A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

38 - Cutie Mark Teachers!

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 38 - Cutie Mark Teachers!

Pre-Author's Note - We were bored and wanted to try and relax after the last chapter... so we borrowed something from a soap opera I watched once. Didn't think it'd be that big of a scene... but we sorta extended it. Hopefully you'll laugh as much as we did...


They walked down the dirt path towards the farm, their tails entwined, AJ leaning against them. It was silent, the crickets just waking up and starting their choir in the tall grass. As they approached the old farmhouse, only two lights were there to greet them; one from Applebloom’s, the other from Big Mac’s respective rooms. The walked up the rickety old front stairs.
Martin walked in front of her, holding the door open. “What would you like to do?”
“How bout we have some dinner? Ah’m famished… haven’t eaten since this mornin’.”
He smiled. “Sure… I’m not a good cook but I’m sure we can manage something together, aye?”
She grinned and led the way into the kitchen, pausing to grab the cookbook and placed it on the counter. They both flipped through, trying to find something to eat and stopped at hay fries. They grabbed the ingredients and started to make dinner, the two enjoying some happy, calm time after what had just happened. Finally, once they were in the oven, he forced her to go relax on the couch, pushing her out of the kitchen.
The little bell went off and he carefully pulled the tray out of the oven, pouring them on a plate before putting it on his back and left the kitchen. He placed them on the coffee table, AJ licking her lips. She waited a moment before grabbing one. “Looks pretty good.” She said, shoving it in her mouth.
He grabbed one as well, inspecting it before taking a small bite. “Never thought I’d eat anything like this in my life…”
She chuckled and grabbed another fry. “Never thought Ah’d be dating a legend turned pony but life’s interestin’ that way.”
He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “And I never thought I’d be dating someone, err somepony, as amazing as you.”
Her cheeks turned red. “Aww, if Ah didn’t know any better, Ah’d think yer just trying to get some flank.” She said with a smile.
His face darkened as he choked, the fry going down the wrong pipe. “Geez, I’m not quite that type of guy…”
She patted him on the back. “Ah’m just kidding Martin.”
“Oh boy…” He chuckled nervously, pausing before taking another bite. “I don’t want ya to get a wrong impression of me.”
“Ah know yer not like that. Just like to butter a mare up.” She said, leaning over and nuzzling him. “Ya might over do it sometimes, but its still nice ta hear.”
“Seeing others smile and blush is all I need to keep me going.”
“Aww, and ta think some ponies say ya have no heart.” They ate a few fries in silence, the plate almost empty. “Ah knew ya was a big softy.”
“Aww… I’m not that much of a softy…”
She laughed and kissed his cheek. “It’s ok if ya are, Ah love ya know matter what.”
“And I hope you know I love you no matter what as well.”
She rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes, the remaining hay fries forgotten. “Ah do.” She said.
He wrapped his hooves around her. “Sometimes I wish time would stop…”
“Ah just wish the madness would so everypony could go back ta normal…”
“I’m afraid ‘normal’ doesn’t exist… we all are crazy in some regard.”
“Ah’m talkin’ bout the world not exploding in fights.”
He hugged her tighter, resting his chin on top of her head. “I understand, all I hope is that the war stays away from Ponyville. I don’t want anyone here to get hurt.”
“Me too… me too…” She wrapped her hooves around his chest and hugged him. “Ah thought it was bad earlier with the explosion…”
He sighed and smiled sadly. “I’ve seen far worse, for you it must be horrible but a war zone… it’s something no one would want to be in.” She nodded, silent and they sat together for a moment before he let go and looked into her eyes. “You seem stressed…”
She took a deep breath and sighed, taking off her hat and setting it on the coffee table. “Ah just don’t like what’s happened… it seems the world has gone crazy and yet neither Princess Celestia or Luna has helped. Ah understand that they’re busy but this is war… if either of them went out to the battlefield, the fighting would be over… especially if Celestia was there.”
He looked away, taking a moment to find his words. “I didn’t grow up like you did AJ, I don’t know what it’s like to have a princess to look up to. But worrying about these sorta things won’t help anyone right now. This is why I wish to create a new order. So I can help those who need it.” He glared at his hooves. “Turn around, maybe I can help with your stress.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Pardon?”
