//------------------------------// // Not Your Average Morning // Story: A Human's Guide To Equestria // by Hidden_Blade_Attack //------------------------------// My eyes burst open at the sound of my ringing alarm clock. My mind is working fast to process what that means. I quickly hit the snooze. I remember it's reminding me to wake up for school. I force myself to sit upright. I could see my dog, Riley, laying at my feet looking at me with grumpy eyes asking me why did I do this to him. I sigh and rub my hands all over my face trying to wipe away the black whole of reality. I had the dream again, the dream where I'm a pony in Equestria and all is good. My silly dream that could never come true. But then I heard the bed calling my name to return to it, to sleep for just 5 more minutes. But knowing me, I would easily sleep in for another hour no problem. My body slowly falls back into the bed. It doesn't really matter, my dad will be yelling at me to wake up any second. Yes, any second he will yell his usual 'Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.' I found it silly that he still does that. I felt my dog put his head back down meaning that he figured that he wants 5 more minutes as well. My mind starts emptying and my body begins powering down as my I drift back into sleep. 'How come my dad hasn't yelled yet?' I force myself up again. I then rethink my week, is today a day off, a weekend? No, yesterday was only Monday. Are my parents busy? No, they never really are. Then what's going on. Whatever it's probably just a rare occasion where they didn't wake. I force myself up again and sit at the end of my bed, I stretch and force a yawn. I look over to see Riley getting up as well. I guess I'll just go with the usual routine. I walk over to the washroom and splash water into my face to wake me up some more. The water feels super fresh and crisp... if that makes sense... The water trickles down my face and I feel pretty refreshed. I walk out and go downstairs for breakfast, I get the bowl and spoon and pour in some frosted flakes before adding the finishing touch, milk... which seems to gone. We must be out... of everything? I look around the fridge and notice that it's completely emptied. I look back at my bowl and see that I never poured anything in. Whoops, I guess we need to go shopping. I go over to the shelves and find a discarded granola bar. I shrug and eat it. Chocolate chips, baloney, this stuff doesn't taste good like chocolate at all! I go over to the couch and turn on the TV. Weird, nothing on, fricken dad never payed the cable bill, way to go! That is like the second time this year! I angrily throw the remote and finish the crap granola bar. I go back to my room and get dressed in a red hoodie and jeans. I look out my window to see that it's bright day out. Weird, it looks very different. I don't really recognize the landscape. I rub my eyes and see that it's still the same. I pick up my phone and try to text my friend, no reception. Did my dad seriously not pay the phone bill too?! Oh well, that's what facebook is for. I try out facebook. No internet signal... OKAY! I CAN HANDLE NO FOOD, NO TV, NO PHONE, AND EVEN A RANDOM LANDSCAPE I DON'T RECOGNIZE, BUT I WILL NOT STAND FOR NO INTERNET!!!! I march down the hallway and burst open my parents door to their room. My eyes widen with shock, there not there... no note, no nothing, there just gone... What is going on....is this some sort of dream or a joke. Then I hear a knock at my door. I slowly walk over to the door. Am I the only survivor of a zombie apocalypse? Oh crap. I slowly turn the knob and open the door. My jaw nearly hits the ground, it's no zombie but it's equally crazy. A grey pony is standing at the door. I instantly know who the mare is, it's Derpy from My Little Pony... but how. Before I can fully process what I see, the pony screams and flies off as fast as she can. I just watch as she becomes a little dot in the sky. I then redirect my eyes to in front of me. I'm staring into a town, Ponyville it looks like. My house is in the middle of Ponyville... Ponies begin noticing me and run away and screaming. I quickly shut the door as my heart thumps as fast as it can and my breathing becomes sharp. I'm freakin out!!!!!!! I walk over and sit on the couch. My mind begins racing. How do I get home? Is there even a way home? How'd I get here? Are ponies actually sexy? Wait a second. This is a dream come true! It's just like those fanfics I read! A human pops up in Equestria and befriends the main 6 and gets an awesome pony girlfriend and Spike is a bro. This is awesome. I should get a little more presentable, also the way they ran terrified. I should probably show them that I'm peaceful. How though... I don't care I just want to hang out with Rainbow Dash, learn from Twilight, have tea with Fluttershy, meet the princess. HOLY COW! I'M IN EQUESTRIA! I looked at my self. I think I look good enough for a first impression. I quickly run to my room to see Riley still asleep. "Wake up boy!" I yell. He slowly lifts his head. "Come on don't be like that. We're in Equestria! I don't