Not Everyone Gets a Happily Ever After in Equestria

by Nyx_Enchanted_Zandra

A Starry Spark (6)

"The question is, WHO would leave a sack in the middle of the Everfree forest? Actually, who would leave a PONY in a sack in the middle of the Everfree forest? That's just plain-out crazy," Nyx muttered behind the tree she had scrambled behind when the sack wriggled. "Unless that pony's been kidnapped!" The conclusion made sense, no pony liked to be in the Everfree for too long. "Hey you! You in the sack! Are you ok?" A muffled reply reached Nyx's ears. "I'm going to get you out, ok? Ok? Uh, hello?"

"Just get me out of this sack," The sack cried. "I want to get out!" Nyx immediately rushed over and untied the double knot on the top of the sack. The young filly inside rushed out, stirring up some dust. She stood before Nyx, a pure-white pegasus speckled with yellow stars over her body. Her tail and mane streamed rainbows, almost creating a glow in the dim morning light. She took a few deep breaths, clearly showing she'd been in the sack for a while. She raised her head and said,"Who are you?"

"Oh, me?" Nyx said with a bit of embarrassment.
"Well, duh! There's no pony else around," she retorted with a sneer.
"Sorry, I'm just..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm Starspark. I can fly super fast. I bet you can't catch me!" And with that the young filly zoomed off the ground, clearly making her point. "See? I'm already up here," she shouted down to the forest below.

"Yeah... I can see," Nyx ended. Starspark landed gracefully on the ground, like a feather floating in air. Nyx envied her confidence. She never felt like she could possess that feeling of positivity, considering how her parents never showed enthusiasm towards her talents. Her ears drooped with misery.

"Hello? Equestria to pegasus? Did you fall asleep or something? You zoned out," Starspark said.
"Uh... Oh.. Sorry,"
"I forgive you for your terrible crime against ponykind," she said in a sophisticated tone. Nyx felt amused. Whoever this "Starspark" was, she sure knew how to amuse somepony pretty quick.
"Well, my name's..." Nyx panicked. She didn't want to tell Starspark her real name, she just... didn't. She had to make up one quick. It'd be easy since she didn't even have a cutie mark to go with it. "Uh... my name is... Dawn Flight!"
"Dawn Flight?" Starspark sat down with a puzzled look. "Cool. Hey, do you know where I can go to get out of this forest? It's not really my favorite place to be in." As she spoke, bushes' leaves rustled nearby. A twig snapped, signifying somepony's presence.