“Just turn around… trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
She looked at him skeptically but turned around and sat next to him. She stared out the window, the stars and moon shining. “Ah’m not sure what yer planning…”
He grabbed her shoulders the best he could and began to massage them. “That any good?”
She closed her eyes. “Hey now, that ain’t half bad…” She said, her voice getting quieter.
He grinned and continued, his hooves slowly relieving the built up stress. “Sometimes all you need is a good massage and all the stress in the world is gone.” He said quietly.
“Mmmm…” AJ muttered, her body starting to sag. He moved a little further down her back, just underneath her shoulders as she fell onto the couch. “Maybe a little lower…” She said, her head resting on the hoof rest. He nodded and went further down her back. “Ahh…” She muttered with a tail flick.
“Much better?”
“Yeah, can feel the tension melting away…” She said happily.
He continued the massage, doing his best to work the stress away, the knots out of her back. It was well into the night and AJ had fallen asleep on him, a quiet snore coming from her. He chuckled and shook her shoulder, trying to get her to wake up, to no avail. He blinked and his faced turned pink as her flank was right in front of him, her tail flicking lazily.
He looked around helplessly and poked her ear. “AJ?” He whispered. She took a deep breath and sighed, completely oblivious to him. He looked at the stairs and gently shook her again. “AJ?” He asked again, hoping she’d wake up.
“Did Ah interrupt somethin’?” Big Mac asked.
Martin paled and slowly turned towards the towering pony. Oh shit… “Th-this isn’t what it looks like…”
The red pony stared at his slumbering sister and her coltfried for a moment before he sighed. “Ah take it she fell asleep on ya?”
“Yeah… I mean, I had to do it but yeah…”
“Ya did what?” He asked, eyebrow raised.
“I-I… well, she seemed very stressed… so I m-massaged her.”
He went quiet, staring at the frightened pony before he chuckled. “She’s not too good with massages.” He finally said.
“S-so you believe me?”
“Don’t look like Ah interrupted anythin’ else.” He said flatly.
Martin sighed in relief. “Phew, I hope you know I wouldn’t… not that she’s not beautiful or anything…” Big Mac nodded silently, grabbing AJ and maneuvering her onto his back. Martin looked at him. “M-maybe I should go to bed…” He said, quickly getting up and stumbling up the stairs.
Big Mac chuckled and followed Martin, walking into AJ’s room as Martin slipped into the guest room and shut the door. He flung himself onto the bed and sighed. “Well… that was awkward….” He muttered. He closed his eyes, hoping the trip to dreamland was fast.


Martin laid on his stomach, having a vivid dream about AJ, his pillow covered in drool. He had a goofy grin on his face as the guest room door opened slowly, revealing a pink bow that slowly made its way towards the bed. The sleeping pony muttered AJ’s name, turning away from the bow as two light crimson eyes peered over the mattress.
A poofy red tail began to shake, four hooves getting ready to jump as they propelled their owner onto the back of the sleeping pony. “RISE AND SHINE MARTIN!” Applebloom yelled, hopping up and down.
His eyes shot wide open and he tumbled out of bed, the filly jumping onto the mattress. He looked around, familiar with the floor as the drool-soaked pillow fell on top of his head. “God damnit! Applebloom?”
She smiled. “Yeah?”
“Have some mercy will ya? My god…” He sat up, the pillow falling onto the floor as Applebloom jumped off the bed.
She giggled. “Well ya seem ta have ta be woken up every mornin’!”
He rolled his eyes and wiped the drool off his face. “Ew… that never happened to me before.”
“Why did ya keep sayin’ AJ’s name in yer sleep?” She asked curiously.
His eyes widened and he turned a little red. “Umm… I did?” She nodded rapidly, the bow flying back and forth. “Urr… I-I don’t know, ya must have been hearing things.”
“Nu uh! Ya kept sayin’ AJ and ya had a goofy smile on yer face!”
He looked around the room trying to avoid eye contact, his face turning even redder. “I-I don’t recall that happening…” He said, bits of the dream coming back to him.
“But Ah saw it!” She insisted.