care if I'm insane or dreaming we got to make the best of it!" I run back to the door as I put my phone is my pocket. I wait a second and still Riley isn't down. What a lazy dog. I whistle and call for him. He comes running down as he waits for me to open the door. "Let's do this!" I open the door to reveal Ponyville. My eyes practically popping out of my head as I see Twilight just a ways off with Spike beside her. I can barely contain myself as I walk up to her. She looks scared and steps back. "What is that?" Spike asked. "My name is Samual, I'm a human!" I say shaking with excitement. "It can talk?" Twilight says. "Yeah- Oh my god it's Rainbow Dash!" I yell as I see her land near by. I start running at her to see her but before I get there my legs wrap up and I trip. "Not so fast!" I hear a familiar southern voice say. I should have known not to do that. I sit up and see that my legs are wrapped in a rope. I then hear Riley start barking at Applejack see as though she tripped me. "Hey back off!" Applejack warns but Riley barks louder and advances. "Riley stop! Sit, come here! Roll over?!" My commands are not met and he continues barking. I get up balancing on my tied legs. This isn't going to plan, I need to make myself look peaceful but friggen Riley won't shut up. "It looks pretty dangerous!" Spike exclaimed. "Maybe it's a friendly creature though." I heard a soft voice say. I turn to see Fluttershy there. "I knew you'd come through Fluttershy!" I said happily. "How does it know my name?" Fluttershy asked backing away. Dang it! I finally get my legs free and start making my way to Riley. "Hey stay still until otherwise ordered!" Rainbow Dash yelled flying up to my face. I could hear Riley barking a bit more aggressively, I need to calm him down. "Not now!" I say as I push her aside. I heard an 'oof'. I didn't mean to push that hard, it's either I'm really strong or their light. I finally get to Riley who is barking non-stop at an agitated Applejack. But then I get hoof punched in the face. I fall flat on my back as my cheek begins to throb. "Not cool!" I yelled at Dash who was the one who hit me. "Enough!" I heard Twilight say. A purple aura surrounded Dash and she was pulled away and a force field surrounded me and Riley. "We have to do this in a peaceful way. The creature is obviously intelligent enough to talk to." She said as Dash calmed down. "Thank you Twi- pony. You got to understand that I am peaceful!" I say as I step forward. But I accidentally hit the force field and it disappears instantly. "Wait, what?" Twilight yelled. She tried another one but broke on contact on me. She tried again, and again. But the same result. "What is it Twilight?" Spike asked. "M-my magic has no effect on it, it's invulnerable to magic..." She said with a freaked out face. I never really thought of that. I guess it must be weird for them considering there world revolves around magic. I knew this was getting out of had fast. All of a sudden a rope wrapped around my neck and tightened with caused me to fall from the choke. "Now no more movin', or Ah'll pull!" I heard Applejack say. Now I heard Riley growl since I was hurt, he was very protective of me. I grabbed the rope around my neck and pulled on it trying to release the choking grasp. "Hey, what did she say?!" Rainbow Dash said getting in my face but she fell from her flight and ran back. "Don't get to close, it seems to disable any near by magic including pegasi!" Twilight warned. I tried to say something but the rope was too tight. I felt it grow tighter. Riley finally had enough and ran at Applejack. She quickly reacted by bucking Riley to the ground. That's it! I've had enough of this crap! I grabbed the rope with all my might and to my surprise ripped it from my neck. I took a deep breath of air before getting up. "Nobody, or pony hurts my dog!" I yelled at Applejack. "I'll get the authorities!" Rarity said running off. "Stay back!" Applejack warned. I only kept going, I wasn't sure the punishment, but I knew that wasn't right. She turned and bucked at me, but I caught her legs, and with surprisingly little effort, I threw her at least 7 metres. There was no way I could do that, maybe I'm like super man and have gained power from Equestrian sun. Probably not, but something close like that. Riley got up mostly unfazed thankfully. "Stay over there!" Twilight begged. I just ran off, I heard Riley do one last bark before following me. I ran to the house I barely got away from and slammed the door. I turned to see Riley sitting there panting. He was a golden retriever, he was smart,brave, and loyal. I'm glad he got to come with me. But this was all wrong! I am suppose to befriend them but instead I botched it up and now I'm seen as a huge threat. I think I still have a chance to turn this around. But for now I decided to practice my strength so I went over and tried lifting my couch, I did it with relative ease. I knew now that no matter what happened I would get through this. "Don't worry boy, we got this!" I told him and he barked in response. I could only imagined he said something like, "We got this bro!"