The Start of Something New: Private Moments

by Rhino

Chapter 24: Post Date

Rhino chuckles, his horn lighting up as his hat flies into the closet. "Did you want me to take them off myself, or am I reading that look in your eyes correctly by guessing you want to do it?"

She giggles softly, her horn dimly lighting up. "I don't know." She pulls her glasses off, smiling playfully at him. "Which would you prefer?"

"Hmm..." He he leans over, nipping her neck just above the shoulder of her dress. "Do I get to return the favor?"

She shivers at the action, leaning up and nipping him in kind. "You would, yes." Her hooves run along his chest, catching the edges of his coat and slowly pulling it off. "All but the earrings, of course."

"As you wish, my little love bug." Balancing while lifting up a foreleg so she can get his jacket off, the stallion leans forward more and grabs the zipper of her dress, dragging it down her spine.

She blushes softly as he does this, steadily revealing inch after inch of her back. She floats away his jacket and smiles coyly, leaning forward and taking part of his shirt in her teeth. With surprising dexterity, she undoes one button before nuzzling his chest and repeating the process for the next one.

He rubs his neck against hers as they cross. Reaching the bottom of her zipper, his head rears back up and he deftly slides the fabric off her shoulders.

She sighs in relief as her wings extend, stretching after being cooped inside the cloth for so long. As she starts around the spot between his forelegs, she gives him a teasing lick before continuing.

He hums appreciatively as she does this. Pulling the front of her dress down to the point where she needs to step out of it, he licks her chest much like she did his.

She lifts her legs out of her outfit, tenderly rubbing his mane as she coos softly in his ear. Her magic works his buttons free at the same pace, as she is unable to continue with her mouth, at that moment.

She reaches the last button as he reaches the last step in removing her outfit. He grins and lets out a small growl as he moves down her body again, grab the skirt of the dress and starting to slide it down her flank.

She immediately stops, biting her lip to hold in a delighted squeal. She turns around, making it easier for him, and gives him an embarrassed smile, her tail flicking excitedly.

Rearing up, he smiles back as he starts dragging her dress down with his hooves now, rubbing her chitin as he does so. He sniffs her tail lightly as he finally brings the fabric down her legs and to the ground.

The nymph shivers softly, the chilly air of the house brushing over her. She quickly rounds on him, ducking beneath his barrel and nuzzling his belly, taking her time and tossing the dress with her magic into the laundry bin.

He shivers, nipping her back as she does all this.

After a few more seconds of teasing, she finally undoes the button. With a brief kiss just below this, she pulls away and carefully slips off his shirt, smiling coyly at him. "Enjoy that, love?"

"Very much so, you?" He nuzzles her.

"Yes, but..." She smirks, playfully nipping his nose. "I want a little more."

"Well, I do recall you mentioning that you wanted to do some things... I'm game for whatever you have in mind." He plants a light kiss on her muzzle.

"Perfect." Gel giggles, bringing out a quilt from the closet. "Give me a few minutes, then come to the living room. I want this to be just right..." She walks out of the room, leaving before he can even respond.

The stallion just smiles, waiting the required time with eagerness. To spend said time, he walks over to his daughter, leaning down and giving her a nuzzle.

She hugs her toy a little tighter in response, whining quietly. "Dada..."

"Right here, Ruby..." He whispers back, kissing her forehead.

She smiles, relaxing but never letting go of the emerald block. "Dada..."

With a smile full of love, the stallion leans back up and heads downstairs to the living room.

Evidently the nymph had a few items folded up into the quilt she had brought down. With the couch moved against the wall, the center of the room is now dominated by the soft quilt in it's center. Atop the fabric, Gel poses on scattered rose petals, now donning her favorite sky blue panties, socks striped with the same color, as well as her wedding earrings. Behind her, a fire crackles merrily, providing the only lighting in the room, giving it a slightly dim, but warm and inviting feeling.

Rhino gapes at the sight, his eyes wide. "Wow..."

She laughs brightly, waving him closer. "I'm glad you like it, love. I was worried it'd be a bit too much..."

"I don't think I could ever get too much of you, " he replies as he steps toward he, a soft look in his eyes.

"Good to know..." She wistfully sighs, stretching out on the blanket.

Rhino smiles wider, letting out a small growl as he closes the distance between them and traps her lisp in a kiss, lightly pushing against her.

She hums quietly, eagerly accepting the kiss and pulling him down on top of her. She gently strokes his cheek with a cotton-clad hoof, smiling up at him.