He shook his head. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She pouted, her cheeks puffing up. “Yer stuttering.” She said as a smile soon replaced her scowl. “You were dreaming about mah sister!” She yelled.
“I-I can’t remember that… I… I have to go to the bathroom.” He said, quickly leaving the room.
“AWW!” She sighed.
He tumbled down the stairs and crashed into the closed bathroom door. It opened and AJ walked out, her eyes going wide as she noticed him. She helped him up. “Ya alright there sugarcube?”
He held his snout and looked at her. “I’m o-okay, ouch…”
“Why were ya runnin’ in the first place?”
He looked back, Applebloom hopping down the stairs. “N-no reason…”
“Ok…” She said suspiciously, walking towards the kitchen.
He watched her leave and quickly shot into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. After a few minutes, he came out and sat down at the table. Applebloom was already eating her haycakes and AJ placed a plate in front of him. “Cheers.” He said before digging in.
Applebloom paused for a moment and smiled. “So AJ, Ah was wakin’ up Martin this mornin’-”
Martin coughed, stopping her as he pleadingly shook his head. “Oh?” AJ turned to look at her younger sister. “Is that what all that ruckus was?”
His face turned red. “Umm… Applebloom do you need help crusading today?”
She quickly forgot what she was going to say and turned to look at him. “Really? Ya’ll help the Crusaders?” She blinked. “OH! You need a cutie mark yerself!”
He looked at his flank. “Umm… yeah.”
She scratched her chin. “Hmm...” Martin and AJ shared a look, she knew he was hiding something. “Wait, isn’t there another human here? What’s his name?” Applebloom interrupted.
Martin looked at Applebloom. “You mean Michael? Well he’s not human anymore.”
She smacked her forehooves together. “That’s what Ah thought.” She said, running outside.
He watched her leave, confused. “I don’t even…” He looked over to AJ. “Is she always like that?”
AJ smiled. “Not really but she knows two stallions that don’t have a cutie mark, Ah’m sure that she’s gonna get the other CMC involved.” She sighed. “Ah feel sorry fer you two…”
“Sorry? Why sorry?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ya’ll see.” She said, turning back to the sink to start on the dishes.
He looked at her flank for a split second before shaking his head and stood up. Mate… control yourself!
Applebloom returned and grabbed his hoof. “Come on, Ah sent Scootaloo to get Michael and Sweetie’s already startin’ on the capes.”
“Capes?” She dragged him outside as he gave AJ a ‘help me’ look but all he got in return was a smirk.
“Have fun you two.” She said as Applebloom dragged him outside. They ran through the trees and into a clubhouse.
Martin looked around. “It’s quite nice here. Never had one when I was young.” He paused. “Anyways… what are we doing now?”
“Now we gotta wait.” She said, running around the clubhouse, pulling out a podium, a pair of drums, a pair of torches, and a red rug that she threw in the middle of the room.
He watched her, confused. “Uh…”
The door swung open and Sweetie Belle staggered in, a pair of capes almost tripping her. “I’m here!” She said. “Sorry if they look rushed, I didn’t have time to properly… fit them?” She said before glancing at Martin. “I take it you’re one of the new recruits?” She asked, giving him a once over.
He stared back. “I-I’m… utterly confused. Am I?”
“He is.” Applebloom answered for him, finished setting up the torches.
“Uhh… ok, I’m the new recruit.”
Sweetie Belle hoofed him a cape. “Then welcome to the club!” She said with a huge smile.
He inspected the cape. “Uh… ok, before I do anything I might regret later, what exactly do we do here?”
The fillies looked at each other before looking at him. “Get our cutie marks! We don’t rest till everypony has one and we help each other bare through all the bullying! No matter what it takes!” They said together.
“Oh well that shouldn’t be a problem with me. I already have a talent and I shall see whether or not it’s my special talent.”
They smiled. “Then we’re one step closer to helping a member get their cutie marks!”
“Ok… well for now I can’t continue with that talent though. I can’t really handle my new body so well… and grabbing is a really important thing ya know.”
They nodded. “Then we’ll teach you how to be a pony, then you can get your cutie mark.”
He sighed. “I was afraid of that… ok. Didn’t you want to get Michael as well?”
