Ditzy yelled out as they flew away.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, Annabel and Discord blew through a wall and landed in front of me.

"LETS FUCK UP A STORM!" Discord yelled.

"FUCK YEAH!" Annabel screamed as they began to have dragon pony on dragon pony sex.


I jumped to my feet and ran off.

But wait...

I stopped and looked around...

Pinkie Pie jumped over to me, "Lance! It's almost the end of the chapter! You have to do something unexpected!"

Oh shit! I must do something unexpected!

Got it!

I grabbed Pinkie Pie and crumbled her up into a ball. I then threw her to the ground, creating a portal.

"AHA! I knew she could break the forth wall!" I yelled as I jumped through the portal.

I came out in a bedroom.

"What the fuck!" Some one yelled from the bed.

I looked over to see a sixteen year old boy on a computer, "There you are!"

The boy put the computer down and jumped out of bed, "Who the hell are you... oh shit..."

I glared, "Oh shit is right! You made me lose my balls, made me get raped, made a stallion suck me off, and you've done so much shit to me! WHY?!"

The boy shrugged, "Why do you think? People were calling you a mary-sue, so I fucked up your life to the max!"

I took a step forward, "Time to die Mr. Author!"

"I prefer Austin asshole!" The boy yelled.

I smirked, "Time for my vendetta!"

"Stop quoting my..." He began.


"Hows it feel to get hit in the nuts?! Not good huh!" I yelled as he fell to the ground, holding his tender area.

"Hey! Is that the guy who's been fucking with our life?!" I heard someone ask from behind.

I turned to see all the bronies and a few others standing in the portal, "YEP! That's him!" I yelled, pointing at the author.

"LET'S GET HIM!" David yelled as he ran into the room.

"I'm going to cause you so much pain! I'M NOT YOUR PUNCHING BAG!" Zorrow screamed as he galloped into the room.

"HOW DARE YOU CLOP TO ME!" Twilight screamed as she also ran in.

"I actually don't mind that... BUT I FOLLOW THE GROUND BITCH!" Grace yelled as she jumped over everypony else.

The author looked up and sighed, "I saw this coming..."

A lot of pain, blood, crying, beating, and something else later

We all sat around the burning remains of the computer that the author used to type on.

Greg looked around, "So.... what now?"

I shrugged, "No fucking idea. The author would usually come up with what happens next."

Grace chuckled, "Yeah... to bad we broke his hands."

"And arms."

"And legs."

"And back."

"AND HIS NUTS!" Twilight screamed out.

We all looked at her.

She looked at us and shrugged, "What? I got my revenge."

I shrugged and looked up, "What the... whats that?"

Everyone looked up and cocked their heads.

In the sky, written in big letters was, 'Living the Dream, canceled'.

I face palmed, "Oh fuck..."

The world suddenly stopped, nothing moving.

Really world

The author looked down at his phone, the phone he had just used to cancel his story on.

They may have broke almost every bone in his body, but they forgot his tongue!

He had used his tongue to type out the message and had used it to cancel the story.

"Fuck you guys... who had the last laugh now!" He choked out.

He then began to use his tongue to navigate through the internet on his phone. He typed in 'Rule 34' and smirked, "I clop to what I want!"

Oh God! I'm never doing one of those again XD The ending was funny though XD