A Aliena Orbis

by Gidget_TheGear

A coronation, a new friend and untold rage(edited)

Tec thought the next few days were nice, he spent a lot of time with Applejack trying to get rid of his slight compulsion to lie and in return he helped her with some of her chores. They made some real headway on his habit and he didn’t feel the need to lie as much. He also spent a fair amount of time with Fluttershy, while it was a fact that he wasn’t the best with animals, that title belongs to Flutters, he certainly wasn’t bad. However most of Tec's knowledge of animals comes from books not from interactions… as such a small amount of hilarity ensued when Anubis tried to get at a squirrel, the squirrel ran up a tree and Anubis barked at the bottom. He tried calming him down a bit, a lot of good that did him, but the squirrel jumped from the tree and spread all four of its legs out causing the furry membrane between them to spread out as it glided to the nearest tree. Anubis tried chasing him even further, but alas, he ended up running face first into the tree the squirrel was going to. Flutters immediately ran up to him to see if he was fine, which ended up with her getting a face full of slobber and a happy bark from the dumb dog. Man, I love him. Tec thought. He spent some time with Twilight going over some of the magic theory of this world and was a little surprised at the lack of depth… He didn’t, however, voice this to Twilight. He had a lot of random fun with Pinkie… Tec wasn't sure of how… but… they ended up in Las Pegasus for a day and got hammered… somehow Dash showed up… or maybe she was there the whole time… even with the curse of remembrance… Tec still lost a good six hours there. He picked up the rest of his clothing from Rarity. She said that his outfit for Twilight’s coronation was done, but wouldn’t show it to him that day. She told him that it was going to be surprise. In return he showed her some of his, very few, designs. She liked all of… one she liked one of them… the rest she smiled painfully at. Oh well, no harm no foul. Finally, the day of the coronation came and Tec saw his outfit… oh damn… this thing is awesome! He thought. There was a long sleeved, soft-grey, button up shirt, under a vest that was only slightly darker than Twilight’s fur, with a grey and purple tie, a pair of grey slacks with a streak of purple down the outside of each leg and a pair grey formal shoes to finish it off. I feel damn sexy! Tec thought. He got approving comments from all his new friends, though, not as approving as he would have liked. Oh well, can’t look a gift horse in the mouth… that line hurt my brain… He thought as he waited for the girls to get ready. They had arrived at Canterlot not to long ago, but Tec was being a bit impatient. When they finally came out though… hot damn… These girls went from damn sexy to holy mother of gods fucking beautiful! Tec's eyes went wide with shock at how truly beautiful these girls were… I know the show didn’t prepare me for anything compared to this… even though I had seen these dresses before… I hadn’t seen these dresses before… just… damn… Tec thought.
Twilight’s procession and speech went fine and everything else went really well as well. The after party is where things went a little bit… south… to say the least.
Tec started the party off by talking to Rarity. “I know I already said it, but thank you so much for this. I feel soooooo good in this outfit.”
“You are quite welcome and, if I do say so myself, I think you look rather dashing.” She answered.
“Thanks. The first step to looking good is feeling good. The next step is looking good… wait… that didn’t… never mind…” He said as he confused himself a bit. Then, he saw Twilight. “I’ll be back later. I’m going to go congratulate Twilight.” He finished, giving Rarity a huge smile, then, walking towards Twilight. He ended up in line for a bit, but it didn’t particularly bother me. It gave him time to think. He got up to her about five minutes later and was greeted with her saying.
“Tec, how are you enjoying the party?” She gave him a hug, which he reciprocated.
“This party is really fun, but that wasn’t why I came over here.” He paused and gave her his most sincere smile. Princess Celestia came up to us with a smile on her face as well. She looked at us and said to me.
“Tec, we have made our decision. You may tell them of your knowledge.” He smiled even more widely and took a deep breath trying to calm himself.
“Thank you… um… I haven’t been calling you Princess all this time have I?” He asked.
“No, you have addressed neither my sister, Twilight nor me by our titles.” She said, “Why do you ask my little human?” She continued. He shuddered a bit at how she addressed me.