“Yeah, seems like Scoots is taking a long time.” Sweetie said.
“I don’t get it, what will that do exactly?” Michael asked as the door opened and revealed the pegasus, along with Scootaloo riding on his back. He blinked when he saw his friend. “Martin, what are you doing here?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t even know what I’ve gotten meself into.”
“You and me both…” Mike muttered as Scoots hopped off his back.
“Here take this.” She tossed the other cape and he caught it, turning to Martin.
Martin shrugged and flung the cape around his neck, Mike following suit as they knotted it and Applebloom made her way to the podium, Scoots soloing on the drums.
After that little musical number, Applebloom cleared her throat. “We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, elect Martin and Michael to join us as brothers, friends, confidants, allies, chum of chums…” She stared at the paper for a moment. “Blah, blah, blah, oh yes here. And fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders! You are solemnly sworn in, here this day, in witness of your fellow sister, friends, confidants…”
The two former humans stared at each other, hoping one would have a clue what was going on. “Ok…” Martin said slowly.
“What… what did we just get into?” Mike whispered as the three fillies high hoofed each other.
Martin leaned closer to him. “I don’t know, maybe it’s some sort of satanic cult?” He whispered.
“So first order of business is we have ta help Martin lean ta walk and grab stuff like a normal pony.” Applebloom said.
“Oh joy…” Martin said sarcastically.
“Come on ya big baby, maybe ya can finally tell me why ya were whispering AJ’s name last night too.” She grabbed his hoof.
His face turned pink as everypony looked at him. “I…” He stuttered.
The fillies leaned towards him, their eyes huge. “Yes?!”
“Personal affairs.” He said flatly.
Mike laughed as the girls sighed and glared at him for a moment before they huddled amongst themselves.
Martin leaned in close. “Mate, I woke up in a puddle of drool! That never happened to me before!”
Mike raised an eyebrow. “Having a good dream with AJ?” He whispered with a grin.
“You little vegetable…” Martin glared at his friend.
“I’m not trying to be funny, it’s a ‘serious’ question.”
He turned away from the pegasus and rolled his eyes. “Yes, geeze…”
“Ah… well, that explains it then.” He said flatly.
The girls came back. “So we’ve decided that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are going to teach you how to be a pony.” Scoots said.
“And what will you do?” Martin asked the filly pegasus.
She grinned as she turned her attention to Mike. “He’s gonna teach me how to fly.”
Mike blinked slowly. “Why me? I’m not that great of a flyer…”
She smiled and hopped on his back again, giving it a slap. “We’ll change that!”
The two friends turned and gulped at each other. “We’re going to die, aren’t we?” Mike asked.
Martin nodded. “Lead the way girls…” He muttered, the two fillies grabbing his hooves and dragged him away as Mike and Scoots vanished into the sky.


They sat on the floor of the clubhouse, the moon just ascending into the sky. The street lamps were lit, a few ponies still out enjoying the cool breeze. They were covered in scratches, mud, dirt, bruises.
“My god… I thought I could have a relaxing day…” Martin muttered.
“Relax? What’s that?” Mike said with a groan.
He chuckled. “What’d she make you do, fly through a bunch of trees?”
“In a way, crazy little devil thought it’d be fun to see how far she could free fall.”
Martin stared at him in disbelief. “Great mate, at least you didn’t have to catch piglets in the mud.
Mike chuckled. “How did that go?”
“It was pretty bad, but she said it’d a, teach me how to walk and run, and b, help me learn to grab things… It did but it was… damn!”
Mike laughed and groaned, flipping onto his back. “Who knew three little fillies could cause us so much pain?”
He shook his head. “I think I need a drink…”
“I think I need some ice… I sprained my wing…”
Martin chuckled. “Well I should get back to the farm, and you also have a gi-I mean, mare waiting for ya.”
Mike groaned and got up. “Yeah… I did leave suddenly, I better go let her know I’m ok.” He limped towards the door. “One of these days, we’re going to have to sit down and have a drink like the old days.”
Martin nodded. “Aye.” They walked outside, saying goodbye as they walked separate paths. He opened the farmhouse door and walked inside, AJ sitting on the couch.