He only smiles back, gently continueing the kiss. His hooves caress her as they lay there, enjoying the feeling of being with the other.

Gel eventually has to break the kiss, panting quietly. "I didn't think... you could get better at that..." She giggles and winks at him, content to simply lay on the quilt like this.

The stallion leans down, gently nibbling on her ear for a moment before kissing it. "I didn't either, but I've always been instinctual on that sort of thing." He moves to her neck, blowing on it lightly before kissing that too.

She coos softly, running her hoof along his nape. "Or maybe you just... know me that well..." Her eyes slowly close, a happy hum escaping her lips.

"True..." He continues standing over her as he speaks, still planting kisses, though now they are on her chest. "Considering the success of your surprises, I think the same can be said of you."

"Thanks, love..." She bites her lip, arching her back and gently pushing herself up against him. Her forelegs fall to her sides as she lets herself relish the sensation.

He chuckles, asking teasingly, "Oh? Are you enjoying this?" He nuzzles her chest to punctuate his statement.

"Oh, absolutely..." She happily sighs, but it turns to a sweet little moan when his hoof rubs her thigh.

He whispers breathily into one of her ears. "You know... it's been a while since we were simply able to enjoy each other like this..." His hoof draws small circles on her flank.

She squeaks, her face tinting cerulean as she brings her forehooves to her chest. "I guess it has... aside from that one time with Luster and Fiddlesticks..." She frowns for a split-second before getting her expression back under control. "I get what you mean, though..."

Spotting the brief change in expression, he tilts his head in concern. "Something wrong?"

She shakes her head, sheepishly smiling. "N-nothing important, love."

He looks at her closely a moment longer before speaking. "If you say so..." Shifting, he lays down next to her, curling his forelegs around her and bringing her close. Nuzzling her, he speaks quietly, but with conviction. "I love you... Immeasurably so."

She tucks her head under his chin, hiding the relieved smile on her lips. "And I love you, just as much..."

"And that only makes me love you more." He finishes, hugging her whole body to his, their hearts beating in sync.

She sighs softly, snuggling just a little closer to him.

Soon enough though, his hooves start getting restless and begin stroking her back, even doing small swirls around her wings. His horn lights up and a petal rises from the floor, landing on her ear before he takes both of them into his mouth, nipping teasingly.

She giggles and coos at his touch, relaxing a little further. Feeling his teeth on her ear, however, she squeaks in surprise, tensing right back up.

He chuckles, slipping the petal into his mouth with his tongue. "You and your noises..." He takes another petal, setting it on her nose and nipping that off deftly as well. "They drive me crazy..."

"I'm glad to hear that... however..." Gel sticks her tongue out at him. "You'll need to work to get some more out, love..."

He grins at her, a bit of anticipation evident in his tone. "Oh do I now? I think that can be arranged..." He darts forward and nips her neck.

She bites her lip, holding back a squeal. She winks at him, stroking his crest tenderly.

"Hmm..." He lightly strokes a hoof down her chitin, stopping just above her panty line. "How to make you so overcome that you have no choice but to squeal... and that will probably render you completely at my mercy too... unable to do anything to stop me..."

The navy nymph blushes brightly, squirming underneath him. She quickly presses her legs together, trying to tease him a bit more.

His horn lights up again as more petals float up from the floor. One lands on her neck, which he nips up. Another lands on her chest, and meets the same fate. Another on her stomach, eaten like the rest. Finally, one lands on the very edge of her sky blue under garment.

Her eyes widen as she watches with bated breath, her forehooves covering her mouth at this point.

His tongue snakes out, pressing down and lapping up the petal, dragging the fabric down a tiny bit as he does so, the barest hint of the tops of the light blue mounds underneath peeking out.

She shivers softly, pulling her hooves away slightly to reveal a small smile. "You'll have to try a little harder, sweetie..."

"Hmm..." He brings his head back up to hers, two petals floating up with him. "I have an idea of where to put these, but I think it might be interesting for you to place them where you want."

She taps her chin, humming in thought. After a moment the petals get enveloped in her blue aura, bringing them down to rest on her covered mounds.

He grins, giving her a kiss. "My thoughts exactly." He lets go of her, turning down to her waist. His tongue snakes out of his mouth again, waiting a moment before striking at its targets as it wraps around one of them.

Her back quickly arches in response, and a soft moan escapes her lips. What they don't notice is a tiny drop that leaks out of the peak and onto the petal.

