
by DarkFang116

Chapter 7: The pretender to the thrown vs. the protector of Earth

Spike couldn't breathe; his lungs were carrying too much water as the figure that pulled him in continued in drowning him. Spike could only think of one thing, Twilight ...

"What!!!! Come on Godzilla, I thought you could swim, I thought you were the great king of monsters," the figure smirked, "You grew weaker didn't you? HA, pathetic. This proves that I'm the better Zilla."

Spike couldn't reply back for he couldn't breathe water nor speak in it, he was full of fear. Who is he? Who is Godzilla? Why is he trying to drown me? Wait, did he speak in water?

The figure looked reptilian and dinosaur looking, not to mention huge, "Come on Godzilla, don't you remember me? It's me, the American Godzilla and king of all monsters. You, my little pretender, are the Japanese Godzilla and my enemy. You are gonna die kiddo." The American Godzilla laughed, all wickedly with a creepy smile.

Spike couldn't hold on anymore, he was going to die now without saying goodbye to his friends or Twilight, it was all over. Spike let out one final gasp as he closed his eyes, everything went black and he was about to pass out, about to enter heaven. Suddenly his lungs were filled with fresh air, not in the water that he resided before. Spike opened his eyes and saw the lake and the forest; he was high up in the air. He hadn't realized it but something was holding on to Spike. Spike turned to see a huge moth with rainbow-colored wings, blue crystal eyes, and pincers. Spike felt yet again fear and tried to kick and scream.

The moth was losing her grip and tried to calm Spike down, "Whoa, whoa, hold on there Zilla, it's ok, I'm friendly. I am Mothra and your father's old friend." Spike, after hearing all this, still continued to kick. Mothra sighed, "And I also saved your life"

Spike had stopped screaming and kicking, the moth creature is right, she did save me. A roar had brought Spike's and Mothra's attention to the lake, where a ticked off overgrown lizard once lied.


Mothra knew that he was being serious and that he was to kill Spike so she had only one thing to do, "Well then, you're going to have to get through me if you want Zilla."

Spike was a little mad himself for one reason only, "WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME ZILLA AND GODZILLA, MY NAME IS SPIKE!!!!"

Mothra landed 5 feet away from the lake and dropped off Spike, flying back in the air. The American Godzilla was smiling, "HA HA, like killing two birds with one stone." Zilla (American Godzilla) stood out of the lake and roared. The fight had begun.

Mothra charged at Zilla with great speed, but Zilla was quicker as he moved out of Mothra's way. Mothra swooped back into the air and was ready for another charge. Zilla wouldn't allow it though and charged up his special power, blowing green fire at Mothra. Mothra dodged his attack, but Zilla kept shooting the sky to hit his target. Mothra used her mystic powers and shot some energy at Zilla, minorly injuring him. Zilla growled in anger, "Is that all you got?"

Zilla roared and dived into the water, going all the way at the bottom. Mothra couldn't see where he went, the water's shine blinding her sight. Right behind her Zilla had emerged and jumped high in the air. Mothra was too late as Zilla hopped onto her back, digging his claws into her wings and pulling her down with his weight. Mothra and Zilla crashed into the lake, Zilla still holding onto Mothra. Mothra used all her might to pry Zilla off of her, but Zilla was too strong, Mothra was about to lose.

Spike knew that Zilla had a bigger advantage against Mothra due to her being an insect and the battle was taking place near water, so he had to help her. Spike closed his eyes and hopped into the water where the battle was commencing. Spike opened his eyes and, unlike last time which was all blurred, could see underwater and saw Zilla over Mothra, drowning her like he did to Spike only more painful. Spike was full of fear yet again, but this time worry over his moth friend had taken over the fear and spike swam towards Zilla.

Zilla was too busy with Mothra that he hadn't noticed Spike coming near him. Zilla was about to blow Mothra's head off with his fire when he felt a bit of pain on his tail. "YEEEEOOOOOOOOOWWW." Zilla roared. He turned to see Spike nibbling on the lizard's tail. Zilla's face turned red with rage, "So you wanna join the fight do ya?"

Zilla fling Spike out of the water, Spike now tossed in the air. Zilla had dropped his grip on Mothra and headed to the surface. Spike screamed for a couple seconds until he hit the sandy beach with his face. Zilla surfaced and started to walk towards the baby dragon, face showing his rage, "YOU HAVE THE GAUL TO FACE ME. I AM ZILLA, THE KING OF MONSTERS AND YOU ARE A LOW-LIFE P-"

Zilla's speech was cut off as his face was getting burned by Spike. Zilla couldn't speak, only growl. Even though his fire stopped the speech, Spike's green dragon fire couldn't even hurt him, Spike was scared to his wits. Zilla took a step back, launching himself towards Spike with full-on rage, roaring to the heavens as loud as he could. Spike couldn't think, he couldn't even move. Zilla was so close, it seemed as if nothing could stop this behemoth, until Spike screamed, "NOOOOOOO!!!!" As Spike yelled he also shot a radioactive beam of blue fire at Zilla, burning him all into oblivion and dust. Spike opened his eyes to see a non-scary Gummy the toothless alligator sitting in the leftover dust, looking at Spike. Mothra emerged from the lake and was ready to attack when she saw only Spike and a pile of ash.

Spike stared at Gummy for a little bit before saying, "Gummy? This is weird."