“Please don’t call me that ever again… The reason I ask is I do not wish to be rude. Would you like me to address you as such? Or you Twilight?” He answered. They both shook their heads no with smiles. “Great! Thank you Celestia, for allowing me to spread some of the knowledge that I have, I do not think I will say all of it because I think if certain things are to happen they need to happen for certain lessons to be learned.”
“Well, I will respect your wishes on the addressing portion and I thank you for your carefulness. Yet, I wonder, why do you not wish to be addressed as such?” Celestia asked.
“I…” He started, trying to be careful how he worded this, “didn’t have the greatest reputation with authority figures in my world.” Twilight gasped.
“You were a criminal!” Twilight said very worriedly.
“No… I just was a very… dominate person… I… kind of… didn’t listen very well… among other things…” He answered not too proud of himself. “I don’t like being reminded that there are those above me, in anything really… not that good of a quality to have… Anyways… Thank you Celestia, I will be careful.” Celestia looked at him very oddly, then, smiled and nodded then walked off to speak to more guests. “Now, Twilight, great job on the speech you gave it was very well spoken. Also, good going with the procession itself, all in all a beautiful coronation.” He smiled at her.
“Celestiasaidyoucouldshareyourknowledge! Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeon!” She spouted out excitedly. He chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes.
“I guess, if that is what the Princess wants.” He said overdramatically with a smirk. She smirked back.
“That is what the Princess wants.” She said playfully. We both laughed and walked to the buffet. “So, first tell me what was so dangerous about this knowledge in the first place?” She asked.
“Well… the danger could be completely imagined or not. I have no clue at the moment and will have to learn some more before I know whether or not my knowledge is even relevant. You see, in my world there is something called a TV, do you know what that is? Sorry, I don’t know what the technology level is here in Equestria.” He started.
“No… what is it?” She asked.
“A TV is pretty much a more portable machine used to view movies, shows and a lot of other things.” He answered. She nodded not quite understanding. “Well, one of those shows was called My little Pony: Friendship is magic.” He stopped for a second as she became really confused then her eyes went wide with shock as she realized what he was saying. “Yep, that’s right it was about you girls. Personally I absolutely loved the show and I am glad you had me in a spell when I first came here. I would have jumped up and pulled a Pinkie Gasp. However, as I said before, I am not sure how much of this show applies, so far the only thing that has been wrong is the time in-between things and your forms.” He finished.
“Our forms?” She said quizzically.
“Yeah, you were quadrupeds in the show. I would love to stay and chat with you, but I’m kind of pissing the Ponies off behind me.” He answered then, gave her a huge hug. “Talk to you when we get back to Ponyville.” He said as he walked off. He looked around trying to locate either Pinkie or Luna, having not seen the latter at all during this party. He ended up finding Luna first surprisingly enough. “Hello M…” He faked a cough while he caught himself. “Luna. I heard that I have been allowed to speak of what I know, if it even proves relevant.” He said chuckling a bit.
“Yes, Tec you have.” She said with a smile.
“So, I do have to say that this is a gorgeous evening you created.” He said smiling his best. “And you look rather beautiful as well.” Luna chuckled as well.
“Thank you on both comments. You look nice as well.” She stated.
I playfully gasped. “Compliments from Royalty, I am so lucky!” He said before snickering just as playfully. “Seriously though, thank you. So, I do have a question. What do you do for fun?” He asked.
“Well, I do lots of things, I read tales and poetry, I watch the stars, I look through Tia’s things, I spar…” She started listing.
“Wait… hold on what was that last one?” He asked.
“I go through Tia’s things.” She said with a smirk. He shook his head.
“No, not that… You spar?” He said quizzically with his eyes growing wide with excitement and his mouth curving in a gigantic smile.
“Why yes…” She started with a bit of enthusiasm that was soon lost, “but... the guards we have do not put up much of a fight.” She smiled mirthlessly.
“Well, they haven’t really been in war, recently, so that is understandable.” He said.
“Yes, well… that enjoyment has trickled down to only being with Tia.” She said.
“You both spar… Oh this is wonderful.” He said and smiled with a squee. “I have an idea. Would you like to spar with me?” He asked.
“Oh, do you think you can best me?” She asked smirking.
“Probably not.” He said shrugging, “but I have done dumber things than sparing with a really powerful Princess.” He answered.