Scraping the top of the mound as it does so, Rhino's tongue draws the petal back in. "As he chews it, he gets a thoughtful look on his face. "Hmm..."

She covers her mouth with a hoof, eyes twinkling in curiosity. "What's on your mind, sweetie?"

"A particular odd sweet taste that I've had before, but I could never remember the source..." He looks to the other rose-covered teat. "Hmm..." He bends down, taking the petal with a little more pressure than the first one, but still gently.

She moans sweetly before her hoof muffles her, feeling her mound express a little more milk than the other, and some directly on his tongue. She smirks behind her leg, her tail swishing beneath him as she waits. "A good 'odd'?"

"I think so..." He clearly sees and tastes what the source is now. Looking slightly nervous as he pops the damp petal into his mouth, he swallows before turning to his wife. "Is it... ok that I enjoy the taste of your milk?"

Gel giggles brightly, nodding to him. "It is, love. I was hoping you would, anyways..." She trails off, her face burning from her blush.

"Oh?" He tilts his head. "Any particular reason why?"

"I, um..." She turns away slightly, tapping her hooves together. "Y-you could say... it's a little fantasy of mine..."

"Hmm... I do always seem to enjoy your fantasies," he muses as he lightly traces a hoof above her teats.

She shivers at the touch, mewling softly in pleasure. "A-and... I-I snuck you my milk a couple times... j-just to see if you'd like it..." She covers her mouth, mortified that she blurted that out.

His reaction to this is fairly non-chalante as he scoops up another drop and licks it off his hoof. "That does explain the lack of patterns when my milk tasted off... And here I was doing little tests with what I ate before drinking it and paying attention to what milk came from what cow..."

"It didn't come from a cow." She sticks her tongue out. "It came from a changeling. So there."

He nods. "So it did." He leans up kissing her again, more deeply this time before breaking it. "So... I take it you want me to have more?"

The corner of her lips pulls up in a half-smile, and her gaze becomes lidded. "If you want to, sweetie."

"Well, I'd hate to be the one to deny your fantasy..." He slowly moves back down her. "And I do like the taste..."

The nymph bites her lip, trembling in anticipation. Her hindlegs spread slightly, giving him more ease of access.

Reaching the two mounds, he slides her panties down a bit more to expose them to the air completely, a slight shimmer of wetness on their surfaces. With a gentle, slightly hesitant touch, his tongue presses down on one of them.

She coos softly, her hoof resting lightly on top of his head. "A little harder, love... I'll be fine..."

Still not using his lips yet, he presses down and swirls around her teat with his tongue.

Another singular drop leaks out the tip, directly onto his tongue. She moans just as quietly as before, her back arching in pleasure.

Slurping up the drop, he peeks back up to her face, watching it carefully before looking back at his current focus. Leaning down, he locks his lips around the teat, sealing it in and giving the lightest of sucks.

She squeaks, her body spasming slightly as a fair amount of the liquid is drawn into his mouth. At the same time, a small, dark patch on her panties appears.

He swallows the milk in his mouth, licing his lips afterward. "Mmm... tasty. I can see why Ruby loves it."

"She does... but I'm sure she'll be willing to share..." She smirks, rubbing the top of his head. "Of course, we don't have to let her know, either..."

His face scrunches in thought for a moment, something nagging at him. "I... would prefer not to think about this as even potentially depriving her of food... maybe this is just me draining the excess?"

"That's fine with me... so..." She lets her foreleg rest against her chest once more and bats her eyelashes at him. "Care to help me with the excess?"

"I'd love to." With those words, he latches back on, licking the teat inside his mouth just as he used to before they had Ruby. It's just wetter and fuller now. He gives the nipple an experimental long suck to see how Gel reacts.

She moans passionately, and rather loudly, her soft mound releasing another mouthful for him. She bites her lip and closes her eyes tightly, trying to keep herself from making any more outbursts like that.

This however, is the exact opposite of the stallion's cause. His ears are straight up and attentive as he moves to the other teat, swallowing the drink on the way and giving a suck just as long and a little harder once he gets there.

Despite being muffled, her moan is just as passionate, and almost as loud. She gasps for air, panting wantonly as he takes another draw from her needy mounds.

A shiver going down his spine from her moans, the stallion devises a better strategy. He begins a rhythmic pattern of sucking, flicking the top with his tongue, swallowing, and repeating as he massages both teats with his hooves, enjoying their soft-yet-firmness.