She looked up and quickly covered her mouth, trying not to laugh. “How was your day su-sugarcube?”
He sighed and walked over to her. “Pretty darn exhausting…”
“What’d mah sister make ya do?”
“...Run around and catch piglets…”
She couldn’t hold it in anymore and started laughing. “That’s it?” She managed to ask.
He grunted and rolled his eyes. “Aye…” He looked at his fur, covered in mud and grinned. “How about ya give me a nice hug?” He asked, holding out his forehooves.
She smiled and got up, pulling him into a hug, the mud getting all over her coat. “There, does that make it better?”
He smiled. “Yeah…”
“Don’t you two whippersnappers look cute! Back in mah day, me and yer granddad used ta wrestle in the mud.” Granny Smith said, rocking in her chair.
He looked at her. “Hello there Granny Smith, how are you?”
“Oh just mah hip actin’ up but Ah’m as fit as a fiddle!”
Martin smiled, still holding AJ. “Splendid,” he said and let go of AJ. “I think I could use a shower.”
AJ paused and looked at herself before laughing. “Ah could go for one myself…” She walked up the stairs, stopping and looked at Martin. “Ya comin’ or what?”
He nodded, quickly catching up to her.


Michael limped through town, making his way slowly to Shy’s cottage. He watched as the devastated town hall and the rest of the town being cleaned up, ponies hard at work, replacing the damaged buildings. He sighed, thinking about Rose and hoping she was ok when somepony gasped. “Oh my heavens darling, what happened to your mane?” Rarity gasped again. “And you? You look like you just hoof wrestled a pack of timberwolves.”
His eyes widened as a tiny shiver traveled down his back. “Hey Rarity…”
She walked up to the dirty pegasus but kept her distance. “Darling, you look absolutely awful…”
He nervously scratched the back of his neck, a few twigs falling from his mane. “It’s been… an interesting day…”
She circled around him, cringing at all the dirt. “How CAN you even walk like this?”
He shrugged. “I don’t see the big deal.”
Her eyes bulged out of their sockets. “You look horrendous!”
“So? It’s not that big of a deal…”
She shook her head and stomped her hoof. “I’m not letting you go back to Fluttershy looking like a pig stall.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking himself over again. “I think you might be overreacting just a tad-hey, wait a minute!” He said, suddenly encased in a blue aura.
“No arguing darling; it’s for the best. I can’t imagine my special somepony coming home and looking like… this.” She said, looking disgusted and forcing him to follow her.
He sighed, shaking his head as he was forced to follow her, staring at the sky. He finally noticed the Carousel Boutique fast approaching. “Uh… Rarity, where are we going?”
She giggled. “To the boutique of course. We shall give you a makeover fitting for somepony dating an Element.”
Michael’s wings shot straight out as he struggled to fly away. “On second thought, I think I hear Twilight calling me.” He said, frantically fighting against her magical grip.
She giggled again, holding a hoof in front of her mouth. “Sorry darling, but this is long overdue.” She said, dragging him through the door and down the hallway. At the very end, a door was encased in the same blue aura, flying open. It revealed a large golden tub square in the middle of the room, a fancy embroidered purple rug underneath. Wall length mirrors covered one wall, a random assortment of cabinets and baskets were scattered about, containing Celestia knows what. She hummed a tuned as she dropped him in the bath and turned the water.
He waited till she had her back turned, scrounging for something in one of the cabinets and made his move. He flapped his wings as hard as he could, only to slip in the rising water and splash face first. He sighed, turning his back to her as she turned around herself, smiling as she starting dipping soaps,conditioners, and funny scented oils into the water.
He continuously fought against her grip, impressed that she had this much control. He never expected her to be able to last this long, Always thought Twi was better with magic… “You know… I don’t need a bath. I’m. Just. Fine!” He yelled, trying and failing to escape the tub.
She completely ignored him, bubbles rising from the water. A bottle floated towards him. “Now hold still, you don’t want any of this to get in your eyes. Trust me.” She said, the scent of roses flooding the room.
And here I thought she’d be the type that wants somepony to bathe her… “Rarity… isn’t this going just a tad overboard?” He asked, his face turning red.