“Like?” She asked.
“Um…” He thought, “Well, I threatened a god before.” Her eyes went wide with disbelief. “Though you and your sister are close to Demi-gods so, this is a close second.” He said smiling.
“Right… so are you sure?” She asked.
“Positive. Rules?” He asked.
“Well, I will handicap myself with no magic and no wings. You may use any weapon you wish.” She simply stated. He started smiling playfully, but still obviously deviously. “What?’
“You gave me a huge plus in this. I may not have as big of a plus as you, but I still have one. Shall we go to somewhere, where we may play?” He asked. “I will use a katana, if you have one.”
“Yes we shall and yes we do. Follow me.” She said as we made our way through the crowd. She ushered a few guards to us and whispered something to them. They nodded and left quickly. “I have told them to inform the other guards what is happening as well as get you your weapon.” She said. Some ponies had grown a bit of interest in what we were doing and had begun to follow us.
“It seems that we are going to have a bit of an audience.” He tittered. She smiled and continued to walk.
We ended up in, what would have been, without the audience, a particularly secluded expanse of the castle’s courtyard. He did some stretches before sitting down for some pre-spar meditation. After about a minute or so, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and saw that his sword had been brought. He looked at Luna and saw that she had changed her outfit, via magic and was stretching. He smiled and turned towards the blade behind me, making sure that his actions could not be seen by Luna. “Can you make it so that my knife won’t cut or stab or cause any real damage?” He asked the Unicorn guard in front of me. He nodded and Tec pulled his trusty blade out and held it out of sight as he cast his spell. Tec put the knife back in his pocket and grabbed the katana. “Thank you sir.” He said.
“With pleasure.” The white Unicorn answered back. Then he made his way back to the crowd.
“Hey, Luna. Are you ready?” He asked as he turned around.
“Quite.” She answered, two English style short swords in hand. He smiled and readied his blade in front of him with two hands, having had tied the sheath to his waist. Then he thought aloud.
“Hey, can you magic me up more suitable sparing clothing for me, no metal armor though.” She nodded and he was soon in padded armor. “Thanks.” He said. He then looked her in the face, his expression completely different than it had been all night. He took a breath and closed his eyes for just a moment, but in that moment he felt a short sword crash down upon his leg causing it to buckle. He quickly opened his eyes and took an upwards slash, more to get her to back off than anything. Surprisingly, it almost got her. He stood up, albeit shakily. “Yep, definitely the second dumbest thing I’ve done. Oh well, no take backs.” He spoke to himself then he smiled, took another breath and quickly brought himself forward. He brought his sword down and while she blocked that he took his knife out and quickly brought it up to her throat. She noticed it last minute and blocked it. He smiled with both of his weapons out. Then suddenly sheathed his sword and put his knife away. Luna raised an eyebrow.
“Are you standing down?” She asked confused.
“Nope.” He answered simply. Thinking he was an easy target with his weapons sheathed she came at him with abandon. He smiled even wider and quickly pulled past her while slamming his quickly unsheathed blade into her stomach and sheathing it just as quickly. He quickly turned around and pulled himself into a more suitable stance. Luna was bent over coughing. He pulled himself up behind her and pulled out his knife. He put the blade against her throat and said. “Do you yield?” She started laughing a bit between coughing and he soon found himself on the ground with his weapons out of reach and swords pressed against his throat.
“No. Do you yield?” She questioned. He laughed heartily.
“I yield, I yield.” He said happy that he had gotten as far as he did. “You are a fantastic fighter, but I can see that dexterity is more your cup of tea.” he continued as she helped him up.
“What does tea have to do with fighting or dexterity?” She asked highly confusedly.
“It’s a figure of speech. It means that you prefer using dexterity rather than strength in a fight.” He answered as he handed the katana back to the unicorn that gave it to him and had the unicorn remove the spell on his knife, after which he pocketed it. “Luna, I have to say. That was rather enjoyable, even if I did get my ass handed to me.” he said, turning towards her once more.
“I did not hand you a donkey?” She stated confused once more.
“It’s another figure of speech. It means that you beat me quite badly.” He answered. She nodded and chuckled. “Now, I do have to apologize, but I should go back inside. We should do this again sometime in the near future.” He said. “Also, would you mind turning my clothing back?”
