My Little Hawken: Freindship is a Machine

by Colgate1211

*W.I.P* Section 8

It was worse than the reports had told them. And what they were expecting was already pretty bad. Mechs were strewn about across the sector, just huge, mechanical, burnt out coffins for soldiers who didn't know what they were even fighting for. Just like Razor Squad.
"Keep your head on a swivel, boys. We don;t want to end up like the poor sons-of-bitches in Dyno squad." LCPL Fortain's voice crackled over the squad's headset. Everyone called him Fort. Razor Squad was comprised of:
Fort, captain, Rocketeer
Dunlop, weapons specialist, Brawler
Flurry, mechanic and mech upgrader, Assault Mk. 2
Roth, marksman, Sharpshooter
Timo, technician
And, yours truly.... Thunderdust, Scout.

Razor was known as one of the superior combat squads, and by far the most effective in battle. No other squad from the Prosk Corp stood a chance against them. But, it wasn't Prosk soldiers they were fighting...

"Uhh, guys. I'm picking up signals on the scanner." Roth said. "Seven o'clock from our position." All mechs turned towards the signals, guns at the ready.
"How many blips you reading right now, Roth?"
"Three, and its growing by every cycle it completes."
"Squad, arm all systems and take cover positions. Make sure you get the first shot in." Fort ordered. In one time-perfected synchronized move, the squad made dives and rolls behind the nearest cover, and had weapons trained in the direction of the blips. The ground rumbled with the crushing steps of a fleet of mechs, at least the size of Razor squad.
"I have visual contact on a grenadier, estimating he is point 4 mikes out." Flurry said, spinning up both his Vulcan chain guns.
"Firing is open. Give 'em hell, boys!" Fort said, locking and firing a volley of missiles. The rest of the squad followed orders, and a hail of bullets and missiles were fired into the group of incoming mechs. The grenadier was destroyed instantly, just obliterated into nothingness by a blast of fire and shrapnel. But almost instantly, another mech took its place. The battle for Section 8 had begun.