A cool liquid ran down his mane, flattening it against his head as it dripped off his ears and into the water. A luffa floated over as she walked closer, a pair of gloves floating towards her and she slipped them on. She massaged the shampoo into his mane. “We want to make sure all the dirt is gone, don’t we?” She said, humming a tune.
He sat there, taking deep breaths, trying not to panic, slowly edging himself away from Rarity. He could feel his face grow warm, trying to ignore Rarity. She rolled her eyes, pulling him closer as she pushed his head back, his mane soaking in the water. She pulled him up. “I hope this isn’t awkward for you darling… but would you mind leaning backwards a little?” She asked innocently, smiling sweetly.
His face turned redder as he leaned backwards, almost touching her fur. She smiled and a brush started its work on his mane. “Now, turn around.” She said firmly, putting the brush away.
He eyed her warily over his shoulder. “I think I can brush myself, thank you.”
“Darling, we can either have this the easy way OR the hard way.” She leaned closer. “The faster you cooperate, the faster this little chore will be done.”
They glared at each other, locked in a battle of wills. Finally, he sighed and turned around, surrendering to her. She smiled and began to brush his chest. “See, just cooperate and everything will be alright.” She went down a little further and started scrubbing his stomach. She cleared her throat and began to ramble about her day, all the while cleaning him. He hoped that he sounded semi-interested as his mind raced to try and find a way out of this mess.
As she got more animate the further she went about her day, the lower the brush until- “Whoah! Hey there!” He squeaked, his wings shooting open. “Watch where you put that.” He stuttered, his voice high.
She snapped out of her trance and tilted her head slightly. “Hmm?” He looked at the brush and her hoof dangerously close to a certain body part as her face turned bright pink and she pulled the brush and hoof away. “I’m sorry darling, seems I got a bit carried away…”
He grumbled and got out of the tub, a towel floated towards him. He went to grab it but instead, it encircled him and dried him off, the plug pulled at the bottom of the tub and the water draining.
Rarity continued telling her story, not paying attention as Michael fought with the towel, finally getting dry. “So, how have things been with Fluttershy?” She asked curiously as the towel unwrapped itself from his neck and dried his mane.
He coughed, rubbing his sore throat. “Uh… fine, I guess.”
She seemed surprised. “Fine, just fine? Not ‘romantically exciting’ or maybe even ‘erotic’?”
“Uh…” His wings spoke more than words, shooting out with a ‘pmof’. “Wait! It’s not like that!” He tried to say.
She giggled and held a hoof in front of her mouth. “I see… body language speaks more than any vocals ever could.”
“But we haven’t done anything yet, granted not that we didn’t want to… Wait! ThHat’s not what I meant! Gah!” He shoved a hoof into his mouth, trying to stop himself.
She laughed, her hoof still covering her mouth. “Oh my Michael, not yet I see… Well, it seems you’ve gotten close to her. Maybe even…” She paused, taking a step closer to him so her mouth was inches away from his ear. “That close?” She whispered, her hot breath washing over his ear.
He tumbled backwards, falling into the rim of the bathtub. His eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape route. “Da-wh-hapa-thanksforeverythingRarity!”, his eyes locked onto the window in the far wall, “wouldyoulookatthetime, gottago!” He yelled, launching himself with a flap of his wings towards the window, only to gracefully fall on his face a few inches from where he lifted off.
She laughed, shaking her head as she helped him up. “Your wings aren’t dry yet darling, but nice try.” She wrapped the towel around him, drying him once again. “Now where were we? Of course, tell me a little about it Michael. If you haven’t gotten that close to her, how close have you gotten?” She asked with a curious smirk.
He moved his mouth, no noise other than a squeak answered her as he averted his eyes, staring at the floor.
She moved closer. “Yes?”
“...Wemadeoutafewtimes!” He said on par with Pinkie’s speed, shoving his hoof back into his mouth.
She smiled. “How wonderful, anything exciting? On the bed or in the couch? Maybe with tongue or something we mares refer to as a French Kiss?” She bombarded the poor pegasus with endless questions.
He took a trick out of his marefriend’s book and tried to hide, covering himself with his wings. “Couch…” He whispered, his voice reminiscent to Fluttershy’s.