“Yes we should.” She said answering Tec's first statement. “Also, I do not mind it no.” she finished as she nodded and her magic coated his clothing once more, changing it back to what it was. He smiled and offered her a hug. She stared at him for a moment not understanding. He giggled a bit and pulled her into a hug, getting a scoff from several around me. At first it didn’t register in her head what was happening, but soon she smiled and wrapped her arms around me, returning his hug. We parted and he resisted the urge to kiss her cheek. He walked back into the party and was immediately barraged by a Pink blur.
“Tec!Howareyoudoing?Thisisawonderfulparty.Don’tyouthinksotoo?” Pinkie spouted out quickly. He laughed at her antics and answered.
“Hey Pinkie. I’m doing fine and yes this party is really good.” He pulled her into a hug that she readily returned. “So, um… wanna know how I knew your song and what other songs I know?” He asked, his mind wandering back to the excitement of being able to share his knowledge. Pinkie gasped.
“You can tell us?!” He nodded his head. “Oh, yesyesyesyes!” She continued.
“Um… I heard your songs from a TV show called My little Pony: Friendship is magic. It was one of my favorite forms of entertainment and… my favorite character…” He began to blush madly then he cleared my throat… “um… my favorite character was named Pinkie Pie…”
“Wow! That’s my name!” She said smiling… as he realized she didn’t get it…
“Um… the show was about you and the girls… and… you… you were my favorite character…” He said quietly, suddenly not wanting to talk so much about this. Pinkie jumped up and gasped.
“You mean… you knew us before we knew you! You watched us do stuff?! You watched us party! I’m your favorite?!” She spouted out quickly.
“um… yeah…” He said quietly as he started to deflate and become duller, “I think I sh…” He started.
“That is soooo cool! You must really like parties if I was your favorite!” He quickly inflated as his color returned.
“Yeah… I do like parties… but… um… that… that wasn’t the reason you were my favorite…” He continued in a bit of shock.
“Then why me…” she countered, all could see that she was shocked by this.
“Well… truthfully… I think you, while not the most generous, are the most selfless person I have ever seen.” Confusion played out on her face. “You do your best to make everyone smile. In fact you’re happiest when all of your friends are smiling. Also, watching you on the show helped me to find my smile when I was contemplating ending myself…” He said the last part very softly while looking at the ground. Pinkies eyes grew wide and she started to tear up. She pulled him into the most endearing hug he had ever had the pleasure of having which he reciprocated.
“Hey Tec. Hey Pinkie. What’s up?” We heard Rainbow Dash ask. Pinkie pulled away from the hug and, with tears still threatening to spill, gave him the most beautiful smile Tec had ever seen then kissed his cheek. Tec's eyes went wide as saucers and his hand went up to his cheek. She looked to Dash and wiped her tears away, sniffling a bit.
“I just learned that I made Tec smile even before he came to Equestria.” She said in a semi quiet voice before she walked off, seemingly in a happy daze.
“Ok… what was that all about?” Dash asked me. He slowly brought his hand down and looked at Rainbow.
“I… I… I jus… just told her…th… that…” He paused and took a deep calming breath and explained to Dash what he had to Pinkie. She seemed to be speechless for a moment.
“Well… at least I understand why she did that…” She stated shocked. “Wait… what the hay! I actually understood Pinkie!” She chuckled a bit. “I guess some things are the same between mares no matter what.” She continued giggling.
“Wha…?” He asked.
“You’ll see.” She smirked and raced off.
“Well, that was weird.” He said as he turned around and began walking around.
“Hmm… you’re a rather strange creature.” A male voice stated. A bit confused Tec turned towards him. He seemed to be a brownish-grey pony with a black mane and a red tail he had his hand under his chin, stroking his long white beard in thought. Tec stared at him trying to think of who this pony was. He seemed familiar. Then Tec saw his eyes, yellow iris with a red pupil. Tec smiled.
“Coming from you, Discord, that might be a compliment.” Tec snickered as his mouth dropped in shock. “What, has Fluttershy not told you about me?” He asked. Discord tensed up and his eyes narrowed to pinpricks as he held himself in an angry pose.