She feels as if her body is going into overdrive, her head thrown back and her back arching in ecstasy. Yes, just like that! She pushes her hips up against his lips, her moans starting to edge on delighted squeals.

Now motivated by what he is driving her towards as well as the constant reward of milk, Rhino continues his efforts. Still laying next to her as he does all this, he can feel his own excitement growing as he switches teats, but still plays with the top of the unoccupied one with a hoof.

She can feel the familiar tensing in her belly, her tongue lolling out the corner of her mouth as he rapidly pushes her towards blissful release. I... oh, Luna, I can't last like this!

Teasingly, he thinks back to her. I wonder if these squirt when you release too... guess we'll find out. He wraps his hooves around her teats, squeezing both the one in his mouth and the one not, his horn lighting up and tugging lightly on the nipple his mouth isn't servicing, simulating sucking.

Gel brings a hoof to her lips, biting it to stifle the cry of pleasure as she flies over the edge. Her sky-blue panties swiftly turn dark blue, and her teats indeed spray both his mouth and his cheek at the same time.

Bracing himself and being sure not to choke as she rides out her release, the stallion waits and slowly drinks, his sucking light but maddening on her sensitive areas. Eventually though, her back half falls back to the ground from arching, and he pops his lips off her, looking around at the various liquids dripping off her. This just makes him smile lovingly as he moves back up to her face, giving her a kiss as she comes to. "Sounds like you enjoyed it."

"I did..." She laughs a little, smiling sweetly up at him. "What about you, love?"

His nose flaring once as he smells the results of his efforts soaked into her panties, he answers. "I enjoyed the little snack, quite sweet, and it came with quite a show."

"Oh?" She smirks, her tail idly brushing up between his legs. "I guess your friend enjoyed it, too. I'm glad..."

"Heh, yes, he's quite riled up now." He nuzzles her. "You're just too sexy for him to contain himself..."

"That's so sweet..." Smiling coyly, she rubs his cheek with a cotton-clad hoof. "Why don't we let him play, then? He deserves it, doesn't he?"

He leans into the hoof, humming lightly. "I'd like that..."

"Then go ahead, sweetie..." She reaches under him, stroking the underside of his pride with the edge of a hoof. "Do what feels right."

The stallion shifts, turning onto his back as she works. His length stands tall and proud as he does this, projecting that it is willing, but unsatisfied at the moment.

She tenderly licks along the length of him, moving a hoof down to cup his orbs as she tends to him. She closes her eyes, humming contentedly as she does this, eager to help him feel wonderful.

His tension seems to drain out of him as she works, a relaxed sigh proving her effectiveness. His tail flicks idly beneath him, sometimes flicking up and grazing her neck.

How far would you like me to go, sweetie? She leans up, teasingly tracing the head of his pride with her tongue. Straight over, or just at the edge?

Wouldn't want to go off early during the next part... so over I think... He gives a twitch and shiver as her tongue lightly circles his head.

Fair enough... She giggles brightly, slowly kissing along the underside of his length, punctuating each one with a tiny flick of her tongue against the soft flesh.

His shaft gives a pulse while its owner takes in a long hissing neath, letting it out as a quiet groan. "Doing great, love..."

She smirks slightly as she makes her way back up to the tip, flashing a toothy smile to show him her fangs as they disappear. She doesn't let that sink in, promptly pulling him into her mouth, her tongue dancing around his pride.

As the sudden wave of pleasure assaults his brain and body, the stallion arches his back a lifts his hips up. His eyes roll back into his head momentarily as he lets out another loud groan of appreciation.

She hums around him, carefully bobbing her head along the first few inches of his length. She lovingly sucks and licks, alternating between them every few seconds.

The stallionhood starts getting used to her ministrations, throbbing in time with her. As is usual when they are doing this, Rhino's hooves start to get a little fidgety for lack of anything to do, so one of them moves down and begins stroking Gel's mane.

She sighs quietly, pulling away and leaning into his hoof. She coos sweetly, her ears twitching slightly as her own sock-clad hooves continue to tenderly stroke him.

Laying back, he continues rubbing her head, simply enjoying the feeling of the slowly increasing pressure in his loins. As he watches her, he comments. "You know... you're adorable when your ears twitch."

She blushes brightly, a shy smile on her lips. T-thank you... you're cute with some milk on your lips. She sticks her tongue out at him before leaning over and licking up a drop of liquid from the tip of his pride.