“Oh… how about passionately with your tongues?” He shook his head vigorously. “You should try it,” she said smirking. “I’m sure both of you will most certainly enjoy it. But how was it out on the couch?”
He face turned bright pink, very noticeable even with his dark coat. He stared at the ground and wished to be one with the floor. She moved closer, gently placing a hoof under his chin and forced him to look her in the eye as she gave him a gentle smile. “It’s nothing to be shy about; was it exciting? Heart melting? Did it give you a special feeling in your chest?”
He was silent, trying to get his voice back. “It… it was…” He stuttered, at a loss for words. “Exhilerating…”
“Oh just wait until you get to the next phase… you’ll be blasted away.” She giggled at her word play.
He tilted his head, his eyes wide with his face turning even more red as his wings rustled, trying to stick straight out. “I-if… if you sa-say so…”
“Oh my… Come now Michael, don’t tell me you’re inexperienced?” He turned away, looking at anything but her eyes. She smiled, her eyelids dripping down, pulling him closer so they were muzzle to muzzle. “Michael… it’s nothing to be ashamed of… how old are you?”
His wings started to raise themselves as he hesitantly pushed himself out of Rarity’s hooves. “Um…” He minutely said.
She giggled, breaking into a sincere smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to tempt you-”
“Could’ve fooled me...’ He muttered.
“Your heart belongs to my dear friend Fluttershy.” She finished, ignoring him as she walked around him, the towels dropping to the floor. “You should probably get to work on that though. I assume you already thought about it. I’m sure many have before you… She seems so innocent, many have even placed when it was time for her…”
His eyes followed her. “What?” He squeaked.
“You are the only stallion that ever got so close to her… information like that travels fast through a town this size. Most stallions, and a few mares, place bets when you two would have sex for the first time.”
“W-what? W-why?”
“I don’t know… just…” She paused and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Move at your own pace, don’t let nopony rush you into something you’re not ready for.” He sighed and held his head in his hooves. “Darling, just live your life and ignore them. To them, it’s just a game.”
“I do what I can Rarity, just life likes to play cruel jokes…” He sighed again.
She faintly smiled. “Don’t do anything she isn’t ready for.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I just feel bad for her because I’ll never get the bloody signals unless she says so…”
“Maybe you should try some tongue play. If she responds positively, you know you’re heading in the right direction. And if there’s anything you wish to talk about… you’re always welcome. Just make sure Sweetie Belle can’t overhear us.”
He faintly smiled. “Thanks for the offer but you saw how I was… I’m not so good at talking about these things.”
“But make sure to at least give it a try…” She winked and lead him towards the door.
He smiled, walking out of the Boutique. “I-I will…” He said, flying away. She shut the door and as he flew to home, it gave him a moment for his brain to catch up. He hovered in mid air, staring at the moon. “What… what just happened?” He muttered to himself, shaking his head as he continued his flight.
He landed at the cottage doorstep, shaking his head as he opened the door. It was pitch black and he blinked, trying to see. “Fluttershy?” He called out.
“I-I’m up here…” She stuttered.
He made his way up the stairs, careful of the few nocturnal creatures. The bedroom door was opened a crack and he pushed it open. A pure white cat with a purple collar was asleep in the corner by the bathroom door but what really caught his attention was a certain shy mare wearing a certain garment. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped, his wings jutting out with another ‘pmof’.
Her face was redder than one of Applejack’s apples as she hid behind her mane. They stared at each other in silence, neither sure what to do. “D-do you like it?” She asked meekly.
He nodded rapidly. “Y-yeah… you… you look amazing in it…”
“Oh… well… umm…. thanks…” She got out of bed and walked over to him, her wings getting just as stiff as his. “Um… well… do you.. want to…”
He gulped. “Uh…”
She took a deep breath. “W-we don’t have too if you don’t want too…”
“I do… just… wasn’t expecting this… N-not that I’m complaining…”
She faintly smiled. “I-I’ll have to let Rarity know you liked the outfit she made…”
Something clicked into place. Oh… He went to say something as she leaned forward and kissed him. He blinked in surprise, but closed his eyes, wrapping his hooves around her as they walked backwards to the bed, Fluttershy falling onto her back.