“No.” Was all he said. Tec could feel his anger, but underneath that, Tec could feel the purpose for his anger. …hmm… looks like my empathic abilities are growing stronger… He thought.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt her and I am not trying to court her.” He said smiling. All of his anger disappeared and was replaced by fear and confusion. “Yes I know that you have fallen for her and no I can’t read thoughts. I am just good a picking up emotions.” He stated. The fear, while still there lessened a bit. The confusion was still just as strong.
“How did you know who I was though?” He asked.
“Your eyes and beard give you away, mostly your eyes though. You are the only being I have seen in this world that has yellow eyes with red pupils.” Tec answered. He smiled hugely. “You wanna know a bit of what I know?” He asked with a huge smile. He nodded hesitantly. “Come see me at Fluttershy’s cottage in a few days. There are some things that I have to explain and some things that I want to know. Just so you know I think that you are really cool and would love to be your friend, if you would have me as one.” Tec said, his smile growing.
“Wait… you think I’m… cool… and want to be my friend?” Tec nodded his head happily. “Why?”
“Firstly, I myself am highly chaotic and love to trip people up. Secondly, I understand that chaos is a necessity in life. Perfection,” he spat out the last word like it was a piece of rotten food, “is utterly and completely boring. Perfect harmony,” he continued, “leads, ultimately, to stagnation and later on destruction.” I paused for a moment. “I want to be your friend because you are a cool person and I want to get to know you.” He finished. He stared at Tec wide eyed before a huge grin plastered itself to his face.
“You, my new friend, are bucking brilliant. I could just kiss you. In fact I think I will.” He moved in to fake a kiss. Tec smiled evilly causing him to pause. In that moment, Tec grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me, giving him a very intimate kiss. He didn’t struggle for a little while, still recovering from the shock, but once he started to Tec let go and pulled back laughing.
“Don’t try to prank me like that. Next time I think I’ll slip in a bit of tongue.” Tec said still laughing. His eyes were wide with shock for a while until he too began to laugh heartily.
“I see you have made a new friend.” Celestia said from behind them, a slight chuckle in her voice.
“Oh, yes and this one, I believe, will be exquisitely amusing.” Discord stated.
“Oh?” Celestia stated quizzically.
“Yep, someone has to keep old Dissy here on his toes.” He said laughing.
“Tec, I think…” Celestia started before Tec interrupted her by putting a finger up and hushing her with a very serious face. He listened for a bit trying to pinpoint the rage and fear he was feeling.
“…ou bucking skank. How dare you treat a prince like you did.” He heard a voice that he quickly recognized as prince Blueblood's. His face contorted into a slight grimace.
“Buck you, you miserable…” A female voice, that he soon realized was Rarity’s, start before he heard a loud smack. his face contorted further as rage filled his being.
“Excuse me for a moment I have to go do something.” He said in as calm a voice as he could muster. Celestia and Discord noticed his rage.
“What do you have to go do?” Discord asked.
“Take out the trash.” He answered in an almost growl. He made his way towards the sound of crying the crowd moving out of his way once they got a good look at his face. He finally got to them after his small walk. His rage had only grown, but he still managed to keep a modicum amount of control. “Hey your royal dick facedness! Did you just fucking hit her?” He said to the white unicorn. He was a few inches taller than me, but he didn’t give a shit.
“Why would I have to answer to you peasant.” Blueblood mocked. His control cracked a bit.
“BECAUSE IF YOU DON’T I AM GOING TO TEAR YOUR FUCKING HORN OFF AND RAM IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!” Tec shouted in the Royal Whee. He seemed slightly startled, but his pride kept him from showing much.
“You dare threaten a prince. I could have you imprisoned for treason!” He said angrily.
“Firstly, yes I dare threaten a prince. Secondly, I don’t give a shit! No one, and I mean NO ONE gets away with harming my friends. Thirdly, how dare you even claim to be a prince, you are just a royal dick!” Tec continued in the Royal Whee, while lessening the volume a bit. His face contorted with rage and he slapped Tec with quite a bit of force. Tec could feel his heart beat slamming in his chest as the last bit of control he had shattered. For a while his rage just built. Blueblood stood there with a smug expression on his face as Tec stood there silently shaking. He mistook the shaking for fear.