His length twitching mightily in response to the lick, he continues speaking. "You did give me a lot to work with... practically an all-you-can-drink tap."

To be fair, your tongue helped get most of that from them... She pops just the flared tip of his length into her mouth, sucking gently and licking the tiny slit at the tip once more. I hope I can get some of my own favorite milk, though... She playfully bats her eyelashes at him. Pretty please?

Trying to crack a smile but ending up coming out as more of a wince as the pleasure goes straight up his spine. Still, the smile returns after a moment once he gathers his thoughts to speak. "Of course... you'll have to keep working for it though." He winks.

As soon as he says this, she chuckles, starting to pull off him. If that's what it takes... She switches directions, swiftly pulling the whole of his pride into her mouth. Her nose bumps up against his belly with just enough force to elicit a small squeak from her throat.

His breath hitches as he feels the warmth of her mouth envelope him. His length twitches and pulses rapidly inside her, but nothing more. Though he tries to stop himself, he can't help but give a slight upward thrust.

She pulls herself off slowly, pausing for breath with just the tip between her lips. Then, just as quickly as before, she hilts him inside her, moaning softly as she repeats this action, her tongue slowly wrapping and stroking around the warm flesh in her mouth, his musk starting to overwhelm her senses.

The pseudo thrusts start working their magic on the stallion, pressure gathering in his length. He lets out a grunt everytime she goes down now, his mind going cloudier and cloudier as time passes.

After a few minutes, she stops, pulling nearly all the way off him. She teasingly flicks her tongue over the tip once more, giggling brightly. I wonder if I should stop... what do you think, love?

Feeling himself teetering on the edge of release, the stallion growls out. "I think... you're going to make it difficult to stay gentle like I was planning in round two..."

Oh? She pulls completely off, tenderly licking the length between her forehooves. And if I stop completely?

After a moment of gathering his frustrated thoughts, he responds in a husky voice. "Then I guess you're going to learn how to muffle yourself, otherwise your screams may wake up the little ones."

She stops mid-lick, smirking slyly at him and letting go of him. "What's to say I don't want that?" She brings over a small towel, waving it to him playfully. "I think this can muffle my noises well enough..."

"So can this," he sticks out his tongue for a moment, "even if it is the cause half the time."

"True." She quickly moves up his body, passionately kissing him. I do prefer this, anyways. She reaches down, pressing his pride against his belly as she strokes along it. As well as this...

His hips buck against her hoof as she strokes, trying to stimulate themselves more to cross the final line. At the same time, the hoof that had been stroking her mane moves lower down on her, barely able to reach her flanks and grab them.

She pulls her hoof away and moans sweetly into the kiss, pushing back against his hoof. "Naughty colt... trying to finish so soon?" She pulls away and lays down on her back, her tail flicking idly as she watches him between her legs, her voice turning sultry. "And here I thought you wanted me like this..."

His eyes narrow at her as he suddenly flips onto his hooves, closing the distance between them. Positioning himself above her, he touches her nose with his own as he speaks quietly, pressing his tip up against the soaked fabric of her panties as he does so. "You are just being a tease tonight, aren't you?" He lightly kisses her.

"I try." She bucks her hips up, groaning softly in need. "You're making that a little hard, though..."

"You should probably brace yourself then." He shifts his hips a bit, his tip moving the panties to one side without pulling them down. Suddenly, he locks his lips with hers, thrusting all the way in with the same motion and flooding her with his seed as he drives himself over the edge.

She squeals in ecstasy, her legs clutching his hips, holding him close so he won't pull out. She pants softly as she breaks the kiss, her cheeks flushed bright blue. "Darn... I was hoping you'd rut me..." She sticks her tongue out teasingly.

"Who says I still won't?" He gently kisses her before continuing. "This way, I can focus more on making this session long, gentle, and romantic. Probably still a bit of rutting at some points though." He punctuates the last statement with a nip on her neck.

The nymph shivers, mewling softly at the touch. "I-I look forward to it, love..." She brings up a hoof, sheepishly trying to clean up some of the milk transferred onto her cheek from their previous kisses.

His tongue snakes out and licks it up before she can get to it. "I might want a second round of that as well... if you have more to give of course."

She shyly smiles at him, nodding eagerly. "I'd like that, too... and I'm sure I have more..."

"Well then," he kisses her once more, shifting his hips and grinning at how she squeaks because of it. "Let's keep going then."