“What happened, coward, I thought no one, and I mean no one, got away with hurting your friends. You and this cunt should just leave before my mercy runs out.” He mocked. Tec clenched his fist and brought his eyes up to look at him. Just as there eyes met all of the windows in the room burst outwards. His hand slammed forward as he gripped Blueblood's throat. Tec began to lift him off of the ground in his rage. Tec wanted him to die. Tec wanted to incinerate his body until there was nothing left. He let out a strangled scream as steam came off of his throat where his fingers were digging in. He let out a feral growl and brought Blueblood closer so that his mouth was next to his ear.
“Do you want to find out why humans are the number one predators, meat?” He said quietly and harshly. Tec heard a collective gasp behind him and turned his head to see who it was. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Discord all had looks of disbelief and fear in their eyes. Pinkie though… Pinkie had tears streaming down her face. In that moment he regained his control and dropped the, now, unconscious stallion. He muttered, “I’m sorry.” Tears broke loose from his face as he turned and ran as fast as he could.
Tec ran without looking and soon found himself hopelessly lost in a hedge maze. He sat down against a hedge wall and bawled. “Great… just fucking great! I fucking lost it! I just couldn’t control my anger could I!” He berated himself. A song started up in his head that normally popped up when he was hating on himself. He started to sing.

“I had to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head
They crawled in like a cockroach leaving babies on my bead
Dropping little reals of tape, to remind me that I’m alone
Playing movies in my head that make a…”

I stopped singing because for some odd reason singing that song didn’t seem like the right thing to do. He was slightly confused. Another song popped up.

“When the days are cold and the cards all fold and the saints we see are all made of gold
When your dreams all fail and the ones we hail are the worst, of all and the blood’s run stale”
Pinkie moved into the small clearing he was in. He continued like nothing happened without skipping a beat.
“I wanna hide the truth I wanna shelter you but with the beast inside there’s nowhere we can hide
No matter what we breed we still are made of greed this is my kingdom come this my kingdom come”
He could hear the music all around him and he could feel the magic.
“When you feel my heat look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
Don’t get to close it’s dark inside it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide”
Pinkies beautiful voice came in to the mix as she sang the next line as his voice started to fade out like it was planned.
“Curtain’s call is the last of all when the lights fade out all the sinners crawl
So they dug your grave and the masquerade will come calling out at the mess you made.”
She faded out as Tec picked it up.
“Don’t wanna let you down but I am hell bound though this all for you don’t wanna hide the truth”
We sang together.
“No matter what we breed we still are made of greed.”
She faded out.
“This is my kingdom come this is my kingdom come
When you feel my heat look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
Don’t get to close it’s dark inside it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
They say it’s what you make I say it’s up to fate it’s woven in my soul I need to let you go
Your eyes they shine so bright I wanna save that light I can’t escape this now! unless you show me how!
When you feel my heat look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide
Don’t get to close it’s dark inside it’s where my demons hide it’s where my demons hide.”
His voice echoed a bit at the end as the music faded out. At some point in time during the song Pinkie and Tec had gotten really close he stood staring into her magnificent cerulean orbs as tears silently streamed down his face. “I’m so sorry… I… I’m sorry…” He choked out. She stared at him silently, her cheeks stained with dry tears. Then, she pulled him into a warm hug and said quietly.
“It’ll be ok. I… I forgive you.” She said. He wrapped her in a solid hug of his own as the rest of his friends walked in and surrounded him a group hug. Happy tears streamed down his face as he smiled gratefully.
“Tec… I think we all forgive you.” Celestia said from the edge of the clearing.
“Yes. While harsh and frightening, you were trying to protect a friend and that in and of its self is admirable.” Luna stated from next to her sister. He chuckled softly as he motioned for them to join in the hug. They smiled and joined in. He could feel a presence behind him.
“Come on Discord you’re my friend too.” He said quietly. Tec heard him chuckle as he joined the hug. When it ended, some five minutes later, he looked at Celestia and Luna. “So… what is going to happen now?” He asked.
“Truthfully… we don’t know.” Celestia said quietly as she let one single tear fall from her face.